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  1. #3226
    Administrator und mehr Avatar von scribble
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    Falls Ihr noch Yuri-Manga für Euer Programm sucht, ist mMn Sasame Kikoto (ささめきこと) einen Blick wert. Die Serie von Takashi Ikeda (いけだたかし) wird im Monthly Comic Alive bei Media Factory vorveröffentlicht, an Tankobon gibt es bisher drei.

    Die fünfzehnjährige Sumika ist sportlich, eine gute Schülerin, Klassensprecherin und bei ihren Mitschülern eine Mischung aus beliebt und gefürchtet (im Karate-Dojo ihrer Eltern hat sie so einiges gelernt...). Von Sumikas starker Schulter profitiert auch ihre beste Freundin Kazama. Die verknallt sich ständig in süße Mädchen, tut das lautstark kund und wird mal um mal abgewiesen. Dann weint sie sich bei Sumika aus. Was Kazama aber nicht weiß ist, wie weh sie ihrer Freundin damit tut. Denn heimlich ist Sumika unsterblich in Kazama verliebt, aber sie traut sich nicht, ihrer Freundin ihre Gefühle zu gestehen - denn in das Schema "süßes Mädchen" passt sie, zumindest ihrer eigenen Meinung nach, absolut nicht...

    Band 1 auf der Webseite der Media Factory (japanisch)
    Band 1, Band 2, Band 3 bei Amazon Japan

    Noch die Cover (von Amazon)

    Bis dann,

    If you have enough book space, I don't want to talk to you - Terry Pratchett

    Populistische Vereinfachungen und autokratische Durchgriffsideologien verheißen, den Zumutungen der modernen Welt schadlos entkommen zu können.
    Deswegen machen sie den sachlichen Diskurs ebenso verächtlich wie die methodische Wahrheitssuche und die Begründungsbedürftigkeit von Geltungsansprüchen.

    - Peter Strohschneider, Präsident der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft

  2. #3227
    Mitglied Avatar von Aya-tan
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    Manhuas an die Macht!

    Divine Melody von Yi Huan (bisher 7 Bände)
    Genre: Adventure Drama Fantasy Gender Bender Historical Shoujo
    Dies ist ein wunderbares Märchen, welches in historischen Zeiten spielt mit beeindruckenden Legenden. Der starke und aktive Junge Duo Xi und das sanfte junge Mädchen Xiao Que leben in einem Dorf am Fuße eines Berges, welcher laut Legenden weibliche Fuchsdämoninnen beherbergt. Unter den Füchsinnen ist die besondere Cai Sheng - ein kleines Fuchsmädchen mit der Macht eines Tages zum Mann und Vater für Fuchskindern zu werden, was nur die Mächtigsten vorbehalten ist. Cai Sheng ist einsam, da sie niemanden in ihrem Alter hat, mit dem sie spielen kann, so steigt sie in das Dorf herab und spielt mit den beiden Kindern. Als ein Hund die kleine Füchsin angriff, halfen ihr die beiden Kinder. Nun sind diese geprägt, dies wird so bleiben bis Cai Sheng ihre Schuld zurückzahlt. 200 Jahre später ist Cai Sheng mächtiger und beherrscht nun die Kunst, sich in einen Mann zu verwandeln ... und sie steht noch immer in der Schuld der inzwischen wiedergeborenen Kinder.

    Little Witch's Diary von Yi Huan (2 Bände)
    Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo
    Nach einer fehlgeschlagenen Jugendpille verwandelt sich die hübsche Pozsi, eine Bewohnerin im Feenland, in ein kleines Mädchen. Sie trifft sich mit dem schönen und freundlichen Prinzen Yvrin, aber wie wird er reagieren, wenn er sieht, dass seine geliebte Pozsi zum Kind geworden ist? Existiert überhaupt ein Heilmittel?
    Diese Serie verweist auf viele Märchengeschichten mit eigenen kleinen Wendungen und zeigen die berühmten Märchen von einer ganz anderen Perspektive, nämlich aus der, der Hexe.

    Spirit of the Ocean von Yi Huan (9 Bände)
    Genre: Historical Romance Shoujo
    Die Geschichte spielt in der Ming Dynastie. Die Hauptperson ist die jugendliche, extrovertierte Ning Hai, die in einer Piratenfamilie als Tochter des Anführers aufgewachsen ist. Eines Tages als sie zusammen mit einer Gruppe von Piraten ein spanisches Schiff überfallen wollten als ihr Vater gerade nicht da war, traf sie den Briten Michael, der mit den Spaniern reiste. Der Mann tauschte gerne das ganze Schiff samt Schätze gegen eine Karte von China.
    Später wurde ein Freund von Hai vom neuen Polizeiinspektor Shao ZhiSiün gefangen genommen. Sie schlich sich davon, um ihren Freund zu retten ... aber teilte schließlich dasselbe Schicksal wie ihr Freund. Währenddessen traf sie abermals auf Michael. Als Hais Vater hörte, dass seine Tochter vom Polizeiinspektor festgehalten wurde, wollte er diesen bestechen, aber der Inspektor biss nicht an. So wagte ihr Vater einen Bluff und sagte, dass es ihn nicht wirklich interessiere, was mit den beiden passiert. Er dachte, dass seine Tochter alleine sich aus dem Schlamassel holen kann. Michael half Hai ihre Identität zu verbergen, so dass Shao glaubte, dass Hai und ihr Freund unschuldige Zivilisten seien, die dazugezwungen wurden den Piraten beizutreten und für sie zu arbeiten.

    Real Fake Princess von Yi Huan (5 Bände)
    Genre: Drama Historical Romance Shoujo
    Die Geschichte beginnt während der Sung Dynastie. Das Land befindet sich im Chaos wegen der Jin Kang Rebellion. Da man eine mögliche Tötung fürchtet, die folgen kann, vertraut die Konkubine Liu mit Tränen in den Augen ihre Tochter, die Prinzessin Yi Fu, den normalen Bürger Tang Hui an. Dieser flieht mit dem Baby in Richtung Süden und so blieb der Verbleib der Prinzessin im Dunkeln.
    10 Jahre später waren die Tang wieder an der Macht und wünscht, dass alle Familienmitglieder, die geflohen waren, zurückkehrten. Aber Zi Li ist glücklich mit ihrem jetzigen Leben. Sie weiß, wenn sie zurückkehrt, müsste sie ihre Liebe aufgeben; für einen Bauern war dies einfach unmöglich, eine Prinzessin zu umwerben. Es ist ebenso verpönt, wenn eine Palastwache eine Prinzessin umwirbt. Zhong Lu, ein gefeierter Krieger, der die Aufgabe hat die Echtheit der Prinzessin zu prüfen, interessieren solche Dinge nur am Rande, da Zi Li ihm nicht mehr aus dem Kopf geht.

    Fantastic Tales von Yi Huan (5 Bände)
    Genre: Fantasy, Shoujo
    Chaos störte Zhong-Yuan als Heidi, der schwarze Kaiser, den Thron bestieg und der Rest der Wulin so ruhig waren wie ein Ozean ohne Wellen. Xin Moyi und Xu Xuan haben Hua Yuan Shan verlassen, um an einem Martial-Art-Kongress teilzunehmen, bald darauf trafen sie auf Yue Ling Long, ein junges Mädchen von Moyue Shan. Sie ist diejenige, die beide Welten verändern wird...

    F.O.X. (5 Bände)
    F.O.X. II von Os Rabbit Cat, A-Bao (6 Bände)
    Genre: Adventure Fantasy Romance Shoujo
    Tiem Sum sieht versehentlich einen süßen silbernen Fuchs wie er sich in einen Mann verwandelt. Er konfrontiert sie damit und sagt ihr, dass sie ihn heiraten müsse, weil sie ihn nackt gesehen habe. Er sucht außerdem seinen verlorenen Bruder während er um Sum wirbt.

    Vampire Master von Lily Chou-Chou/ Os Rabbit Cat (bisher 2 Bände)
    Genre: Comedy Fantasy Romance Shoujo Supernatural
    Die heißblütige Teilzeitjägerin Yan Zi Ying mit einem starken Gerechtigkeitssinn arbeitet jeden Tag, um den Frieden zwischen Dämonen und den Menschen zu bewahren. Eines Tages wird ihrem Großvater vom Hauptquartier erzählt, dass das Siegel bald brechen wird. Um dies zu verhindern und das heilige Buch mit Gewalt an sich zu bringen, gehen Zi Ying und der fette Papagei Xiu Shou direkt zum Anführer, dem Vampir Yu Wen Hao, der ihr überraschenderweise aber das Buch freiwillig übergibt.

    My Prince-sama von Shiu Wan (5 Bände)
    Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo, Supernatural
    Tsubomis Mutter verließ die Welt der Geister vor langer Zeit, um in der Menschenwelt zu leben. Tsubomi interessierte es immer, warum sie dort bleiben möchte und nicht zurückkehrt. Tsubomi landete wegen eines Unfalls in der Menschenwelt, wird sie ihre Mutter finden und zurückkehren können?

    Mushroom College von Shiu Wan (4 Bände)
    Genre: Comedy, Romance, Shoujo, School Life
    Lin ist eine gewöhnliche Schülerin in der Oberschule, die schwer in Daiwen, einen berühmten TV-Host, verliebt ist. Der Popsänger Gonjieh, der Daiwens Rivale ist, wechselte vor 6 Monaten ins Mushroom College. Phoebe und Jia sind Lins beste Freundinnen und landeten glücklicherweise in derselben Klasse. Weniger gut ist die Tatsache, dass Lienze, die Nr. 1 der Störenfriede in ihrer Schule und Lin schrecklich zusetzt, auch in ihrer Klasse ist. Allerdings ist es noch nicht mal das Schlimmste, denn Lins Onkel taucht auf und nach ihrer Aussage, ist er die Wurzel allen Übels. Wird Lin dies überleben?

    7 Seeds/ Aku no Kyouten/ All Out!!/ Amatsuki/ Dendrobates/ Dolls/ Fukushuu o Koinegau Saikyou Yuusha wa, Yami no Chikara de Senmetsu Musou Suru/ Gold/ Hare Kon./ Husk of Eden/ Ichi/ Ilegenes/ Juuza Engi/ Kami no Shizuku/ Kurosagi Shitai Takuhaibin/ Mother Keeper/ Musashi #9/ Ouroboros/ Shimauma/ Shounen Mahoushi/ Silver/ Taimashin: The Red Spider Exorcist/ The Embalmer/ Your Throne

  3. #3228
    Mitglied Avatar von Spider Sniper
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    Autor: Kazunari Kakei
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Bände: abgeschlossen mit 9 Bänden
    Genre: Shounen
    Nora is a demon who often doesn't acknowledge the authority of the Lord of the Hell. Because of that he is sent to the human world where he becomes bound to Kazuma.

    Meitantei Pashiri-kun!
    Autoren: Wine Hinamatsuri und UMETAMAGO
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: zurzeit 1
    Genres: Adventure, Mystery, Romance, School Life

    Mukougawa no Masaka
    Autor: Amadori
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: zurzeit 1
    Genres: Action, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-fi, Shounen

    Full Ahead! Coco
    Autor: Hideyuki Yonehara
    Verlag: Akita Shoten
    Bände: abgeschlossen mit 29 Bänden
    Genre: Comedy, Shounen
    This is the story of Coco, an orphan kid who wanted to be a pirate, and his role model, "Crazy" Barts, a pirate without a port who is feared by the peasants but despised by the other pirates.

    Autoren: Kei Tsuchiya und Masaki Nonoya
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: zurzeit 1
    Genres: Mystery, Shounen, Supernatural

    Monster Hunter Orage
    Autor: Hiro Mashima
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: zurzeit 1
    Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen
    Based on Capcom's Monster Hunter game.

    Holy Talker
    Autor: Rando Ayamine
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: zurzeit 1
    Genres: Action, Ecchi, Fantasy, Shounen
    Who must be protected is still an immature "holy mother". Who must be cleansed is a demon who leads people astray. The one who carries this burden is the student council's vanguard division. The school ground turns into the stage. The curtain of the exorcists' battle has opened!

    Honoka Lv. Up!
    Autoren: Akiyoshi Ohta und MATSUDA98
    Verlag: MediaWorks
    Bände: abgeschlossen mit 4 Bänden
    Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, School Life
    As a lonely girl who draws for fun, Honoka was just a regular student until the day her uncle, Ryuichi, hired her to work as a character designer at his newly created game company. Now thrust into a complex, corporate world, newcomer Honoka begins to learn the ins and outs of the video game industry: the politics involved, each person’s responsibilities, and how a game is put together.

    It’s a lot to take in, but one thing’s for sure—she’s going to step up her game if she wants to succeed, as putting together a video game is no easy task!

    Autoren: Dal Young Im und Kwang Hyun Kim
    Verlag: Kill Time Communication
    Bände: bisher 2
    Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Ecchi, Romance, Seinen, Supernatural
    Beings from a different dimension have started a war with mankind. To counter this threat an academy called "Genetics" that trains female warriors called "Pandora" who can wield special weaponry and armor was formed. Kazuya Aoi decided to enroll in this school because of a promise with his sister, an outstanding alumnus who died in battle. There he meets Bridgette L. Satellizer nicknamed "The Untouchable Queen" due to her solitary demeanor but also the top student of the academy whose battle simulation streak was undefeated until he came...and slowly changed her.

    Autor: Taishi Miyake
    Verlag: Kadokawa Shoten
    Bände: abgeschlossen mit 6 Bänden
    Gernes: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, School Life, Supernatural
    Itsuki Minamori has fallen asleep in class and dreams about a girl from his past. He is awakened by Haruna a girl who apparently has a crush on him, but her friend Chihaya Yuuki tells her to stay away from this boy. He explains that he's spent his life being followed by evil ghosts and during the exposition, another one shows up.

  4. #3229
    Mitglied Avatar von Spider Sniper
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    Autor: Kazunari Kakei
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Bände: abgeschlossen mit 9 Bänden
    Genre: Shounen
    Nora is a demon who often doesn't acknowledge the authority of the Lord of the Hell. Because of that he is sent to the human world where he becomes bound to Kazuma.

    Meitantei Pashiri-kun!
    Autoren: Wine Hinamatsuri und UMETAMAGO
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: zurzeit 1
    Genres: Adventure, Mystery, Romance, School Life

    Mukougawa no Masaka
    Autor: Amadori
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: zurzeit 1
    Genres: Action, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-fi, Shounen

    Full Ahead! Coco
    Autor: Hideyuki Yonehara
    Verlag: Akita Shoten
    Bände: abgeschlossen mit 29 Bänden
    Genre: Comedy, Shounen
    This is the story of Coco, an orphan kid who wanted to be a pirate, and his role model, "Crazy" Barts, a pirate without a port who is feared by the peasants but despised by the other pirates.

    Autoren: Kei Tsuchiya und Masaki Nonoya
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: zurzeit 1
    Genres: Mystery, Shounen, Supernatural

    Monster Hunter Orage
    Autor: Hiro Mashima
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: zurzeit 1
    Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen
    Based on Capcom's Monster Hunter game.

    Holy Talker
    Autor: Rando Ayamine
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: zurzeit 1
    Genres: Action, Ecchi, Fantasy, Shounen
    Who must be protected is still an immature "holy mother". Who must be cleansed is a demon who leads people astray. The one who carries this burden is the student council's vanguard division. The school ground turns into the stage. The curtain of the exorcists' battle has opened!

    Honoka Lv. Up!
    Autoren: Akiyoshi Ohta und MATSUDA98
    Verlag: MediaWorks
    Bände: abgeschlossen mit 4 Bänden
    Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, School Life
    As a lonely girl who draws for fun, Honoka was just a regular student until the day her uncle, Ryuichi, hired her to work as a character designer at his newly created game company. Now thrust into a complex, corporate world, newcomer Honoka begins to learn the ins and outs of the video game industry: the politics involved, each person’s responsibilities, and how a game is put together.

    It’s a lot to take in, but one thing’s for sure—she’s going to step up her game if she wants to succeed, as putting together a video game is no easy task!

    Autoren: Dal Young Im und Kwang Hyun Kim
    Verlag: Kill Time Communication
    Bände: zurzeit 2
    Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Ecchi, Romance, Seinen, Supernatural
    Beings from a different dimension have started a war with mankind. To counter this threat an academy called "Genetics" that trains female warriors called "Pandora" who can wield special weaponry and armor was formed. Kazuya Aoi decided to enroll in this school because of a promise with his sister, an outstanding alumnus who died in battle. There he meets Bridgette L. Satellizer nicknamed "The Untouchable Queen" due to her solitary demeanor but also the top student of the academy whose battle simulation streak was undefeated until he came...and slowly changed her.

    Autor: Taishi Miyake
    Verlag: Kadokawa Shoten
    Bände: abgeschlossen mit 6 Bänden
    Gernes: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, School Life, Supernatural
    Itsuki Minamori has fallen asleep in class and dreams about a girl from his past. He is awakened by Haruna a girl who apparently has a crush on him, but her friend Chihaya Yuuki tells her to stay away from this boy. He explains that he's spent his life being followed by evil ghosts and during the exposition, another one shows up.

  5. #3230
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    3.3.7 Byooshi von Mitsurou Kubo
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: 10 abgeschlossen
    Genres: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, Shounen
    By all the usual measures, he could be considered a pretty useless guy: a scholastic failure, an athletic disaster, and a chronic loser...but Fukuda Shinichi has one passion: cheering for others!

    The 18-year-old captain of North Kanto Southern High's Cheerleading squad decides to make the most of his summer by attending cram school in Tokyo, only to find out that the whole trip was a sham! Things are looking up when he and his friend meet up with two cute Tokyo girls; too bad the girls brought them to a rip-off bar and took off! Ditched by his one remaining friend and stuck with an impossibly high bar bill, Fuku-kun's life couldn't get any worse!

    But just then he gets saved by Ume, his role model and former cheerleading squad captain! What is he doing in Tokyo...and why does everyone around seem to know and respect him? Without anywhere else to go, Fuku-kun decides follow Ume to his job, only to discover that...he's a male gigolo?!? Fukuda's summer of cheering others on has begun...and the streets of Tokyo's red-light district will never be the same!

  6. #3231
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    Nach langer abwesenheit hier meine Wünsche an euch

    Maid Senki von RAN (bisher 3 Bände)
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genre: Action, Fantasy

    Amefurashi von Atsushi Suzumi ( 2 Bände)
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genre: Action, Comedy

    Kon Tama von Satoshi Ueda ( 1 Bände)
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, Sci-fi, Shounen

    Robo to Usakichi von Kazue Katou ( 5 Bände)
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genre:Sci-fi, Shounen

    Enten Iroha von Minoru Sasaki ( 6 Bände)
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genre:Action, Adventure, Shounen, Supernatural

    Yuuyami Tokkoutai von Rensuke Oshikiri (bisher 3 Bände)
    Verlag: Kodansha

    Dero Dero von Rensuke Oshikiri (bisher 13 Bände)
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genre:Comedy, Horror, School Life, Supernatural

    Moyashimon von Masayuki Ishikawa (bisher 6 Bände)
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genre: Comedy, School Life, Seinen
    Geändert von Osamushi (05.10.2008 um 13:12 Uhr)

  7. #3232
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    und der Rest von meinen Wünschen

    Trial Ride von Seiji Uozumi (bisher 2 Bände)
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genre: Action

    Sora no Manimani von Mami Kashiwabara (bisher 5 Bände)
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genre: Romance, School Life, Seinen, Slice of Life

    Sengoku Senjutsu Senki Lobos von Akiko Akiyama (bisher 3 Bände)
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genre:Action, Historical, Shounen

    Osamushi Kyouju no Jikenbo von Yamaguchi Yoshinobu (bisher 5 Bände)
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Genre: Shounen, Supernatural

    Nora von Kakei Hajime (9 Bände)
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Genre: Shounen

    Keishichou Tsutsumotase von Masakazu Yamaguchi (1 Band)
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Genre: Ecchi, Seinen

    Seigi no Tobira von Masakazu Yamaguchi (3 Bände)
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Genre: Ecchi, Seinen

  8. #3233
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    Zitat Zitat von scribble Beitrag anzeigen
    Falls Ihr noch Yuri-Manga für Euer Programm sucht, ist mMn Sasame Kikoto (ささめきこと) einen Blick wert. Die Serie von Takashi Ikeda (いけだたかし) wird im Monthly Comic Alive bei Media Factory vorveröffentlicht, an Tankobon gibt es bisher drei.

    Die fünfzehnjährige Sumika ist sportlich, eine gute Schülerin, Klassensprecherin und bei ihren Mitschülern eine Mischung aus beliebt und gefürchtet (im Karate-Dojo ihrer Eltern hat sie so einiges gelernt...). Von Sumikas starker Schulter profitiert auch ihre beste Freundin Kazama. Die verknallt sich ständig in süße Mädchen, tut das lautstark kund und wird mal um mal abgewiesen. Dann weint sie sich bei Sumika aus. Was Kazama aber nicht weiß ist, wie weh sie ihrer Freundin damit tut. Denn heimlich ist Sumika unsterblich in Kazama verliebt, aber sie traut sich nicht, ihrer Freundin ihre Gefühle zu gestehen - denn in das Schema "süßes Mädchen" passt sie, zumindest ihrer eigenen Meinung nach, absolut nicht...

    Band 1 auf der Webseite der Media Factory (japanisch)
    Band 1, Band 2, Band 3 bei Amazon Japan

    Noch die Cover (von Amazon)

    Bis dann,


    Wünsche ich mir auch!!!

  9. #3234
    Mitglied Avatar von Wild Life
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    Hayate no Gotoku! von Kenjiro Hata
    Verlag: Shogakukan
    Bände: 17
    Magazin: Shonen Sunday
    Genre: Action, Comedy, Harem, Romance, School Life, Shounen

    Since the tender age of nine, Hayate Ayasaki has busted his behind at various part-time jobs to support his degenerate gambler parents. And how do they repay their son's selfless generosity? By selling his organs to the yakuza to cover their debts! But fate throws Hayate a bone...sort of.

    Darren Shan von Kenjiro Hata
    Verlag: Shogakukan
    Bände: 9
    Magazin: Shonen Sunday
    Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Shounen

    Darren Shan's an ordinary schoolboy, until he and his best friend Steve get tickets to the Cirque Du Freak, a bizarre freak show featuring such arcane performers. In the midst of the ghoulish excitement, true terror raises its head when Steve recognises that one of the performers -- Mr Crepsley -- is in fact a vampire! That's when the hands of fate changes the lives of them forever!

    Ann Cassandra von Gorou Hifumishi und Gumi Amashi
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: 1
    Magazin: Shonen Rival
    Genre: School Life, Shounen, Supernatural

    Bekku Nanaki is mirror clairvoyant. She moved to Tokyo from the countryside to escape calamities she sees. There she witnesses an accident on the road caused by a mobile fish vendor who saves her life from being crushed by a billboard from above.

    The next day, he turns out to be Banjou Kizaki, her classmate and a student held back due to him being involved in incidents and accidents that others attribute to him being unlucky. His eccentric behavior, however, catches her attention which he explains as changing the future...

    Juhou Kaikin!! Hyde & Crowther von Haro Asou
    Verlag: Shogakukan
    Bände: 2
    Magazin: Shonen Sunday
    Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen, Supernatural

    Shunpei Closer's grandfather, Alsyd Closer, was an odd man. He traveled around the world always coming back to Japan to tell his grandson all the amazing adventures he would have. Before leaving to Africa on Shunpei's 7th birthday, he gives him a teddy bear named Hyde. Six years have passed and one day Shunpei receives a mysterious package that contains a deadly surprise. To survive, he will learn more about his grandfather than he ever dared to dream and learn what it takes to be a real man, and not the coward he always thought it was all right to be.

    Kongou Banchou von Nakaba Suzuki
    Verlag: Shogakukan
    Bände: 3
    Magazin: Shonen Sunday
    Genre: Action, Adventure, Shounen, Supernatural

    The "Diamond Delinquent" Akira Kongō transfers to Shiritsu Raimei High School and desipite his insistence that he isn't a banchō (a Japanese student delinquent and gang leader), he quickly rises in the ranks of Shiritsu Raimei's gang until he becomes leader. Now Akira takes part in schoolyard battles against the bullies and punks from the twenty-three neighboring schools.

    Saikyou! Toritsu Aoizaka Koukou Yakyuubu von Motoyuki Tanaka
    Verlag: Shogakukan
    Bände: 17
    Magazin: Shonen Sunday
    Genre: School Life, Shounen, Sports

    Six years ago following a crushing defeat, a group of friends promise that they will one day take their friend Suzuo to the Koshien. Now in their first year of high school, the friends have reunited behind the pitcher Kitarō Kitaōji to keep their promise. With Suzuo as their manager and Kitarō's signature left handed, underhand "Submarine Pitch", they may just go all the way.

  10. #3235
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    Ich wünsch mir mal nen Ribon Titel und zwar:

    'Kimi wa Sakamichi no Tochuu de' von Aki Mochida
    Bände: bisher 1

  11. #3236
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    Girl Friends
    Autor: Morinaga Milk (Auch bekannt als Morinaga Miruku)
    Verlag: Futabasha (Comic High)
    Genre: Drama, Ecchi, School Life, Shoujo Ai, Yuri
    (2 Bände, laufend)

    Kisses, Sighs and Cherry-Blossom Pink (Kuchiliru Tameiki Sakurairo)
    Autor: Morinaga Milk
    Verlag: Jchijinsha (Yuri Hime)
    Genre: Drama, School Life, Yuri
    (1 Band, abgeschlossen)

    Himitsu Shoujo
    Autor: Chi-Ran
    Verlag: Jchijinsha
    Genre: Yuri
    (1 Band, abgeschlossen)

  12. #3237
    Mitglied Avatar von Wild Life
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    Ich wünsche mir diesen Manga sehr, sehr doll von euch:

    Godhand Teru von Kazuki Yamamoto

    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: 42
    Magazin: Weekly Shonen Magazine
    Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Shounen

    It's difficult to believe that Dr. Mahigashi Teru is the newest surgeon at the Yasuda Memorial Hospital, being really clumsy and all. Inspite of this, his utmost dedication to his patients and respect for life makes him determined not to let any of his patients die. When faced with an insurmountable challenge, he changes personality in the OR. Unbeknown to many, Dr. Teru has inherited his father's so-called "godhands" which enables him to perform the most difficult of surgeries successfully and gives him amazing insight into his patients' condition more accurately than any medical equipment can.

  13. #3238
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    Wünsche mir diesen Manga von euch:

    Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan / Totschläger Engel Dokuro-chan
    Publisher: MediaWorks
    Autor: Mitsuna Sakuse (Geschichte), Mitsuna Ouse (Zeichnungen)
    Genre: Ecchi, Comedy, Splatter, (Magical Girl)
    Bände: 3 (bisher, könnte aber auch schon abgeschlossen sein)

    Geändert von ironfist (14.10.2008 um 17:06 Uhr)

  14. #3239
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    Muhyo to Rouji no Mahouritsu Soudan Jimusho von Yoshiyuki Nishi
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Bände: 18
    Magazin: Weekly Shonen Jump
    Genre: Action, Comedy, Horror, Mystery, Shounen, Supernatural

    Are you a victim of unwanted spirit possession? Is there a ghost you need sent up and away...or down to burn for all eternity? If the answer is yes, then you need Muhyo and Roji, experts in magic law. Serving justice to evil spirits is their specialty.

    Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro von Yuusei Matsuei
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Bände: 18
    Magazin: Weekly Shonen Jump
    Genre: Mystery, Psychological, Shounen, Supernatural

    The Demon Neuro has a raging hunger for ‘mysteries.’ Being dissatisfied with his current regime in hell, he’s come into the mortal realm in order to satiate his ever-growing appetite. The murder case of a young girl’s father seems to be sufficiently enticing for the Demon’s needs.. But what else might happen between these two? Find out in this disturbingly good murder-mystery series.

  15. #3240
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    Shiigyaku Keiyakusha Fausutsu

    Ich wünsche mir wirklich noch sehr doll:

    Shiigyaku Keiyakusha Fausutsu von Yasushi Hoshino

    Verlag: Kodansha
    Anzahl der Kapitel/ Status der Serie: 1/ wird fortgesetzt
    Genre: Action, Shounen, Supernatural

    [*Die Bilder sind von einer Shopseite]
    Geändert von Seiji Sawamura (15.10.2008 um 18:25 Uhr)

  16. #3241
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    Ich hab mir das alles nicht durchgelesen, daher weiß ich nicht ob es genannt wurde. Ich wünsche mir gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanz doll
    "Appare Jipangu"!!!!!!!!!!

  17. #3242
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    Es wurde schon genannt, ich nenne es nochmals:

    Excel Saga von Koshi Rikudo
    Geändert von Koyuko (15.10.2008 um 18:43 Uhr)

  18. #3243
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    Wünsche ich mir auch noch:

    Baby Steps von Hikaru Kachiki

    Verlag: Kodansha
    Anzahl der Bänd/ Status der Serie: 5/ wird fortgesetzt
    Genre: Action, Romance, School Life, Shounen, Sports

    Code:Breaker von Akimine Kamijyo
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Anzahl der Bänd/ Status der Serie: 1/ wird fortgesetzt
    Genre: Action, Psychological, Shounen, Supernatural
    Sakurakouji Sakura is a girl who appears modest and graceful but in reality is skilled in martial arts. After witnessing a boy burning people with his blue flame, she is startled to see the same boy is a transfer student, Oogami Rei.

    Zerosen von Atsushi Kase
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Anzahl der Bänd/ Status der Serie: 1/ wird fortgesetzt
    Genre: Action, Comedy, Historical, Shounen

    Diamond no Ace von Yuuji Terajima
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Anzahl der Bänd/ Status der Serie: 12/ wird fortgesetzt
    Genre: Comedy, School Life, Shounen, Sports
    It is a manga of high school baseball. The main character, who is a pitcher from a country high school, accidentally gets teamed up with a catcher from a school with an elite baseball team. He decides to quit his school to attend the school that this catcher plays.....

    Kanade von Akira Segami
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Anzahl der Bänd/ Status der Serie: 1/ wird fortgesetzt
    Genre: Action, Comedy, Romance, School Life

    Hammer Session! von Tanahashi Namoshiro und Koganemaru Yamato
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Anzahl der Bänd/ Status der Serie: 9/ wird fortgesetzt
    Genre: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, School Life, Shounen
    The story is about a teacher who has a past record as a con-artist. It has its own unique taste, which makes it distinct from other series about teachers, such as GTO and Gokusen.

  19. #3244
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    Barihaken von Shinya Suzuki
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Bände: zurzeit 2
    Genres: Comedy, Shounen
    Is the story about an Otaku that turns out to be the leader of a bunch of delinquents, but he's hiding his true self. His goal, get a girlfriend like his Anime characters.

    Nurarihyon no Mago von Hiroshi Shiibashi
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Bände: zurzeit 2
    Genres: Action, Fantasy, Shounen, Supernatural
    Rikuo Nura, a kid that is part human and a quarter youkai (demon), lives in a house full of spirits along with his youkai grandfather. Trying to escape his fate of acting like a demon, he does good deeds in order to avoid becoming one despite his grandfather's wish to succeed him as master of the Nurari youkai clan.

    Pat-Ken von Masanori Katakura
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Bände: zurzeit 2
    Genres: Shounen
    Another new series from JUMP SQ! By the end of the chapter, you'll understand where the title PAT-KEN comes from. This manga is about a boy named Hayabusa, who dreams of becoming a hero in the name of justice. Which is why he took up a part-time job acting as a costumed hero for a children's stage show. But, when the real villains, the Darkside Arms (DA), attack, the real heroes of the city, the Armored Guardians (AG) are called in. Will Hayabusa be allowed to join the Armored Guardiands and attain his dream of becoming a real hero? Many themes in the manga are borrowed from television sentai series, so fans of Power Rangers might enjoy this!

  20. #3245
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    Nora von Kakei Hajime
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Bände: 9
    Magazin: Monthly Shonen Jump
    Genre: Action, Comedy, Shounen

    Nora is a demon who often doesn't acknowledge the authority of the Lord of the Hell. Because of that he is sent to the human world where he becomes bound to Kazuma.

    Shibatora von Yuma Ando und Masashi Asaki
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: 8
    Magazin: Weekly Shonen Magazine
    Genre: Action, Drama, Shounen

    Shibata Taketora is a police officer at a police box who, for uncertain reasons, has the appearance of a middle-school student. Despite his outward appearance, he carries with him a dream to make life safe for the youth of Japan. Thankfully, his best friend and also troubled "Youth" Koujirou Fujiki is there to support him with his connection to the gangs of Shibuya. While confronting many hardships due to his appearance, Taketora's unexplained ability to see when death is surrounding someone carries him from one troubled youth to the next.

    Fairy Tail von Hiro Mashima
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: 12
    Magazin: Weekly Shonen Magazine
    Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen

    Cute girl wizard Lucy wants to join the Fairy Tail, a club for the most powerful wizards. But instead, her ambitions land her in the clutches of a gang of unsavory pirates led by a devious magician. Her only hope is Natsu, a strange boy she happens to meet on her travels. Natsu’s not your typical hero–he gets motion sickness, eats like a pig, and his best friend is a talking cat. With friends like this, is Lucy better off with her enemies?

    Gakuen Sousei Nekoten! von Yuji Iwahara
    Verlag: Akita Shoten
    Bände: 4
    Magazin: Champion Red
    Genre: School Life, Shounen, Supernatural

    Yumi enrolls at Matabi Academy for one reason: you can raise your cat there if you get permission. After the entrance Ceremony a Monster suddenly appears endangering her and her new friend. Given a mysterious power Yumi and her cat Kasuke strive into battle.

    Full Ahead! Coco von Hideyuki Yonehara
    Verlag: Akita Shoten
    Bände: 29
    Magazin: Shonen Champion
    Genre: Comedy, Shounen

    This is the story of Coco, an orphan kid who wanted to be a pirate, and his role model, "Crazy" Barts, a pirate without a port who is feared by the peasants but despised by the other pirates.

    Highschool of the Dead von Shouji Satou und Daisuke Satou

    Verlag: Kadokawa Shoten
    Bände: 5
    Magazin: Dragon Age
    Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Ecchi, Horror, Mature, Shounen

    A mysterious, lethal disease is on the loose worldwide, resulting in a catastrophic death rate of humanity, and the increasing rise of attacks, caused by the living dead.

    In Japan, several high school students and a school nurse have banded together to escape Fujimi Private High School shortly after it was attacked by "them." The group now attempts to figure who or what was responsible for this plague, and in the meantime, attempt to survive the present apocalypse.

    Grasshopper von Isaka Kotaro und Hiroto Ida
    Verlag: Kadokawa Shoten
    Bände: 1
    Magazin: Dragon Age
    Genre: Seinen

  21. #3246
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    Thumbs up Wünsche an EMA

    Zitat Zitat von Seiji Sawamura Beitrag anzeigen
    Wünsche ich mir auch noch:

    Baby Steps von Hikaru Kachiki

    Verlag: Kodansha
    Anzahl der Bänd/ Status der Serie: 5/ wird fortgesetzt
    Genre: Action, Romance, School Life, Shounen, Sports

    Diamond no Ace von Yuuji Terajima
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Anzahl der Bänd/ Status der Serie: 12/ wird fortgesetzt
    Genre: Comedy, School Life, Shounen, Sports
    Bin auch super dafür, vor allem für Diamond no Ace

    Wünsche mir auch noch sehr:

    Otouto Catcher Ore Pitcher de!
    Autor: Shinji Tonaka
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: zurzeit 1

    Mr. Fullswing
    Autor: Shinya Suzuki
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Bände: 24
    Baseball, girls, gags, and one big idiot, that's Mr Fullswing for you. The new generation of Sports/Gag manga has been born with the release of this insane series, so what are you waiting for, get to reading!

  22. #3247
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    Autor: Toshiaki Iwashiro
    Bände: zurzeit 3
    Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, School Life, Shounen, Supernatural
    Yoshina Ageha is a high school student who offers to help people with their problems for 10,000 yen. He'll take care of your stalkers, find your lost animal, whatever you want. One day when he's heading home, a nearby pay phone rings, and he picks it up. The only thing he hears however is his own voice echoing. After finding a mysterious card with the word 'Psyren' printed on it, his life suddenly changes as he is drawn into a crazy new world.

    Mieru Hito

    Autor: Toshiaki Iwashiro
    Bände: abgeschlossen mit 7 Bänden
    Genres: Adventure, Supernatural
    Myoujin is a guide for spirits. Unlike most people, he can see ghosts, ghosts who live and wander in the same world we do. But he's got something even more special up his sleeve: he can touch them. Okegawa Himeno is an ordinary 16 year-old girl studying in Tokyo. But now she's become Myoujin's housemate, infact, he's her landlord. After a close brush with death herself, Himeno becomes able to see the walking dead herself. At least now she's able to meet her neighbours.

    Shiki Tsukai
    Autoren: Yuuna Takanagi und Tooru Zekuu
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: zurzeit 5
    Genres: Action, Adventure, Shounen, Supernatural
    On the day he turns fourteen, Akira discovers his destiny: He’s a shiki tsukai, a warrior with the magical power to control the seasons. He also meets the beautiful Koyomi, another warrior, who is sworn to protect him. For there are evil forces intent on destroying Akira–and the entire universe!

    Mahou Tsukai Kurohime
    Autor: Masanori Katakura
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Bände: abgeschlossen mit 14 Bänden
    Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Romance, Shounen, Supernatural
    Kurohime is a buxom witch with the power to control magical guns. She once made the mistake of challenging the gods and was cursed for her foolishness! Transformed into a little girl named Himeko, she can only regain her former body and powers when she falls in love. But finding love in a world fraught with evil is no easy task.

    Dragon Eye
    Autor: Kairi Fujiyama
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: zurzeit 9
    Genres: Action, Adventure, Shounen
    Ten years ago, a terrible virus swept the globe. It turned its victims into bloodthirsty monsters called Dracules, and the only cure is death. Now, with humankind on the brink of extinction, only the elite warriors of the Vius Squad stand between chaos and civilization. New recruit Leila Mikami is one of the squad’s most promising young warriors, but she has another agenda: Her parents were killed by a Dracule, and she’s determined to take revenge. To do this, she has to find the Dragon Eye - a magic weapon that will make her the most powerful warrior in the world.

    Shushou!! Chiinke Wakami
    Autor: Yakiudon
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Bände: zurzeit 5
    Genres: Comedy, Romance Oouchi
    High School Judo Club a young master reigns - CHIINKE Wakami. Superhumanly strong and overwhelming beautiful, today the young warrior is admired and people congregate to see him. However, he has a secret (open), he is a man who men like . Surrounding the middle Judo boys high school livelihood ,the mystery, CHIINKE Wakami, approaches and the fighting gag romance begins.

    Autor: Yasuhiro Kano
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Bände: abgeschlossen mit 10 Bänden
    Genre: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Romance, School Life, Shounen
    During a flashback, an interviewer inquires Kuzumi Taiga, a prospective student for Seinagi Private High School, on what he would do if he could use magic, during his entrance interview. He replies, "take over the world", with an outburst of laughter, from an attractive girl, following his answer. After the entrance exam, the school rejects his application; although he recalls almost nothing after this event, he does recall the girl, and believes the cause of his school of choice rejecting his application involves her. Wandering around outside of the school the next day, Kuzumi tries to enter, but an invisible barrier blocks him. A teacher, Mr. Hiiragi, confuses Kuzumi for a student of the school ditching class and pulls Kuzumi into the school through the barrier. Seinagi Private High School is actually a magic school and Mr. Hiiragi has just accidentally pulled Kuzumi, a teenager with no magical skill, through the barrier into this school.

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    Houkago Wind Orchestra von Usa Yuichiro
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Bände: zurzeit 1
    Genres: School Life, Shounen
    Yoshotoshi Heion was a 1st year high school student who had no desire to excel--and liked it that way. In fact he chose Hiyotani High school for that reason. It was an average school only 5 minutes from his house. There's even a cute girl in his class, Rina Fujimoto, and he's already given up on her. But Rina wants to join the "Wind Orchestra Club" (Brass Band Club) only to learn it's been disbanded. Rina's passion for music inspires Yoshotoshi to help revive the club. "Once you make the first step... Who knows what will happen?"

    Kure-nai von Kentarou Katayama und Yamato Yamamoto
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Bände: zurzeit 1
    Genres: Action, Martial Arts, School Life, Shounen
    Shinkurou Kurenai, a 16 year old dispute mediator, is one day approached by the daughter of a powerful plutocratic family asking him to be her bodyguard.

    Tales of Innocence von Hiroyuki Kaidou
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Bände: zurzeit 2
    Genres: Action, Fantasy
    For a long time now, the Capital Kingdom of Regunum has kept its dominance over the land during the raging wars, and kept the world at peace. There are, however, the recent appearances of humans who held within them great mystical power, the "inousha" (literally translated as "a person with a gift/talent"). The people started fearing these inoushas, and began to detest them. Because of this, the capital of Regunum carry out a movement to seize and capture all inoushas within the land to keep the people at bay.

    At this time, Ruca, the son of a merchant living in Renugum, discovers that he also holds the same mystical power...

    Shiki vonFuyumi Ono und Ryu Fujisaki
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Bände: zurzeit 3
    Genres: Action, Horror, Mystery, Shounen, Supernatural
    This series is about a village with a population of about 1300 people, and during one fiercely hot summer, many mysterious incidents happened one after another...

    Tegami Bachi von Hiroyuki Asada
    Verlag: Shueisha
    Bände: zurzeit 5
    Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery, Shounen
    Tegami Bachi (or Letter Bees) are couriers that deliver important letters and packages throughout the land of eternal dusk, Amber Ground.

    The story revolves around Lag Seeing, a young boy who was born on The Day of Flicker, 12 years ago when the man-made sun went down for unknown reasons. The manga follows his ambition to become a Letter Bee and how he follows the path of his idol Guche who went missing...

  24. #3249
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    Wild Life von Masato Fujisaki
    Verlag: Shogakukan
    Bände: 27
    Magazin: Shonen Sunday
    Genre: Action, Comedy, Shounen

    Tetsushou, just your normal high school "delinquent". He has a special ability of hearing things perfectly. Things people wouldn't normally hear. Now, having saved a dog. He now finds his purpose in life. Which's becoming a vet.

    Birdy the Mighty (II) von Masami Yuuki
    Verlag: Shogakukan
    Bände: 20
    Magazin: Young Sunday
    Genre: Action, Comedy, Gender Bender, Sci-fi

    Birdy Cephon Altera is a Federation agent chasing interplanetary criminals to the planet Earth. While in pursuit of one, she accidentally kills a high school boy named Tsutomu Senkawa. Fortunately for Tsutomu, there is a way to keep him alive, although he ends up merged into Birdy's body and must remain so until the repair of his body is complete.

    Kurosagi von Kuromaru und Takeshi Natsuhara
    Verlag: Shogakukan
    Bände: 20
    Magazin: Young Sunday
    Genre: Drama, Psychological, Seinen

    White swindlers (shirosagi) are those that cheat people to take their money, red swindlers (akasagi) are those that swindle the opposite sex, and black swindlers (kurosagi) are those that cheat the white and red swindlers. After his family is swindled by white swindlers, Kurosagi sets out to avenge them by becoming a black swindler.

    Onikirimaru von Kei Kusunoki
    Verlag: Shogakukan
    Bände: 20
    Magazin: Shonen Sunday
    Genre: Drama, Horror, Shounen, Supernatural, Tragedy

    There was once an ogre (oni) mother who gave birth to a human-looking child. Instead of an ogre's horn, this child was born with a sword in hand called the "Onigirimaru" or Ogre Slayer. He has no name and is only refered to by the name of his sword. Though he appears human, he is pure ogre.

    Believing that he will become human once all of his kind vanished from the world of humans, he sets out on his destiny to slay all of his kind. Even now, in the mother world of Japan, he is still out there slaying ogres.

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    Coppelion von Tomonori Inoue (bisher 1 Band)
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genre: Action, School Life, Seinen

    IO von Minato Koio (10 Band)
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genre: Drama, Ecchi, Harem, Mystery, Romance, Seinen, Supernatural

    3.3.7 Byooshi von Mitsurou Kubo (10 Band)
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genre: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, Shounen

    Tokkyuu!! von Mitsurou Kubo und Yoichi Komori (20 Band)
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genre: Action, Drama, Shounen

    Zettai Hakase Kolisch von Yuki Kobayashi (bisher 1 Band)
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy

    Mukougawa no Masaka von Amadori (bisher 1 Band)
    Verlag: Kodansha
    Genre: Action, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-fi, Shounen

    Freezing von Kwang Hyun Kim und Dal Young Im (bisher 3 Band)
    Verlag: Kill Time Communication
    Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Ecchi, Romance, Seinen, Supernatural

    Lost+Brain von Yabuno Tsuduku und Akira Ootani (3 Band)
    Verlag: Shogakukan
    Genre: Mystery, Psychological, Shounen

    666 Satan von Seishi Kishimoto (19 Band)
    Verlag: Square Enix
    Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen

    Saikyou! Toritsu Aoizaka Koukou Yakyuubu von Motoyuki Tanaka (bisher 16 Band)
    Verlag: Shogakukan
    Genre: School Life, Shounen, Sports

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