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18.11.2007, 21:36
imdb.com berichtet:

Julia Roberts Hates "Grotesque" Showbiz Industry

Actress Julia Roberts has slammed celebrity-obsessed Hollywood, branding the frenzy surrounding young stars "grotesque." The 40-year-old Erin Brockovich star is disgusted by the current state of the entertainment industry - and insists she would have avoided the business altogether if it had been as cut-throat when she began her career in the late 1980s. She says, "I think it's just grotesque. It's like a circus sideshow. I don't know why anybody would even want to go into show business these days, with all of the different magazines and shows. It just wouldn't be worth it." And she admits actors thrust into the Hollywood limelight in their teens suffer from today increased media interest in celebrity. She adds, "It's too fast. Before, you could build a career over years and many movies. Now it's like you do one good movie and they throw a ton of money at you and a ton of attention at you. You're being constructed outside of yourself before you even know who you are, and what you are, and how you want to do it, and why you want to do it."

Die Meldung ist mir einen Beitrag wert. Ich denke, Frau Roberts bringt es ganz gut auf den Punkt, wenn auch Hollywood dieses Spiel nicht erst seit gestern spielt. Wie man ganz gezielt Stars pusht und Profit aus dem Kult um eine Person schlägt, das hatten die großen Studios schon in den 50ern raus. ;)

Aber ganz Unrecht hat sie nicht, so wie heute alle nur denkbaren Aspekte aus den Leben der Stars obduziert werden. Man nehme bspw. diese unsäglichen Klatsch-Formate à la "All Access" oder "101 Sexiest/Richest/Lamest blabla..." - auch ein Phänomen dieser Celebrity-Geilheit: Vollkommen banale Kommentare von geltungsbedürftigen Wichtigtuern zu schwachsinnigen Themen rund um die Stars aus Film- und Musikbusiness. Ich würde drüber lachen, aber es ist die Mühe nicht wert. ;)