Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : kurze Frage zu American History X

Binky the Rabbit
10.12.2002, 16:12
ist ja ein sehr netter Film, nur höre ich immer wieder dass es einen Streit zwischen Schauspieler Edward Norton und Regiesseur Tony Kaye gegeben hat, etwas wegen des Schnittes. Ich versuche nun schon lange rauszufinden, worum es genau ging, weil ich, nun ja, einfach neugierig bin...
wer weiß was darüber?

10.12.2002, 20:38
"Edward Norton was said to have re-edited the film to lengthen his screen time. Director Tony Kaye (I) then attempted to get his name removed but violated a Directors' Guild of America rule that states that directors that use pseudonyms (such as "Alan Smithee") must not talk about why they had their name removed which Tony Kaye had done in ads in Variety. Kaye sued the DGA and New Line Cinema for $200 million stating that the DGA rule violated his first amendment rights."

Zitat imdb (http://german.imdb.com/Trivia?0120586)

Binky the Rabbit
12.12.2002, 18:53