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22.10.2003, 13:49
Hier nur die ersten Zeilen. Die Fortsetzung unter http://www.comicon.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=36&t=001479

Der Artikel beantwortet eigentlich die meisten Fragen, die man sich als Fan so stellt. Warum so viele Serien eingestellt wurden, wie es weitergeht, was genau bei "The War" passiert...

As the troubles at CrossGen have unfolded over the past few weeks, there has been little to no official comment from CrossGen employees. Now Bill Roseman has broken the silence. Rosemann, formerly Director of Marketing & Communications, was recently promoted to Senior V.P. - Publishing. In the following interview, Rosemann addresses many issues, including new company goals, the Bridges program, HeroClix, the fate of MegaCon and the handling of the freelancer situation. However, Rosemann had no comment on several rumored developments, including Bart Sears leaving CrossGen, Paul Pelletier now drawing The War, or the financial situation with new investors.

THE PULSE: Why are most of the Sigil-related titles canceled after THE WAR? It seems like the stuff on which CrossGen was founded upon is now gone...why?

BILL ROSEMANN: While titles may be ending, the idea that CrossGen was built on -- inviting fantastic creators to tell amazing adventure stories for a worldwide audience -- endures.

As for why certain series are wrapping up, the short answer is -- in more ways than one -- it was simply their time. But our loyal readers, who've invested both their emotions and money in us, deserve an in-depth explanation. Each of these titles had a vocal and dedicated fan base, and we totally understand that some are disappointed and even angry because of the recent news. Every book is somebody's favorite…and, hey, I remember when the disappearance of Nexus and American Flagg broke my heart...and I wanted answers, darn it!

So the longer explanation is that there’s a combination of creative and economic reasons why these series are ending. First, since the launch of CrossGen, Mark Alessi and the creators repeatedly talked about how each of the series, while they would last longer than a four-to-six-issue miniseries, were, in fact, finite stories. And as with all stories, they would have a beginning, a middle and an end. Are their endings coming sooner than initially anticipated? Sure. But are the creators still delivering to readers their promised finales? You bet.

And it may sound weird for a publisher to say this, but this is a healthy thing. By and large, the titles, either story-wise or creatively, have already -- or soon will -- reach their finish lines. Trying to keep a single story going for multiple years (whether through TV, novels or comic books) can often lead to jumping the shark and stagnation. As a storyteller, once you’ve made your point, once you and your characters have reached the zenith of your arc, you get off the stage.

Weiter unter http://www.comicon.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=36&t=001479

Obregon Kaine
23.10.2003, 01:23
THE PULSE: After THE WAR, will some of the stars of the CrossGen Universe have a new home within the pages of NEGATION?

ROSEMAN: That's an interesting suggestions. Just because RUSE ends doesn't mean that Simon Archard and Emma Bishop are done solving mysteries. Just because MERIDIAN ends doesn't mean Sephie won't fly again. As for where and how these characters will return? Well, it wouldn't be fun to show all of our cards, now would it?

Ich trau' mal dieser Hoffnung versprühenden Antwort.

23.10.2003, 01:46
Kann man natürlich auch deuten als "Wir haben keine Ahnung, ob wir es finanziell nochmal schaffen, die Serien wiederzubeleben, also drücken wir uns so vage wie möglich aus..."

23.10.2003, 15:15
kann mir das einer übersetzen??
Ich verstehe nur 20% von dem was da steht.

Dave Deschain
24.10.2003, 22:00
Bei Frasier gibt es doch auch immer mal ein Wiedersehen mit alten Cheers-Recken!

Clint Barton
24.10.2003, 22:44
Ja, aber Frasier geht nächstes Jahr auch zuende. :(