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Lars Sudmann
24.10.2000, 20:45
Hm, das Thema habe ich, glaube ich, irgendwo schonmal angeschnitten, aber egal.

Zwecks Kaufentscheidung brauche ich mal ein paar Meinungen, wie die im Topic genannten Comics so sind.

Whiteout habe ich sogar schon einmal kurz durchgeblättert, u mehr hat es aber noch nicht gereicht. Aber was ich gesehen hab, sah schon sehr gut aus.

Lars Sudmann

24.10.2000, 21:21
"Whiteout" ist ein spannender Thriller, der mir sehr in der Tradition alter Zeitungsstrips zu stehen scheint. Gute Unterhaltung, die wegen der fehlenden Farbe in Deutschland vermutlich wenig Chancen hätte.


Frank Neubauer
25.10.2000, 09:55
Wer eine Vorliebe für spannende Kriminalliteratur und glaubwürdige Figuren hat sollte unbedingt zugreifen. Außerdem ist es überaus erfreulich einen Comic mit einer weiblichen Hauptfigur zu lesen, deren Stärke nicht vom Brustumfang abhängt.

25.10.2000, 18:42
und nicht zu vergessen, dass auch der ungewöhnliche Handlungsort (Antarktis) dem Comic seinen ganz eigenen Reiz gibt.

26.10.2000, 08:59
Das klingt ja sehr vielversprechend, insbesondere für mich als alten Klassiker-Fan (von wegen s/w und Zeitungsstrip). Ist der bei s&l erschienen und was kostet das Ding?

Frank Neubauer
26.10.2000, 09:37
@ Hank
Leider sind bisher weder Whiteout, noch Whiteout: Melt auf deutsch erschienen. Schreiber & Leser hat nicht die Absicht diese zu veröffentlichen, da die Erfolgsaussichten in Deutschland ausgesprochen gering wären.

Koenig Kups
26.10.2000, 09:43
Das alte Lied, seufz. Aber das Original gibt's ja schon als TPB für faire $10,95. Sollte man sich wirklich antun.

Koenig Kups
26.10.2000, 12:52
Humor a la "Fargo" wirst Du in dem Teil eher nicht finden, mal von einer einzigen halbwegs witzigen Szene abgesehen. Wenn, dann greift schon eher der Vergleich zu dem Fräulein Smilla, aber auch nicht so richtig. "Whiteout" ist auf jeden Fall sehr atmosphärisch, man ertappt sich bei manchen Szenen dabei, wie man das Pfeifen des Windes zu hören glaubt, oder die klirrende Kälte beinahe spürt.

26.10.2000, 13:34
Hier auf der Site von Zeichner Steve Lieber sind einige Whiteout-Seiten abgebildet:

Die Filmrechte wurden an Columbia verkauft. Wolfgang Petersen soll den Film produzieren. Wenn der Film tatsächlich gedreht werden sollte und wenn er es bis in die deutschen Kinos schafft, werden wir vielleicht auch eine deutsche Version des Comics lesen können. Das sind zwar sehr viele „wenn“, aber eine kleine Hoffnung ist besser als gar keine.

26.10.2000, 23:34
Starke weibliche Hauptfigur, Handlung im Schnee – erinnert „Whiteout“ eher an „Fargo“ oder mehr an „Fräulein Smillas Gespür für Schnee“? Oder ist es ganz anders?

Lars Sudmann
19.11.2000, 12:49
Endlich mal wieder ein Comic, der mich so richtig in den Bann geschlagen hat. Verdammt! Greg Rucka weiss schon was er schreibt.

Steve Lieber
21.11.2000, 19:07
Unfortunately, I don't speak a word of German. (Well, I do know what my surname means.) But if anyone has any questions about either WHITEOUT or MELT that they can phrase in English, I'll be happy to answer.

I think my publisher Oni Press had been asked by someone about the rights to produce a German language edition of WHITEOUT, but nothing ever came of it. If anyone knows a publisher who would like do do so, email me and I'll forward your message to Greg Rucka's and my agent for these things.

I hope I'm not making a big fool of myself here. It's entirely possible that the thread above actually says:
"Has anyone read WHITEOUT"
"Yes. It's garbage"
"Awful. Probably the worst art to appear in a comic in the last fifty years."
"I'd rather have one ball crushed with a pair of pliers than read that thing."

Best regards,
Steve Lieber

21.11.2000, 19:29

Koenig Kups
21.11.2000, 19:47
I hope I'm not making a big fool of myself here. It's entirely possible that the thread above actually says:
"Has anyone read WHITEOUT"
"Yes. It's garbage"
"Awful. Probably the worst art to appear in a comic in the last fifty years."
"I'd rather have one ball crushed with a pair of pliers than read that thing."


No need to be afraid about that, Steve! All the people here are very fond of Whiteout. How in the world did you ever wind up in this strange corner of the internet?

I mean, it's not very common to see any non-german-speaking people on this board. Famous ones are even more rare.

As for publishers: I surely hope that there will be one who will publish your stuff over here. I am a very big fan of your and Greg's work, as are most of the others here.

Sadly, the market for comics in Germany just went even more smaller since yesterday, as Dino (the german publisher for the DC-Stuff) gave out the word that they will discontinue every DC-Superhero-Title over here.

The market over here is pretty unstable and uncontrollable at this point. Stuff like Pokémon and the Manga-Books sell like Big Macs, good titles like "From Hell", "Astro Ciry" and "Transmetropolitan" rarely get an audience at all.

It sucks to be here. But as long as we can get the books at least in english, not everything is lost yet. ;)

Lars Sudmann
21.11.2000, 19:52
I really dig crime storys an Whiteout is at least the best I read this year. So don't be afraid, everybody in this corner of this forum likes Greg's and your work very much.

Like Kups said: "It sucks to be here. But as long as we can get the books at least in english, not everything is lost yet."

22.11.2000, 17:19
Bei Carlsen würde WHITEOUT doch ganz gut in die teure schwarzweiße Krimireihe passen (Kane, Kunz, Die kleine Schwester).

Wenn man Wolfgang Petersen dazu bringen könnte, das Vorwort zu schreiben, hätte man damit schon mal Aussicht auf eine kleine Zeitungsmeldung in Cinema, TV Spielfilm, TV Movie usw.

Vielleicht gäbe das die Chance, mögliche Käufer außerhalb der Comicszene auf WHITEOUT neugierig zu machen.

Steve Lieber
23.11.2000, 06:11
How in the world did you ever wind up in this strange corner of the internet?

I was looking at the log for my website, seeing what links people had followed to get to my page. I noticed that someone had come from a .de site and decided to investigate.

I've heard that the German comics industry isn't doing very well. The only cartoonist whose work I'm familiar with is (forgive my probable misspelling) Mathais Schullteiss. I read a comics adaptation of a Charles Bukowski story that he illustrated, and I've seen some of his splendid pornography as well. Other than that, the world of German comics is an enigma to me. If anyone wants to post links to websites that show the work of their favorite cartoonists, please do. I'm very curious about what's being done there.

I was able to spot Wolfgang Petersen's name in the discussions. I'm sure it will come as no surprise that I'm absolutely thrilled he chose to option the project. Back when I was in art school, I practiced storyboarding by studying DAS BOOT shot by shot on videotape and sketching from the screen.

I don't have much news to share about the WHITEOUT movie. The last I heard, Columbia Pictures and Radiant Productions (Petersen's company) were happy with the second draft of the script and were working to atract a big name actress to play the part of Carrie Stetko. Greg Rucka wasn't the writer of the the script, but the producer spent many, many hours on the phone asking his opinions and exchanging ideas. There's a chance I might get to do production illustration or storyboard work on the film, but that's a long way off, if it happens at all. Hollywood being what it is, it might be ten years before the movie gets made, and we might wind up with Robin Williams playing Carrie. Hollywood can be a strange place.

Steve Lieber

[Dieser Beitrag wurde von Steve Lieber am 23. November 2000 editiert.]

24.11.2000, 17:15
@steve: The best company to publish your comics would be Carlsen. They have a series of black & white thrillers (Lark: "Marlowe", Grist: "Kane" et al.). I do not see anybody else at the moment.

Eckart Sackmann
Publisher comicplus+

Steve Lieber
29.11.2000, 10:10

I searched Carlsen's website, but the language barrier was too great, even with the help of the babelfish translation site. If you could send me Carlsen's address and the name of an editor I should contact, I'd be quite grateful.

(Babelfish made this thread a bit clearer, though, and I was pleased to see that it was true: no one was claiming that my work was a fierce and painful eyesore. And it was fun to see me referred to as "Steve dear one." I'm lucky to not be Steve Scheisskopf)

Another possibility I can imagine for a German version of WHITEOUT would be if we decide to make it available as an e-book. With translation and reformatting being the only major costs it might be possible to break even selling it as a pay-per-download comic or a comic-on-disc.

Steve Lieber

Koenig Kups
29.11.2000, 10:53
Hmmm... Do you think there is a future for comics as e-books? I am still a bit of a skeptic there. I think most people will always prefer the printed version of anything over the digital, albeit cheaper, counterpart.

For contacting Carlsen Comics try "joachim.kaps@carlsen.de" for example.

Another Steve (also not Steve Scheisskopf yet, but people called me worse in my life ;))

Steve Lieber
30.11.2000, 18:37
While I'm sure I'll always prefer paper, I do think that there is a future for comics as e-books. The technology and delivery will be a lot less obnoxious in the future than they are now. With current technology, e-comics are often not worth the trouble.

But if a comic that I knew was really, really good-- something like Vittorio Giardino's A Jew in Communist Prague for example-- was only available in English as an e-book, I'd rather read it on a monitor than not read it at all.

Oh- and thanks for the contact at Carlsen! I'll send an inquiry out today.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde von Steve Lieber am 30. November 2000 editiert.]

Koenig Kups
02.12.2000, 08:55
Another possibility I can imagine for a German version of WHITEOUT would be if we decide to make it available as an e-book. With translation and reformatting being the only major costs it might be possible to break even selling it as a pay-per-download comic or a comic-on-disc.

If you ever do a e-book version, I'll translate it for you for a dollar and some brewskies. I really want to see this one published in Germany.

02.12.2000, 10:36
@Steve Lieber:

"...a dollar and some brewskies"???
Steve, don' trust this guy. Everybody who's ever seen King Kups in action knows he's an alcoholic (albeit with bad taste). His conception of "a few brewskies" would ruin you (but I'm sure his translation would be pretty swell). If you want a fine translation for an appel und'n ei, call yours truly. ;) :) :D

@Koenig: Damn opportunist! :)

Steve Lieber
02.12.2000, 18:00

So translators, is there a German equivalent for "the finger?" I was very pleased to see that the line "You can't tell, but I'm giving you the finger" translated properly in our Norwegian edition.

I ran into my own translation problems on the second book. I had studied Russian for several years in high school, and though I had forgotten most of it, I still had my dictionaries. So when Greg asked for Russian dialog, I told him to write it in Engliah, and I'd translate it. Unfortunately, it was a fight scene, and the dialog was mostly profanity. And quite creative profanity at that-- much of it had no English equivalent. In the end I called my ex, who had translated Russian professionally for several years. We had a fascinating conversation trying to find the most appropriate slurs and curses.

Koenig Kups
02.12.2000, 23:53
Never mind that Holy! guy, Steve. Just another whining bitch. He actually got fired from his last job because he was the only one who wouldn't remove his clothes and comply to the wishes of his customers.

"I am allergic to vaseline."

Ha! Allergic, my butt!

But I have to admit, he was actually right about those brewskies... But still. In this case I would make an exception and drink only half the amount I usually demand.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde von Koenig Kups am 02. Dezember 2000 editiert.]

Koenig Kups
03.12.2000, 03:55
Actually, this is the only kind of answer I expected and tolerate after our more than blatant brown-nosing.

You will, of course, never forget our extraordinary names and will shout them out at any possible occasion, adding to our fame and well deserved glory.

We will furthermore be addressed only as "The two whackos from Germany, who are very good at translating stuff, but never get to score with the womenfolk".

This said, I still keep my fingers and other parts of our bodies crossed to see a german edition of "Whiteout" and somesuch.

Lars Sudmann
03.12.2000, 12:34
Kups, wenn du jetzt etwas bewegt hast, das wir Whiteout auf deutsch zu sehen bekommen sollten... *schnüff*

Ich wäre sehr glücklich...

Koenig Kups
03.12.2000, 12:40
Same here, buddy. Same here.

@Jo: Wie stehen denn die Chancen, dass wir das Teil über Carlsen zu sehen bekommen könnten?

Jochen G.
03.12.2000, 15:29
Dabei habe ich dem Agenten von Rucka/Lieber schon vor ueber einem halben Jahr vorgeschlagen sich bei Carlsen zu melden. Hat er wohl dann nicht gemacht. :-(

Strange place to meet you again. Been wanting to e-mail you, praising how your beautiful pages are hanging on the wall, but they still need to be framed, so ...


Jochen G.
03.12.2000, 15:33
And since the translators didn't answer your question about the finger, yes there is an
equivalent German expression. Also uses Finger and varying verbs to have the same meaning.


03.12.2000, 20:59

Jo Kaps, Carlsen Comics
03.12.2000, 23:19
Danke an alle, die den Kontakt zu uns vermittelt haben!

Koenig Kups
04.12.2000, 09:28
@Jochen: I believe you didn't quite get Steve's joke.

04.12.2000, 09:31
Wasn´t it Paul Gulacy, who said that Steve "King" Kups looks like the scroundel from an old Bond-movie??

Koenig Kups
04.12.2000, 09:40
The correct quote was: "You look like a bad guy from the Bond movies!". And yep, it was Gulacy. Bright fellow with a very familiar taste of humour. I liked him instantly.

04.12.2000, 10:51
Da warst du aber der einzige!

Jochen G.
04.12.2000, 12:26
I understood it as both, a joke and a question

Steve Lieber
04.12.2000, 19:58
Two Pages? I'm impressed.

In all honesty, I wasn't making a joke. The very first thing I looked at when I was given the Norwegian edition was the gag about "Der Fingerren." It was one of the most popular lines from the book, and we centered our advertising for the sequel around it. We even came close to putting the line on a t-shirt.

Re-reading what I'd written in the context of the thread, I can see how my question might be interpeted as a clever way of "flipping the bird" but frankly, I'm not that subtle. I was just making conversation about translating the comic. I probably shouldn't admit this. It would have been funnier if I hadn't.)

P.s. to Jochen-- Good to see you here! Did anything ever come of that talk with The Comics Journal?

[Dieser Beitrag wurde von Steve Lieber am 05. Dezember 2000 editiert.]

Lars Sudmann
04.12.2000, 20:16
Why are you impressed? Most of the conversation takes place between Kups and Company. ;)

But now you can see that there are also in Germany fans of yours, and Gregs, work.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde von Twist am 05. Dezember 2000 editiert.]

Peter Osteried
04.12.2000, 21:06

Kups and moi? What are you talking about? I didn't say a damn word...

Koenig Kups
04.12.2000, 23:13
Ich hatte schon immer eine gewisse Affinität zu Mieslingen wie ihm. ;)

Lars Sudmann
05.12.2000, 13:16
Mist, ich war noch ganz in Gedanken von eurem kleinen Gespräch im Hit-Forum. Shit happens...

Jochen G.
05.12.2000, 13:33
Re: Comics Journal, actually I have to deliver a first draft this week. If you want I can send it to you by e-mail


Koenig Kups
05.12.2000, 14:58
Re-reading what I'd written in the context of the thread, I can see how my question might be interpeted as a clever way of "flipping the bird" but frankly, I'm not that subtle. I was just making conversation about translating the comic. I probably shouldn't admit this. It would have been funnier if I hadn't.)

LOL! And for a moment I was thinking, there was still some hope left for you Americans. ;)

But that's what I get for being such a cynical piece of shit, I automatically assume the rest of the world thinks in my weird ways. Boy, do I feel dark and gritty sometimes. <g>

Anyway, in that case, my offer for the e-book-translation is still valid. :)

06.12.2000, 10:37
Hi to Steve and all the others
Finally found my way here. Thanks again for the wonderful commission ( hope to get a Batman sometime...). Great to hear about the 3rd Whiteout series being in the planning stages.
Really hope to see Whiteout in german soon. How about a little signing tour through Germany then?? Would be nice to meet you.


Koenig Kups
06.12.2000, 13:41
He did. About 20 issues plus one Annual. And he did very well.

Here we go brown-nosing again. ;)

06.12.2000, 14:01
Speak for yourself. ;)

06.12.2000, 23:33
I have got to set the record straight:

1) I am not allergic to vaseline (I just don't like it being poured into my bodlily orifices - Koenig Kups, on the other hand, does, that is why he' s such a bloated wreck).
2) I do score with womenfolk - uh, on occasion... without the aid of vaseline, too...
3) I'd love to see a german edition of Whiteout, too.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde von Holy! am 06. Dezember 2000 editiert.]

06.12.2000, 23:36
@Steve Lieber:
Wasn't it you who penciled that last Hawkman series a few years ago, just before that character was lost in DCs continuity chaos?

[Dieser Beitrag wurde von Holy! am 06. Dezember 2000 editiert.]

[Dieser Beitrag wurde von Holy! am 06. Dezember 2000 editiert.]

Steve Lieber
15.12.2000, 12:46
Just to confirm-- yes, I am to blame for most of the art on that last ongoing HAWKMAN series. Looking back, I'm not pleased with much of it. I look at the pages and I feel the way I do when I visit my mother and see a photo of me taken in grade school. You can probably picture the photo, because I know everyone's mom has one of these on the wall: In it, my hair is sticking up in a funny way and I'm wearing a cheesey acrylic sweater with one collar tucked in and one sticking out.

I'd like eto get a second crack at the book someday, because I know that this time, there would be a lot less awkwardness in the work, and I could make it look good. Who knows. Anything could happen.

15.12.2000, 15:14
Do you wear glasses? If so, then on these photos of yore you probably have one of those monstrous, ugly glasses with ultra-thick lenses that are basically only useful to see all the girls running away in fear and panic. I had those, too. Now I don't need them anymore. Girls usually run away in fear and panic anyway. :heul: ;)

Well, what I'm trying to say is I know what you mean. And for what it's worth, I thought those Hawkman-issues weren't that bad. I kinda liked them.

That your work has improved in leaps and bounds since then was obvious from the "Batman: Turning points" issue I just read. Nice stuff. Keep it up. And keep posting here. See ya.

Frank Neubauer
17.12.2000, 22:45
Verschoben ins Forum der splashpages

24.05.2003, 22:20
*Posting, damit dieser Thread nicht gelöscht wird*

Mick Baxter
25.05.2003, 16:45
Sind wir hier im Forum der Splashpages?

25.05.2003, 21:07
Das ist eine lange Geschichte...

26.05.2003, 10:33
Original geschrieben von Hate
*Posting, damit dieser Thread nicht gelöscht wird*

THX! :top:
was für lustige geschichten sich in der düsteren vergangenheit dieses forums rumtreiben :scool:

übrigens: ich sah die erwähnung von "transmet" "astro city" und "from hell", aber niemand is auf die idee gekommen, speed vorzuschlagen?! :confused: naja, würde wohl eher auch nix werden :heul:

26.05.2003, 14:46
ich habe den Thread auch mit Interesse und Begeisterung gelesen...
schade das sich dann doch niemand getraut hat whiteout bei uns zu veröffentlichen...
hat jemand einen Tip wie man an die Originale rankommt??

Jochen G.
26.05.2003, 18:00
Gibbet als Sammelband. Komischerweise ist nur Melt bei amazon im Programm, sind aber eigentlich beide noch bei Oni Press im Programm und somit von jedem fähigen Comichändler zu besorgen.

11.06.2003, 17:17
In Frankreich ist Whiteout jetzt bei dem neuen Verlag Akileos erschienen, der mit der deutschen Edition 52 zusammenarbeitet (Cool Bros., Scherbenmund).

Schade, dass niemand von der Edition 52 im Comicforum ist.