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16.12.2003, 12:49
Original von Esma
Ich dachte er heisst Yami! ?_?[
So heißt der im Anime. Die Amerikaner ham ihn den Namen verpasst, damits für die kleine kidies net so koplieziert wird.... Im Manga/jap. Anime wird der Als anderer Yugi, namenloser Pharao und von Yugi immer als anderes Ich bezeichnet. (Yami hingegen nennt Yugi immer PArtner)

Ach, übrigens, weiss jemand schon etwas neues?
*murmel*hab da was gehört mit Serenity....
Die soll früher Kaibas geliebte gewesen sein und ich will meeeehhhrrr wissen!!!!
Hä? Wo hast du das denn aufgetrieben? Kann doch gar net sein.... Die war doch die ganze ziet in Amerika oder so.... (Selbt wenn es so wäre müsste Joey doch ausflippen)

Ach wusstet ihr das Anzu als Ansu ausgesrochen wird? Das A-N eher hoch und das su ganz kurz...

16.12.2003, 14:30
Original von Klopfer
@darkkai: Glückwunsch zur ersten Verwarnung wegen Beleidigung. Bei der dritten gibt's ne Sperre. Schönen Tag noch. ^^

oh danke ich habne verwarnung

ps:klopfer das interessiert mich wenig

16.12.2003, 21:40
Original von *Luna*
Hä? Wo hast du das denn aufgetrieben? Kann doch gar net sein.... Die war doch die ganze ziet in Amerika oder so.... (Selbt wenn es so wäre müsste Joey doch ausflippen)

Ach wusstet ihr das Anzu als Ansu ausgesrochen wird? Das A-N eher hoch und das su ganz kurz...

Ich habs von jemandem aus dem anderen Forum ;)

Nicht in der Zeit, sondern gaaaaanz früher, wo Kaiba noch der Cousin von Yami war! Serenity war seine geliebte. Weisst du nicht mehr die Folge, wo Kaiba gegen den achten Duellanten gekämpft hat? (die Frau da...) da hatte er diese Vision, wo er ein Kostüm trug und ein Mädchen auf Armen trug und das war Serenity! Klingt zumindest logisch oder?

20.12.2003, 09:35
Ähm........ das ist Kisara! Die, die den weißen Drachen in sich beherbergt! Kaiba hat die glaub ich geopfert, um den Drachen zu kriegen.... weiß ich aber nicht sicher. Aber das es Kisara ist, ist sicher!

20.12.2003, 10:26
Aaa! Und wer ist Kasira???
Ist es die Serenity ja??? *total neugierig*

21.12.2003, 10:44
Ich kann mir die beiden irgendwie überhaupt net vorstellen.

21.12.2003, 10:54
@ Kurai: wen?

@ Esma: ICH würde sagen, das das NICHT Shizuka ist! Und Kisara ist das Mädel, das Kaiba im Erinnerungsflash von Folge 94 im Arm gehabt hat!

21.12.2003, 11:03
Ich meine Serenity und Kaiba.

21.12.2003, 11:07
Ähm ich weiß jetzt leider nicht so ganz worauf du hiaus willst.........
Was gibt's denn da groß zum Vorstellen?

Haeschen 02
21.12.2003, 11:13
Ähm...ist doch klar,ich könnte mir Serenity und diese Hassfigur Kaiba auch nicht zusammen vorstellen... :dead:

21.12.2003, 11:21
Ähem! Die sind doch garnicht zusammen!

21.12.2003, 11:48
Nachdem was hier im Tread beredet wird kann es sein, so wie ich das hier mitbekommen habe. Ich find Kaiba aber garnicht so schlimm.

21.12.2003, 12:44
Leute ich war mir doch selber net sicher.
Wer ist: Serenity, Shizuka und Kisara? Wer ist wer und wer war früher die geliebte von kaiba und wer nicht und heisst Serenity nicht Kisara oder vielleicht doch Shizuka..Aaaaaaaaaaa! Ich werde hier noch verrückt :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2:

21.12.2003, 12:56
Ich auch :rolleyes2: :dead:

21.12.2003, 12:58
Das haben wir wieder mal zu einem beachtlichen Teil den elenden Namensänderungen zu verdanken.... :dead:

22.12.2003, 15:29
Sizuka IST Serenity. So heißt sie im Jap. Original. (mir gefällt der Name halt besser)
Und Kisara ist das Mädchen, das Kaiba im Arm hatte, und NICHT Shizuka.
Zimlich verwirrend ich weiß........

22.12.2003, 15:42

Und wer ist jetzt Kisara????

22.12.2003, 15:44
Hab ich doch schon gesagt! Die ist diejenige, die den Weißen Drachen als KAA hat!

22.12.2003, 15:46
Ja, hab ich gerade gelesen, weis du denn warum des so ist?

23.12.2003, 12:12
Warum was ist? Hä?

Ansonsten: schaut euch DAS mal an:
Da gibt's ja jetzt wieder die neue Vorschau...........
Also wie Rebecca Yugi umrennt *gaga**babylach*

23.12.2003, 13:44
Wai, das sieht ja cool aus wo die den umrennt (auch wenn ich kein Wort verstanden habe).

Ich meine weisst du warum der Weiße Drache in ihr eingebettet ist (ich hab das jetzt irgendwie so verstanden)

23.12.2003, 14:09
Aber JEMAND sagte mir, dass Kisara Serenity ist, also das Serenity die geliebte von KAiba ist!

23.12.2003, 16:41
@ Kurai: Also das KAA ist die Wiederspigelung der Seele. So hat ein Ganove z.B. Sagi als KAA und Aishizu son Federviech, das Harpie ein wenig ähnlich sieht, und KAiba son Vieh, das Geafried ähnlich sieht.

@ Esma: selbst WENN das so WÄRE ist immer noch nicht sicher, das Kisara Kaibas Geliebte ist! OK, der war dagegen, das man sie umbringt, aber das war bis jetzt auch alles....

23.12.2003, 17:01
Ich komme mir jetzt zwar Blöd vor aber wer ist Kisara? ?( ?( ?(

23.12.2003, 17:06
Noch mal: Kisara ist das Mädel mit dem Weißen Drachen in ihr und das Mädel, das Kaiba im Erinnerungsflash in Folge 94 im Arm hatte.

23.12.2003, 17:25
Warum "noch mal"???Ich hab doch nur einmal gefragt...egal trozdem Danke :D :D :D

23.12.2003, 17:36
Original von *Luna*
@ Kurai: Also das KAA ist die Wiederspigelung der Seele. So hat ein Ganove z.B. Sagi als KAA und Aishizu son Federviech, das Harpie ein wenig ähnlich sieht, und KAiba son Vieh, das Geafried ähnlich sieht.

@ Esma: selbst WENN das so WÄRE ist immer noch nicht sicher, das Kisara Kaibas Geliebte ist! OK, der war dagegen, das man sie umbringt, aber das war bis jetzt auch alles....

Aha, Danke :D .

23.12.2003, 22:42
hab ich wa sverpasst?
gibt es neue yu-gi-oh folgen??

24.12.2003, 11:26
Ne, kommen aber bald.

24.12.2003, 13:22

ICh will endlich was neues!!! :O

24.12.2003, 13:50
Soll ja im Frühjahr 2004 rauskommen, aber RTL2 hält sich bestimmt nicht dran. :O

24.12.2003, 13:59
Ich hoffe du hast unrecht!
Ich finde da nur so sch*****, wenn die ankommen mit neue Folgen und dann so wenige zeigen und dann wieder wiederholen.

24.12.2003, 18:52
Ja, immer wieder ganz von vorne, besonders bei Yu-Gi-Oh! :O

25.12.2003, 11:30
Nicht nur bei YGO!

ICh will endlich wissen wie es weitergeht! :O

25.12.2003, 15:49
Ja, was wird mit Marik (der ''gute'' tut mir irgendwie Leid) :O .

26.12.2003, 00:18
Original von Kuria.12
Soll ja im Frühjahr 2004 rauskommen, aber RTL2 hält sich bestimmt nicht dran. :O

Wie sollten sie auch? Immerhin kaufen sie die Ami-Fassung, und die haben erst im Sommer 2003 (erschlagt mich wenn's nicht stimmt) angefangen, die ganze Staffel um Noa auszustrahlen. Laut RTL2 wollen sie im Frühjahr aber über 50 neue Episoden ausstrahlen. Und so viele hat die Noa-Staffel gar nicht. Da sich 4-Kid-Entertainment laut Gerüchten aber weigert, die nächste YGO-Staffel zu kaufen, weil sie nicht für Kinder geeigent sei und auch Schneiden nichts mehr ändern würde, ist es gar nicht möglich 50 Episoden von den Amis zukaufen. Ausser RTL2 hat bei der Zahl 50 ziemlich krass nach oben gerundet :D

Natürlich wärs auch möglich, dass RTL2 die Originalfassung kauft, aber ich denke, wenn sie schon zu faul waren die ersten Episoden im Original zu kaufen, tun sie das auch jetzt nicht.

Mir kann's ja egal sein, ich tu mir unsere Fassung eh nicht an <.<

26.12.2003, 10:49
Echt??? ICH KILL RTL2 :O . Und die neue Staffel ist für Kinder nicht geeignet? Das ist gut :mua: dann wirds noch was spannender, aber Yu-Gi-Oh kann man garnicht sooooooo schlimm machen.

26.12.2003, 13:40
Eigentlich versteh ich nicht, warum die 5. Staffel nicht geeignet sein soll...ok, sie ist düsterer und ernster, die (neuen) Charas haben alle ne absolut traumatische Vergangenheit, die Gegner wollen die Menscheit (aus gutem Grund) ausrotten und bei jedem Duel verliert der Verlierer seine Seele, aber die Battleship-Staffel war ja auch nicht ohne....naja, 4-kids-Entertainment kauft wohl erst Rechte und denkt danach nach :D

Gotenks SSJ3
26.12.2003, 14:07
Ich finde es echt blöd das RTL2 Yu-Gi-Oh wieder von ganz vorne zeigt.
Die hätten ja noch eben das Tunier zuende zeigen können, und nicht einfach mittendrin aufzuhören. :O

naja, was soll man gegen RTL2 machen?! -.-"

26.12.2003, 16:51
Original von Cadaska
Eigentlich versteh ich nicht, warum die 5. Staffel nicht geeignet sein soll...ok, sie ist düsterer und ernster, die (neuen) Charas haben alle ne absolut traumatische Vergangenheit, die Gegner wollen die Menscheit (aus gutem Grund) ausrotten und bei jedem Duel verliert der Verlierer seine Seele, aber die Battleship-Staffel war ja auch nicht ohne....naja, 4-kids-Entertainment kauft wohl erst Rechte und denkt danach nach :D

Ich meine das wäre dann doch mal was anderes, es müssen ja nicht immer Filme laufen die für 3 Jährige sind und schlimm ist das oben genannte auch nicht.

26.12.2003, 16:59
Alter! Wenn die jetzt auch noch ankommen, mit:"Es tut und leid, aber wir werden Yu gi oh doch nicht senden" dann schwörische ich, werde ich alles erdenkliche tun um diesen Sender unbeliebt zu machen!!!

26.12.2003, 17:32
Das wäre ein Skandal!!!!! (Wir können uns ja auf den Hauptrechner o.ä. einhäcken und alles löschen :mua: ) Ich hoffe mal das sieh es wenigsten noch bis Mai oder April schaffen.

26.12.2003, 17:51
Nyaha ha ha ha..Ich schwör alter, ich sorg dafür, das die keine zuschauer mehr haben!!! :mua: :mua:
Ich werde faule eier in ihre...Ach neee, ich behalts lieber für mich...

26.12.2003, 19:09
Auch ne Idee :mua: . Aber ich hoffe es kommt weigstens noch bis zum Herbst 2004 (DBGT schieben sie ja jetzt schon ewig vor sich hin).

Gotenks SSJ3
26.12.2003, 21:01
@ Esma & Kuria, spammt bitte nicht so doll rum :roll: ;) :hat:

naja, ich würd mich nicht wundern wenn wir die neuen folgen von Yu-Gi-oh lange nicht zu sehen bekommen.

aber ich hoffe das wir sie noch vor Ostern sehen werden... :dead:

27.12.2003, 19:39
Ich spamme nicht...:sure:

Neue Folgen vor Ostern??? :bigeek: *lachtsichtotweilbesterwitzdenjehgehörthat* :laugh1:

Ach, ho ho ho ho ho... Ich hab hier so ne Seite entdeckt..
Bei mir funktionieren aber die dinger (ihr wisst schon..Die Clips) nicht! :O
Probierts mal aus!

Bitteschön, für euch ^^ (http://www.ygobrasil.com.br/?page=videos_jp)

28.12.2003, 09:22
Vor Osten kommen die bestimmt nicht (typisch RTL2) :sure:

28.12.2003, 14:27
Ay sag ich doch!

Ich will unbedingt wissen wie es weiter geht... :O :O :O
Hallo?? @.@ Wo sind denn hier alle Spoiler Freaks??? :))

28.12.2003, 16:34
Ich fidns doof das sie mitten im Tunier abgebrichen haben, sie hätten das Tunier doch noch durchlaufen lassen können ;(

28.12.2003, 19:47
Das war icht doof, das war bescheuert!

Gotenks SSJ3
28.12.2003, 19:53
@Esma, du kannst dir ja wohl denken wie es weitergeht, oder nicht? :roll:

naja, ich spoiler hier jetzt was hier mal jemand reingeschrieben hat.

Marick gewinnt gegen Bakuras Geist ( hat man glaub ich auch noch gesehen) dann wird Bakura halt ins Reich der Schatten geschickt, aber er hat ja noch ein stück von seinem Geist in Yugi's Milleniumsgegenstand und überlebt deshalb.
Yugi kämpft dann irgendwann gegen Kaiba ( der kampf dauert etwa 8 folgen.)
Yugi gewinnt natürlich.
danach geht kaiba nach Amerika <-- hat zumindest mal jemand geschrieben.
Yugi befreit dann Maricks bösen Geist indem er ihn halt in einem Duel besiegt. Marick hilft dann Yugi sein Geheimnis zu lüften indem er ihm die Symbole auf seinem Rücken zeigt.

naja, das war nur das was ich gehört habe...ob das alles stimmt weiß ich natürlich nicht.

29.12.2003, 08:45
@Goti: DANKE!!!!

Jetzt möcht ich nur wissen was die Geheimnise sind ;( . Ich guck mal vielleicht find ich was (ich kann nur nicht so gut Englisch *heul*).

29.12.2003, 18:28
Original von Goti
@Esma, du kannst dir ja wohl denken wie es weitergeht, oder nicht? :roll:

naja, ich spoiler hier jetzt was hier mal jemand reingeschrieben hat.

Marick gewinnt gegen Bakuras Geist ( hat man glaub ich auch noch gesehen) dann wird Bakura halt ins Reich der Schatten geschickt, aber er hat ja noch ein stück von seinem Geist in Yugi's Milleniumsgegenstand und überlebt deshalb.
Yugi kämpft dann irgendwann gegen Kaiba ( der kampf dauert etwa 8 folgen.)
Yugi gewinnt natürlich.
danach geht kaiba nach Amerika <-- hat zumindest mal jemand geschrieben.
Yugi befreit dann Maricks bösen Geist indem er ihn halt in einem Duel besiegt. Marick hilft dann Yugi sein Geheimnis zu lüften indem er ihm die Symbole auf seinem Rücken zeigt.

naja, das war nur das was ich gehört habe...ob das alles stimmt weiß ich natürlich nicht.

Isch bien ee.. wat???

Jemand hat zu mir gesagt, Das Joey und Kaiba zusammen 2ter werden!Also müsste (wenn man es logisch betrachten möchte) Joey den geflügelten Drachen des RaRrrrrr bekommen oder???

Bis jetzt logisch oder???

PS: Wie gafällt euch mein Avatar (mal so an die Joey-Fans gefragt :D)

29.12.2003, 18:50
Original von Esma
Jemand hat zu mir gesagt, Das Joey und Kaiba zusammen 2ter werden!Also müsste (wenn man es logisch betrachten möchte) Joey den geflügelten Drachen des RaRrrrrr bekommen oder???

Hä? Wieso denn das?
In dem Film *Luna* mal hier verlinkt hat, hat Yugi alle drei Götterkarten.

29.12.2003, 18:56
Film??? Welcher Film??? 8o

nee, ich meinte nur, ist doch logischer..ach vergiss es! :sure:

30.12.2003, 10:36
Luna hat weiter oben im Tread mal einen Link angegeben, es kommt immer ein neuer, ich glaub das ist so eine Art ''was in der nächsten Folge passiert''.

Marik hat doch den Ra, und er muss doch erst besiegt werden... ?(.... o.k. vergessen wirs....

30.12.2003, 18:32
Joey bekommt den Drachen, weil er dessen WAHRER Besitzer ist!

30.12.2003, 18:34
Ach, echt? Und warum ?(

30.12.2003, 18:38
ICh habe es auch nur efahren (bin unendlich Dankabar dafür :D)
Also, der Joey soll früher Yamis bester Freund gewesen sein und Joey war ein MAgier! Und die Karte Ra gehört ihm!

30.12.2003, 18:40
Aha,... aber Ra ist doch die stärkste Karte, die müsste doch eigendlich der Pharao haben. Joey und Magier *prust*.

Mal so neben bei weis eigendlich schone einer worum es im Kinofilm gehen wird?

30.12.2003, 18:45
:sure: Was soll DAS *prust* sein???--> :evil: nicht reizen bitte!
Joey soll ein Magier gewesen sein und Vize Pharao! So!

30.12.2003, 18:49
Ich kanns mir irgendwie nicht vorstellen....

30.12.2003, 18:55
Ich konnte es mir nicht vorstellen, das Kaiba am Anfang leuchtend grüne haare hatte :sure:

30.12.2003, 19:28
Joey? Ein Magier?Dieser Idiot?? Ich lach micht weg!Das ist ein Witz oder? Im manga kommt er bis jetzt nicht mal im alten Ägypten als früheres Leben vor! Du sagst das doch nur weil du diesen Depp magst(sorry aber ich hasse joey und Yami und Yugi auch) Den Ra und alle anderen Götterkarten hat der Pharao Yami befehligt. Joey ist und bleibt eine Witzfigur. Tut mir Leid aber das ist die Wahrheit.

31.12.2003, 09:15
Ich kanns mir auch nicht vorstellen, die drei Götterkarten sind die Macht des Pharaos.... die müssen einfach ihm gehören.... .

31.12.2003, 12:36
Au wai, da bin ich mal eine weile nicht da, und dann das.......... schöner Mist, den ihr da rumquasselt!
Also: Laut Animania, sollen die neuen Folgen am 17. Feb kommen.
Und Joey war KEIN magier, und hat ra auch net gekriegt. Und den Drach auch net. Ausserdem braucht Yami eh alle drei Götter um seine Erinnerungen zu kriegen.

wegem kinofilm: Also es gibt zwei. Der erste, der in Japan gezeigt wurde, gehört eigentlich noch zur 1. Staffel (selbe Syncra & selbe Rgie) aba Kaiba hat schon keine grünen Haare mehr. (Will jemand Bilder?)
Der zweite ist ein Realfilm, und wird in Hollywood gedreht und ein Haufe Harry Potter Schuapieler sind verteten. Aber ich glaube das wir ein Flopp, oder eher etwas für die lachzellen....... (ich musste c.a. 20 Min mich krum lachen, als ich die Besetzung sah.........)

Naja ich post demnächst noch ein paar Epis-Texte zum selber lesen....

31.12.2003, 12:40
Wusst ich doch, ich kanns mir halt nicht vorstellen udn die Karten gehören dem Pharao.

EIN REALFILM :bigeek: Bitte nicht *heul* die verhunzen alles....
Wie ist den die besetzung?

31.12.2003, 12:45
Also die Bestzung hab ich im August oda so i YGO Threat im B! Forum gepostt. Ich kanns jetzt nicht genau schreiben, weil ích's net auswendig weiß...
Also wei gesagt: Hier die Beschreibungen der nächsten Epis: (Wird lang, und is Englisch)


98. A Virtual Nightmare

Morning dawns on the battle ship, but it isn't starting out to be a good day. Though the Alcatraz Duel Tower, the place where Kaiba had built a dueling tower in place of his foster father's military base after he died, is within distance, the blimp is acting funny.

A boy named Noah has taken it over and has redirected it's destination to a large metal object floating in the ocean. The blimp lands inside and Noah, he is viewed from the screen in the blimp, "invites" Kaiba and "the other duelists" to get off the ship.

Kaiba decides it's not safe and that he should go alone, but no sooner does he make the statement than cannons begin firing at the blimp. Kaiba get off, followed by Mokuba, Yugi, Joey, Tea, Triston, Duke, and Serenity. Yami Malik watches from the top of the blimp as Noah fires more cannons at the ship as more people attempt to get off.

Kaiba and the others walk into a room where they see the figures of the former directors of Kaibacorp; the directors that attempted to trap Kaiba in the Virtual World. After Yami and Kaiba defeated them, they were trapped in the virtual world. They propose that each of them duel them in the virtual world and if they loose, then the member of the "Big 5" can switch places. They take over the looser's body and the looser must stay in Virutal Reality forever.

THey transport everyone to the virtual world where they wander around for a minute before another Kaiba walks out and he and another virtual person duel using the "Cheif of the Card Set" rules. If the cheif card, chosen by the dueler, is ever destroyed, then so is the dueler themselves, even if their life points are not 0.

The 5 return them to the real world to see their response, but point out that they really have no choice. If they refuse, they can never leave. That, they inform the group, is their revenge...

b: 01-Nov-2003

NOTE: First episode of Yu-Gi-Oh! Enter the Shadow Realm
From this episode onwards, new episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh! returned to first being aired in a dubbed format on KidsWB.


99. Isolated in Cyber Space (1)

Everyone accepts the dueling challenge and are transported to the virtual reality world in different places. Yugi finds himself alone in the middle of the forest, Tea in the middle of the dessert, Duke and Triston in a corridor, Serenity by the lake, Joey in a castle, and Kaiba and Mokuba in another part of the forest.

Yugi finds one of the Big 5 members dressed as the Deep-Sea Warrior. He challenges Yugi and Yami takes over to accept. Cards appear before him and the Deep-Sea Warrior instructs him to choose his deck-cards and one Cheif Card.

As Yami is browsing through his choices, he decides to choose the Dark Magician as his cheif card, but Kuriboh pops out instead!

Stuck with Kuriboh, one of the weakest creatures in the game, Yami begins the duel.

Meanwhile, Kaiba and Mokuba find a door in the forest. Considering it an exit, they open it, to find the orphanage where they grew up. They watch as parts of their past begin to play by them.

Tea wanders around the dessert for a while, until she meets up with a crew of Hitopsume Giants, who take her captive.

Back at the duel, Yami is informed that for every attack given to him, the brain will consider it real and the players will feel pain. If attacked too many times, regardless of life points, the player will die.

b: 08-Nov-2003

NOTE: First aired, in a dubbed format, on 7th November 2003 on the Canadian channel YTV.


100. Isolated in Cyber Space (2)

Yami continues the duel with Kimara, the Flying Mythic Beast and the Retained Celtic Guardian on his side. His opponent, the Deep-Sea warrior, has done little but defend the entire game.

But as he calls an attack on the opponents life points, he activates a special Cheif of Card Set ability which shoots Yami's monsters back at him!

Weakened from the various attacks, Yami begins to wonder how he can win this duel.

Meanwhile, Duke and Triston, tired from running down an endless corridor, spot an ax and decide to chop their way through the wall. As Triston picks it up, however, Duke wonders how he is able to touch it in virtual world, as before, Tea couldn't hold the flowers in the demo.

Seto and Mokuba are still watching images of their past. They watch as the young Mokuba is sitting on a swing in an empty park. Young Seto comes and tells his brother that they should go back.

Mokuba explains that he was there because he remembered visiting there with their parents, and that he hoped he could bring things back the way they used to.

His brother tells him that there isn't much good in crying, and that Mokuba shouldn't worry because he'll always be there to take care of him.

While the two Kaiba brothers watch on, Joey is banging his way around the castle looking for one of the five to duel. As he shouts out that he has better things to do than waste time waiting for a duel, he remembers Mai, and how he needs to beat Malik in order to save her.

Back at the duel, the Deep-Sea Warrior appears to have the upper hand, as Yami begins to get weak from all the attacks, but he mangages to find a way to reduce the warriors life points.

But with so many rules and catches he doesn't know, can he win the duel and keep Yugi's body safe from the 5?

b: 08-Nov-2003

NOTE: First aired, in a dubbed format, on 7th November 2003 on the Canadian channel YTV.


101. Isolated in Cyber Space (3)

Yami is cornered with no way out of a direct attack that will surely kill him, but as he falls to the ground, he manages to have the strength to get back up again.

The warrior is surprised, but doesn't really care. Yami's life points stand at 400, and he is confident that he will win.

Meanwhile, Duke and Triston chop their way through the walls and find themselves on the roof of a castle. They look down at the field below and spot Serenity, running away from a Mad Sword Beast.

Triston jumps off the castle roof and onto the beast while Duke runs and gets Serenity out of the way. As Triston climbs out a river where he led the beast, he sees that Duke has already taken the credit for Serenity's rescue.

Seto and Mokuba watch as the young Seto challenges the owner of Kaibacorp, and 6 time champion chess player, Kazoboro Kaiba to a game of chess. If he wins, he and Mokuba become his adopted sons.

As they watch from outside through a window, the real Mokuba remembers that after that game of chess, Seto never was happy again. He runs over to the door, in an attempt to change the past and keep his brother the way he used to be.

Seto tries to convince Mokuba that this isn't the past that it's just an illusion, but Mokuba opens the door anyway and starts to fall down a large hole.

Seto grabs him just in time and after pulling him to safety calls out to Noa, who is watching every move they make, asking him what he is after.

Noa doesn't answer, just smiles, and Seto and Mokuba walk away in the forest to find an exit.

Tea wakes up in a large cave and spots Hitopsume Giants down at the bottom, boiling a kettle of water. Getting the feeling they're preparing for dinner, and not wanting to be main course, Tea spots a penguin who has drapped a vine down.

She starts to climb up, but makes a noise that alerts the giants. She runs out of the cave after reaching the top, but meets a dead end. Either cross the shakey bridge over a long drop, or face the giants.

She starts to walk across, but the giants attempt to follow and the bridge snaps in two. Luckily, Tea was on the side that will lead her to safety and begins to climb up to the top.

Back at the duel, Yami realizes the power of Kuriboh and he combines it with the Rainbow Card to form a bridge directly over to the Deep Sea Warrior's life points.

Using Gai, he marches across the bridge and destroys the Deep-Sea Warrior and his remaining life points.

Yami thanks Kuriboh, who dissappears, and Yami heads off to find Tea and the others, before they are challenged by the remaining 4...

b: 15-Nov-2003


102. Freeze Play (1)

Tea collapses after reaching the top of the bridge and looks up at the sky. As she gazes upwards, she notices a peguin. She follows the penguin to a raft in an icy river.

She gets on and is led to a large hallway. There, she spots what must be the lead peguin, and also another member of the 5. The Penguin points out that Tea is not a very good environmentalist and tells her all the terrible things she has done, like littering and forgetting to turn off the lights, which harm the penguins.

Tea tries to run away, but is caught up on a large ice block which rises up. The penguin rises up on another and challenges her to duel.

After Tea chooses her deck, she fishes through her cards to find a Cheif. She chooses the Dark Magician Girl, as she remembers how she wanted to play that role in a play someday when she grows up.

But as the Penguin starts to question her choice, Tea realizes she forgot to put a Dark Magician in her deck, making Dark Magician Girl not a very helpful monster.

Tea ingnores this and draws her opening hand. Meanwhile, Yugi is running desperately to get to Tea before she is challenged. Noa is alerted to this and decides to put Yugi in a maze.

Yugi and Yami run through the maze as Tea's voice echoes in their ears asking them to help her.

Back at the duel, Tea plays a monster in attack mode and Mirror Force face down.

The Penguin begins his turn with Cold Wave, which forbids any magic or trap cards to be played or activated for one turn. Then, he attacks her monster with a water monster, that gets a power boost from himself, as he is the Cheif of his card set.

As Tea looses life points, her feet freeze to the ground. The Penguin explains that for every life points lost, part of themselves will freeze.

Tea shivers and the Penguin comments that she ought to buy better clothes next time she goes shopping. She ignores the penguin and draws a fire monster.

She plays it which heats her and the Dark Magician Girl up. Then, she attacks the penguin directly. But on the Penguin's next turn, the fire girl is destroyed and Tea's feet freeze again.

The Dark Magician Girl holds her hand for encouragement, but even with her support, can Tea win before she freezes to death?

b: 15-Nov-2003

31.12.2003, 12:48
Diese dämliche Post_begrenzung..............
Also die Fortsetzung:


103. Freeze Play (2)

Seto and Mokuba are walking through the forest and spot a cabin on a hill. They decide to rest and open the door cautiously, remembering what happened back at the last illusion.

After opening the door, the cabin transforms into their house, but years earlier. They see themselves, years younger, walking through the house. They both recognize it as the day they were adopted...

... on the day they were adopted, they were taken to Kaiba's house where Seto got to start long and tiring school lessons. The people teaching him said he had to catch up with Kaiba if he ever wanted to be the owner of Kaibacorp.

That evening at dinner, Kaiba asked Seto what he wanted to
do when he became the owner of Kaibacorp. Seto responded
that he wanted to build a paradise and Mokuba adds that
Seto wants to build something like a Disney Land for kids
like them who don't have anything.

Kaiba thinks this idea is ridiculous and says that games
are stupid. Seto is outraged by this and says that games
are great and pure. Kaiba then tells his employee to take
all Seto and Mokuba's games and toys away.

That night, Seto goes to his room to rest before his
lessons start in 1 hour! (the people said he didn't have
time for sleep!) Mokuba is standing out in the hallway and
hands someone a book and tells them to give it to his

The person gives Seto the book and when he opens it, he
finds duel monster cards in a hole in the book. Mokuba said
that they should keep him company since the brothers have
two different rooms. They are all weak monsters except for
a drawing on notebook paper of a Blue Eyes White Dragon.
Seto vows that someday, he'll get the real Blue Eyes White

Noa then appears and Seto demands to know why he is showing them this. Noa responds that he just wants it fresh in their memory, and that Seto will get it for what he has done. Seto ask what Noa means but Noa laughs and disappears.

Back at Tea's duel, she draws a card and plays it in defense mode. Freezing, she ends her turn. The penguin attacks her defense and then attacks her directly with a torpedo penguin.

Meanwhile, Yugi and Yami have figured out the secret to the maze and that they must use one of their monsters and run through each of the four doors before they can find Tea.

At the last door, the four star door, Yugi picks up the Dark Magician, one of the last cards in his duel tray he hasn't used.
Yami tells him not to use the Magician yet, so Yugi chooses four star lady-bug of doom, and destroys the mosnter.

They run through and end up behind a thick sheet of glass facing Tea's duel. Yugi tries to break through, but can't and realizes they are too late to help. Yami tells him that he believes in the Dark Magician Girl, and that she will help Tea.

Tea plays Maha Vailo, and powers him up to 2550. But he is destroyed and this shatters Tea's last bit of hope. Then, the penguin attacks her directly again and plays a 2450 defense monster.

Tea looses faith in herself but the Dark Magician Girl summons herself to the field claiming she can use her powers to win. But Tea tells the Magician Girl that she has no dark Magician to help her with.

Dark Magician Girl then uses her powers as Cheif of Card Set. This allows Tea to draw cards up to the number of monsters in her graveyard.

Tea draws The Stone of the Supieror and plays it, which allows Dark magician Girl to call her master, Dark Magician. Since Yugi had not played him yet, the Dark Magician is summoned from his duel disk out to Tea's field and the force shatters the ice wall behind which he was trapped.

Tea attack and wins the duel. Then, she blacks out. She wakes up later with Yugi beside her, and she hugs him, thanking him for rescuing her.

b: 22-Nov-2003


104. Courtroom Chaos (1)

Joey is still wandering around the castle looking for a duel when, frustrated, he kicks the wall, which promptly collapses. Behind it, is a door, which Joey opens and finds himself back at the hanger where the Battle Ship is.

Overjoyed at being free of the Virtual World, he boards the ship and searches for the others. He finds no one, but notices that Mai's door is open. Sadly, he walks inside and sees her, still asleep.

He vows that he will defeat Malik, and let her awaken, when all of the sudden, she does wake up!

She sits up, but as a stunned Joey asks her if she's really okay, she replies in a deep voice and turns into one of the Big 5. He apologizes for scaring Joey like that and challenges him to a duel.

Joey accepts, determined to make him pay for making Joey think Mai was alright. The room transforms into a court room and Joey is standing in the accussed chair. The man turns into the Judge Man, and announces that this will be his Cheif Card.

Joey chooses the Flame Swordsman, knowing he can trust him. The Swordsman appears, and tells Joey that his special ability is raising warrior monsters attack power by giving them bits of his own.

The duel begins and the Judge Man plays Hysteric Angel in attack mode. Joey counters with Gearfried, and raises it's attack power by 500 with the special effect of the Flame Swordsman. He destroys the angel.

The Judge Man defends, and Joey destroys the defense with Gearfried and has his Feather Warrior attack directly. The man then plays Mystic Elf in defense.

Joey attempts an attack, but the man activates the Judge Man's special ability, Death Sentence, which destroys all of Joey's monsters on the field at the cost of 1000 life points.

The man then fuses Mystical Elf with another creature to form a very weak fusion. After activating a magic card that allows 800 life points to return to the owner of a fusion monster when it gives damage to the opponent.

The man's life points raise to 1000 and Joey's drop to 2700. Meanwhile, Tea and Yugi and walking around the artic world. Yugi lends Tea his jacket as they walk through the freezing weather for the others.

Duke, Triston, and Serenity are also milling about while Kaiba and Mokuba recieve yet another flashback. Young Seto in angry with K. Kaiba because he is using Seto's inventions, originally created for pleasure and fun, for warfare.

Seto is upset with this and demands that K. Kaiba stop, but K. just has his guards drag Seto out of the room without speaking to him.

Back at the duel, Joey attempts to use Graceful Dice, and at first it lands on a six, but changes strangely to a 1, doing nothing for Joey's monster.

Is there any way for Joey to beat the Judge Man, or has Joey's luck finally run out?

b: 22-Nov-2003

31.12.2003, 12:49
Also erlich, wieviel passt den da rein??????????

105. Courtroom Chaos (2)

Joey's life points are at 1200 while Big-3 has 1000. However, Big-3 a monster and a face-down card. Joey has no monsters, but thankfully it's his turn. He then plays Panther Warrior in attack mode and places a Skull Dice. Big-3 draws and activates his placed card: a field card that increases a Fusion Monster's attack by 800 when it attacks. This brings Kamionwizard's attack to 2100. He prepares to attack the Panther Warrior, but Joey activates the Skull Dice. It lands on a six, but Big-3 manipulates it so that it lands on one instead, unbeknownst to Joey, Yugi and Tea. Big-3 then attacks the Warrior and lowers Joey's life points to 1100. However, the effect of the power-up allows Big-3 to regain 800 life points when it does damage to Joey, placing Joey at 1800. Joey takes his turn, plays Swordsman of Landstar in attack mode and follows up with Graceful Dice. Again, the dice rolls a six, but Big-3 manipulates it to land on one. Big-3 then activates the Judge Man's ability. After paying 1000 life points (placing him at 800), the Swordsman of Landstar is removed from the game and Joey takes 500 damage because his one monster was destroyed, placing him at 600. Joey then places the last two cards in his hand: Scapegoat and Gamble.

Big-3 then draws and gets Pot of Greed, allowing him to draw two cards (which gives him a hand of 6 cards). Joey then takes the opportunity to activate Gamble, which could only be activated if his opponent had 6 or more cards in his hand and if Joey had two or less. A coin appears on Joey's side of the field. Joey gets to flip it and call it. If he calls it correctly, he can draw five cards. However, if he calls it incorrectly he will be forced to skip his next turn. Big-3 chuckles to himself because he can manipulate the coin toss like he did with the dice.

Joey tosses it in the air...

Kaiba and Mokuba are walking on the beach. Kaiba yells out to Noa. Noa is watching the two brothers, but he decides to see how Joey's battle is going...

Much to Joey's dismay, he ended up calling the coin toss incorrectly. He then promptly activates Scapegoat, putting the four goats on the field. Big-3 then activates a card that allows him to search for a monster: Armaill. He then activates Polymerization, fusing it with the One-Eyed Shield Dragon is his hand to summon Dragoness the Wicked Knight. Big-3 then uses his monsters to destroy two of the goats. But since Joey has to skip his next turn, Big-3 attacks again and destroys the other two.

Joey's in a tight spot, but then Noa appears and tells everyone that Big-3 cheated by manipulating the coin toss and the dice rolls. At this moment, Kaiba and Mokuba find a TV set on the beach. They see Noa and thus find out about Joey's battle. After he hears Noa, Joey says that he still thinks he can win. Noa is a little surprised, but does as Joey wishes and leaves. Joey then draws and gets his OWN Pot of Greed, allowing him to draw two cards. Joey then Special Summons his last monster: the Deckmaster the Flame Swordsman. He then activates the first card in his hand: a Sword powerup that increases the Flame Swordsman's attack to 1000 (It had previously had its stats at 800 because Joey had used its effect). Joey explains that the Sword allows him to sacrifice another monster to increase the Swordsman's attack power. Big-3 laughs because Joey has no other monsters, but Joey activates his second card.

The card allows him to draw and get two cards. Joey draws and sees that they are Goblin Attack Force and Shield and Sword. He then puts one card in each hand (so that Big-3 can only see the back of the cards) asks Big-3 to pick one. If Big-3 picks the monster card, Joey can automatically Special Summon it. This is the one gamble that Big-3 cannot rig. He almost picks the card on Joey's left hand, but the confident look on Joey's face makes him change his mind. He then picks the card in Joey's right hand, which was of course the Goblin Attack Force. Joey then Special Summons it, sacrifices it to the blade to make the Flame Swordsman's attack 3300, attacks Dragoness and wins the match. Big-3 then fades away. Tea and Yugi congratulate Joey, but Joey's upset that Yugi doesn't know where Serenity is. He then runs out of the room to find her...

b: 29-Nov-2003


106. Mechanical Mayhem (1)

Now there are only two opponents left, as 3 out of Big Fives are defeated. The mysterious boy Noah's next target is a trio of Tristan, Serenity, and Duke. Still wondering in the virtual realm, they open a door that floats above field. Behind the door is a place that is much like a factory. There they find Big 4 waiting. He is Ota Soichiro the former manager of Kaiba factory for military equipments.
Big 4 challenges the three to have a 3:1 duel with him. Tristan and Duke defend an inexperienced Serenity and declare to have 2:1 duel. But since Big 4 is after all three bodies, he does not allow Serenity to withdraw from the game. It is then Serenity accepts the challenge and joins the duel.
Big 4's deck-master is "Mechanic Sergeant." Using its special deck-master attack called "Backup bombardment," Big 4 attacks each player and reduces their life powers by 500 per machine-type monster card that has discarded from the hand. In addition, Serenity becomes an easy target since she doesn't know the rules to duel?

b: 29-Nov-2003


107. Mechanical Mayhem (2)

Joey, Yugi, and Tea are running through the cave when Serenity's shrill cry sounds through the cave. Joey runs ahead, toward the sound of his sister. Yugi and Tea follow.

Serenity falls to the floor and starts to cry. Duke tries to get her to take her turn, but she's lost in her own mind, and shocked at Triston's sacrifice.

The Machine tells Duke to take his turn instead, so Duke plays Dimension Hole, making his Machine Dark Assailent disappear and then tributes his Yoronzo and 13th grave for Orgoth, the Relentless.

Then, he plays Dice Field and Dungeon Dice. Orgoth and Machine King are transported to the dice field where the players must role the die to determine the moves.

Since dice is Duke's specialty, he rolls and manages a six, which doubles his attack power. The Machine man roles a one, lowering his attack by 1000.

Duke attacks with Orgoth and destroys the monster. The machine man summons himself to the field and recalls why he hates Seto Kaiba so much.

After being forced to destroy his own machine factory, Kaiba ordered a duel tower to be build, and told the man the only thing he needed to do was not get underfoot during construction.

Humiliated and angered by this, the man is determined to get revenge on Kaiba for what he did.

They are transported to the dice field where Duke rolls a one and he rolls a two. The Machine Man defeats Duke's Orgoth and Dungeon Dice disappears.

Serenity's turn approaches again and despite Duke's efforts to make her get up, she simply sits there with a blank face. Duke finally tells her to remember what Triston told her about duel monsters.

Serenity remembers on the train to Battle City, Triston had been explaining rules like tributing for 5 stars and over, and how to fuse monsters with polymerazation.

Right on cue, Joey bursts in and calls down to his sister. Serenity looks up and smiles. Duke explains to Yugi and Tea what happened, and Joey offers to play in Serenity's place.

The Machine Man says he cannot allow them to do that, and that Serenity must play. Joey then tells Serenity, like she watches his duels, he'll watch hers.

Serenity stands up and Tributes one of her monsters for the Fallen Angel. Then, The Goddess of Third Eye, her cheif, tells her she can subsititute for a fusion card as long as Serenity puts one card in the grave.

Serenity does this and fuses to form a new monster with an ATK of 2800. Duke activates his Cheif card's special effect, to turn over and activate the face down card of Triston's.

It raises the fused monster's attack power enough to destroy the Machine Man. The Machine Man already has a body though, so it doesn't matter, he calls out to them before he vanishes.

Joey leaps down and runs over to Serenity, who breaks down and starts crying. Joey hugs her in an attempt to comfort her, and Yugi points out that Triston is still in virtual world somewhere, so they must go find him.

At the same time, in another part of the world, a small robotic monkey wakes up...

b: 06-Dec-2003


108. Settling the Score (1)

Okay, the episode (the first part) begins where Ota, (The
big 5 memeber who has taken over Triston) attacks Kaiba
using Triston's body and kidnaps Mokuba.

He jumps on a motorcycle and rides away, and Kaiba of
course finds a motorcycle and follows him.

However, he looses the trail (his motorcycle crashes) and
he runs into Jinzo, who says he cannot pass until he duels.
So Kaiba agrees.

Jinzo starts with one monster in defense mode. Kaiba
attacks on his turn with the "Spear Dragon" which does
damage even if the monster is in defense mode. The monster
in defense turned out to be "Hiro's Shadow Scout" which
forces Kaiba to draw out three cards, and any magic cards
among them are discarded, so Kaiba must discard one card
I'd never seen, and "Virus-Eliminating Cannon."

On Jinzo's next turn, he plays defense and a card face
down, which Kaiba finds odd as Spear Dragon must go into
defense mode after attacking, and his defense is zero.

Kaiba plays "Giant Germ" in attack mode and switches Spear
Dragon to attack mode. He then orders and attack, but the
card face down activates, putting a strange mask on Kaiba.
Kaiba then must choose his attack target, but the mask
confuses him and he ends up attacking his own Giant Germ.

He is allow to draw out another Giant Germ, due to the
effect, and ends his turn. Jinzo simply plays another
card, "Solemn Wishes" which allows him to gain 500 life
points each time he draws a card, and ends his turn. Kaiba attacks, but it turns out to be Cyber Jar.

Cyber Jar destroyed all the monsters on the field and Jinzo
summoned out Lily, the Injection Angel and Kaiba summons
Blood Vorse and Doldra.

Lily only has 400 attack power, so Kaiba feels it was silly
to let it stay in attack mode, so he attacks with Doldra.
Jinzo activates the special ability of Lily, sacrificing
2000 lp to raise her attack power to 3400. Doldra is
destroyed, and Kaiba's lp is reduced, but he activates
Doldra's special ability, which allows it to be returned to
the field in defense mode with it's attack and defense set
at 1000.

Jinzo takes his turn and taunts Kaiba about his V. reality
system still being used for war. Kaiba ignores this and
Jinzo plays a magic card which reduces the selected monster
by it's level x 100. Therefore, Blood Vorse is reduced to
1500. (-400)

He then activates Life Squeezer, which allows him to take
back any life points that he spent last turn.

Kaiba takes his turn and I believe he plays Giant Trunade,
but Jinzo activates Imperial Order, which negates all magic
cards at the cost of 700 life points per turn. Kaiba then
switches Blood Vorse to defense mode and ends his turn.

Jinzo sacrifices his defense monster to play "Satilite
Cannon" which appears up in the outer space of the Virtual
Reality world. No monster with an level lower than eight
and no monster that cannot fly can attack it.

And as the first part ends, the satilite cannon locks onto

b: 13-Dec-2003

31.12.2003, 12:50
Die nächste:

109. Settling the Score (2)

I forgot to mention in the last ep. summary, that Noa found
Mokuba and took him back to his "place." The two are
watching the duel from one of Noa's TV screens.

So Kaiba takes his turn and tries to defend from Lily.
Every turn, Jinzo will continue to get back life points to
use for Lily's attack, so it's useless to try and attack
her with anything below 3400.

Kaiba plays one defense monster and ends his turn.

Meanwhile, Yugi and his friends and riding in some old
truck Joey has found and they're riding down the same
highway that Kaiba and Jinzo are dueling on.

Jinzo goes into the whole flashback of the year-long test
when Seto was a kid.
As Mokuba looks on, Jinzo tells Seto a story to refresh his memory of past events.

Okay, on Seto's birthday one year, he was given as a present a test. (What IS it with these Yugioh! people and these life-changing birthday presents??!!) He and Mokuba would each recieve two shares of Kaibacorp. Seto had to get more than half of the shares of Kaibacorp by his birthday the next year and then he would become the successor.

Seto went to all lengths to win, because K. Kaiba was using his own inventions for evil, to hurt people. Seto had to stop him. He succeeded in secretly turning the Big 5 against K., but someone told K. what had happened and Seto blamed Mokuba! (This is where I think things get a bit far-fetched)

Seto told Mokuba to stop getting in his way, so Mokuba went to K. Kaiba's side for the battle.
On Seto's birthday the next year, Seto has 49% of the shares, K. 51%, but just as they are about to call Seto the looser, Mokuba breaks in. He explains two percent of the shares are his to use, and he chooses to give them to Seto, switching the scores and giving Seto the victory.
Also, Mokuba doesn't believe that his brother would use
him, although Noa keeps trying to get him to think that.
(This is where I get stuck. Is it true that he used him? Or
was he mistaken?)

Anyway, Jinzo activates the Satilite cannon's effect, which
destroys the monster Seto played into defense mode.

Yugi and his friends arrive just as the cannon hits the
monster. It causes a major explosion, but Seto doesn't
really get hurt by it. (i think that last thing was just to
make the cliff-hanger even worse for the viewers.)

Lily then destroys Blood Vors. Kaiba takes his turn and
plays a new monster. (I'm sorry, I forget the name) He
manages to power the monster up to 3200, but Jinzo thinks
this is ridculous, as Lily still destroys it.

But as Kaiba looses 200 lp, he laughs. Lily costs 2000 lp
EACH time a monster attacks her, so now, with less than
2000 lp left, Jinzo cannot activate her special effect,
leaving her very vulnerable to Doldra's attack.

Kaiba wipes out lily, but the Satilite Cannon is still a
problem. It destroys Doldra, and despite Seto's open lp,
Jinzo plays Dreamsprite in defense mode.

Kaiba summons a fire-type monster and attacks Dreamsprite,
but Jinzo activates her ability; transfer the attack order
to another monster on the field, namely the Satilite Cannon
that cannot be attacked by any monster lower than 8 stars.

Kaiba takes his next turn and starts with Pot of Greed. He
draws two more cards and plays a monster in attack mode.
Then, he activates the Lord of Dragons special ability as
the Cheif of Card set; pay 500 life points to summon a
dragon type monster to the field.

Kaiba sacrifices his two monsters for his Blue Eyes, and
it, having both 8 stars and the ability to fly, destroys
the Satilite Cannon and the remainder of Jinzo's life

Kaiba rushes over to Jinzo and demands to know what
happened to Mokuba, but Jinzo replies he doesn't know and
dissappears into the atmosphere.

Noa asks why Mokuba is so happy Kaiba won, when he betrayed
him before. Mokuba says he doesn't care about that, and
that he just wants to help his brother.

Back with Kaiba, he just looks up into the sky and calls
out Mokuba's name...

b: 20-Dec-2003


110. Ever Intensifying Mystery of Noa's True Identity

Seto looks for Mokuba and sees a tunnel. He follows it and Tea and Yugi rush after him. Joey and Duke debate whether to go or not, but decide too late, as the door to the portal closes, leaving them, along with Serenity and Monkey-Triston alone on the bridge.

Inside the tunnel, Seto runs madly after the fading voice of his brother. Then, he sees a light in one side of the wall and sees Noa and Mokuba.

Noa tells Seto that K. Kaiba has him try to defeat Seto because Noa wanted an opponent, someone he could compete against. If he can beat Seto, he will be the rightful heir to Kaibacorp.

Seto ignores this, walks past Noa and takes Mokuba's hand and starts to lead him out, but Mokuba slaps Seto's hand away and tells him he isn't going with him. He's staying with Noa, his brother!

Seto is angry at Noa, because he knows he brainwashed him change Mokuba. Meanwhile, Yugi and Tea run down the tunnel, but end up in front of the Kaiba Mansion. They enter and hear a baby crying.

Yugi wonders if they have gone back in time to when Seto was a baby, but that can't be, as Seto was adopted at the age of 10. Yugi then finds a dusty photo, which shocks him. He carries it with him and he and Tea soon find Seto.

He shows the picture to Seto who finds it shocking as well, as Noa and K. Kaiba are in the photo, but K. looks younger! And earlier, Noa looked the same in another photo, but K. was older! How can Noa stay the same but others age?

Seto doesn't get his answer, as Noa leaves, taking Mokuba with him.

31.12.2003, 12:53
Die nächste:


113. Defeat It! Mythic Dragon! (3)

Yugi & Joey VS big 5 continues. In the third turn Big 5 activates a "Misty Altar" to initiate a ritual to revive an evil dragon. This ritual requires sacrificial monsters of five attributes, the earth, water, fire, wind, and darkness from either the field or hand. Completion of this process takes up to 5 turns. "Our victory was decided when this monster was summoned," Big 5 says and summons a "Five-God Dragon" using the five deck masters. The Five-God Dragon is a mighty monster with attack points of 5000. Yugi & Joey are soon put in a tight spot. Cornered Joey summons a deck master the Flame Swordsman and leaves the rest to Yugi, who in turn summons a deck master the Black Magician. They also unite the deck masters and summon "the Black Flare Knight" with attack points of 2200. Making an attack against the Five-God Dragon with the Black Flare Knight seems suicidal. But?


114. Noa Vs. Seto - Duel of the Creators (1)

Joey is shaking monkey Tristan, who is upset, believing his must remain a monkey forever. Duke finds a secret pannel on the back of the monkey's back, and inside are 6 buttons.

Joey presses one, and the monky sprouts wheels and starts racing around them. Duke presses another, and the monkey sprouts propellers and begins zooming around Yugi, Tea, and Serenity.

Meanwhile, Seto has found Kaibaland, and walks inside to find a railroad track. As if to "welcome" him, as Seto puts it, a BEWD train comes by and Seto boards it.

Yugi finally presses the Red Button and the monkey goes into Emergency Mode, (which is not Tristan at all) it leads them straight to Kaibaland.

Meanwhile, Seto has reached an odd lava-world, and steps out of the train onto a piece of rock. Noa is waiting for him on another rock surrounding the lava.

Seto tells Noa that he found out the truth; that Noa is dead. Noa realizes that Seto saw the clip, and meanwhile, Yugi and his friends are watching it themselves.

Noa explains the situation to Seto. That when Noa was young, he was being trained to be a sucessor of Kaibacorp, but was hit by a car and was killed.

K. Kaiba put Noa's mind into a Virtual Computer, and transfered all his memories there. Noa woke up thinking everything had been a dream, but when he can't open his door, a screen pops up and K. Kaiba is there.

Noa asks his father to let him out, but K. explains that Noa is dead, and must live in the computer world now. Noa isn't too happy to find out he has died already, but he sees a cat on the floor, and pets it.

Noa explained that the VW was slowly expanded, but it was still virtual, and the people were limited. (For example, the hot dog vender never said anything to him other than, "Hello, Master Noa, what would you like?)

He made adjustments to the V world to make it more life like (too life-like. His cat got really wild and he had to put a muzzle on it!), and also figured out plans for his father, but he wasn't interested in listening.

Then, Seto and Mokuba were adopted. Noa explains that everything Seto did was just so someday he would compete with Noa.

Seto can't believe that everything he has acomplished was just for someone else, and tells Noa to start the duel.

Meanwhile, Yugi and his friends discover the tracks. (Tristan turns back into Triston-Monkey again)
Triston scurries down the tracks and finds a little train-car equip with a handle-bar that Joey and Duke begin pumping to make it go.

However, they go too fast, and when Tea suggests the brake, Joey admits he has broken the brake! So they speed away down the tracks and are deposited on another rock near where the duel is begining.

Seto appoints a reptile monster as his Deck Master and plays Giant Germ in attack mode, and the Crush Card face down. Noa summons a warrior monster, uses it's effect to destroy the Crush, and then takes down the germ.

Although Seto loses some life points, Noa loses 500 due to Giant Germ's effect, and Seto is allowed to summon out another Giant Germ.

He sacrifices it for Vampire Lord and attacks Noa's warrior. It is destroyed, and due to Vampire Lord's special ability, Noa must give up one card from his deck of Seto's choosing, and his chooses monster card.

Noa discards the Giant Soldier of Stone. He then plays Fissure to destory the vampire, and attacks Seto directly with another warrior monster reducing him to 1400.

Seto activates Vampire Lord's second ability, allowing it to revive itself if it was destroyed by a card effect of the opponent.

He then summons Newt. 1900/400. Noa activates Earthshaker, choosing the attributes Wind (Newt) and Dark (Vampire). Seto chooses to destroy the Dark monster, as he'll get the Vampire back next turn.

He then attacks Noa's monster.

Noa begins his turn by playing a Flood card. (Can't recall the name) It washes all the monsters on the field and the graveyard into Noa's cheif card, The Miracle Arc.

He then tells Seto he must be aware of the special abilities of the arc. In 7 turn, something great will happen and in 3 turns, something will happen to "shock Seto's existence."

While he wonders what this could mean, Noa activates the 1st turn of the arc....

31.12.2003, 12:55
Die nächste:


115. The Miracle Ark (2)

Seto plays Spear Dragon in attack mode, and attempts a
direct attack on Noa's life points, but Noa activates one
of the numerous effects of the arc, allowing him to take
one monster from the arc and make it be in defense mode.

The arc chooses Vampire Lord, and Spear Dragon destroys it,
however, Spear Dragon does damage even if the monster is in
defense mode, so Noa loses a few life points, though not

As Noa's turn begins, he activates the arc's 1st turn,
which makes the surrounding environment look as it would
have in the age of the dinosaurs. To go along with the new
theme, he plays Giant Rex, which destorys Spear Dragon.

Seto begins his turn by playing Cloudy Dragon in defense
mode, and due to the effect of the Deck Master, light
monsters requiring Tribute can be summoned with one less
tribute than usual. Cloudy Dragon, requiring one tribute,
doesn't need any now.

Noa starts his 2nd turn and plays a meteor like card, which
clouds the Virtual sun and causes an ice age to come about.
(which freezes and kills his dinosaur, by the way.)

He then activates Ice Age Panick, which causes them both to
loose half their remaining life points bringing Seto down
to 700. Noa then special summons Last Mammoth, which is
going for a direct attack! (atk power = 800)

But Seto activates the ability of the Cloudy Dragon, which
means it will never be destroyed by Magic or Monsters. But
Noa explains the Last Mammoth's effect.

The damage Noa will get from an attack to a monster with
higher defense will be deducted from SETO'S life points!
Cloudy Dragon, with a defense of 1500, would cause him to
lose exactly 700 life points!!!

But he activates the Destruction wheel on the mamoth, and
defends his own life points with Defense Wheel which the
mammoth is destroyed and Noa looses the attack power of the

Seto then takes his turn and uses Thunder Dragon's special
effect: Discard it from the hand to bring out 2 thunder
dragons, and he fuses the two into the Twin-Headed Thunder
Dragon. He then calls an attack, causes Noa to summon two
monsters in defense mode from the arc.

Seto then activates a trap, allowing for 1 turn differences
in defense to be delt with in damage. (As if the defending
monster was in attack mode)

He orders Cloudy Dragon to attack Noa's first monster, but
before the Twin Headed Dragon can attack the last monster
and wipe out Noa, Noa calls for Seto to stop, and Mokuba

He steps in front of Noa and spreads out his arms to
protect him.

Noa explains that if Seto attacks, Mokuba might not
survive. He then laughs and tells Seto that his prophecy
has come true: Something happened in the third round
to "shock his existence."...

31.12.2003, 12:57
Die nächste:


116. Save Mokuba! The Seventh Turn of Fate (3)

Seto is shocked to see Mokuba standing there...on someone else's side. Noa tells Seto that Mokuba thinks Noa is his real brother and that Seto is the enemy. Mokuba says that any enemy of his "brother" is an enemy of his.

Seto ends his turn, definately not willing to risk losing Mokuba for the attack. Yugi calls out for Seto to keep fighting, and that to remember when he fought Joey under similar circumstances.

Seto doesn't want to accept Yugi's help, but realizes that there is one card to prove his and Mokuba's relationship. Noa activates the next day's effect, causing the ice to vanish and the modern world to appear.

He activates Dark Hole, getting rid of all the monsters, except Cloudy Dragon, of course, who must stay.

He then plays Gradius, and equips it with Cyclone Laser and and the Modifyer, allowing every attack made by the monster to be 100 points higher than the defense of the other monster, meaning each turn, Seto will lose 100 life points. He is attacked and is brought down to 600.

He begins his turn, hoping for the card, but doesn't draw it. He instead thinks back to the promise he made Mokuba, that he would protect him no matter what, that he would be his father...

Then he thinks to how he treated him back when he had to take the test, and explains that he didn't USE Mokuba, but knew that no matter what, he would always keep Mokuba in his family, that he would never abondon him.

It was the relationship between the two of them that only they could understand that beat K. Kaiba.

Seto then ends his turn, and Noa activates the Choice card, allowing it to copy his Gradius and allowing two attacks. One attack brings Seto to 500, and another knocks him off his feet and he collapses on the ground.

Yugi shouts over to Mokuba. He asks him if he really wants to see Seto treated like this. Mokuba starts to remember a little, but doesn't do anything yet.

Seto stands up and tells Mokuba that when he was first adopted, it was a nightmare. He was about the crash, and the only thing that saved him was the card that Mokuba drew him...the blue eyes white dragon. He made a promise to become a man who would deserve that card...and then asks Mokuba if he has done that. He asks him if he is worthy of the dragon, and being his brother.

Seto then draw the Blue Eyes White Dragon, sacrifices Cloudy Dragon for it, and plays a card face down.

Mokuba remembers everything now. He remembers drawing the picture for Seto... and how he imagined riding the dragon with him...

Duke and Joey shout for Mokuba to run out of the way so Seto can attack, and he runs away from Noa. Seto attacks the Gradius and Choice is destroyed as well.

Noa begins his turn, and Seto activates the card that will decide the game...LAST BATTLE.

Both players choose one monster, and abondon everything else on the field and in their hand to the graveyard. The two monsters battle, and the one that survives the turn is declared the winner.

Noa chooses the arc, and BEWD attacks it. Seto declares himself the winner, but Noa laughs and tells Seto, "Did you forget? It is the 7th turn...and now my real cheif appears."

A large monster with wings appears and kills the Blue Eyes White Dragon.

Noa fuses himself with the winged chief card and tells Seto that he is the loser. Seto falls to the ground, and Mokuba runs toward him, apologizing for what he didn't even realize he had done...

Noa then curses both of them, and turns them into stone, sadly staring at each other with their hands inches apart...

Yugi and everyone else runs over to them and as they arrive, one tear falls out of the stone Mokuba's eye. Noa names the "work" Wonderful Brotherhood, the two brothers who will never touch.

Yami takes over and shouts at Noa for what he has done. He tells Noa Seto could have made the duel a tie, but not summoning Blue Eyes but using Cloudy Dragon, who cannot be destroyed by a monster.

But Seto chose to awaken Mokuba's heart instead. He tells Noa that the duel cannot count as a victory, and shuffles Seto's remaining cards into his own deck.

He tells Noa he will take over, 400 LP vs. 7400 LP, and if he wins Noa will release the two.

Noa laughs and all of Yugi's friends beg him not to do it, but he has made up his mind. He will defeat Noa!


117. Change of Decks, Yugi Vs. Noa (4)

Noa (bonded to Shinato) and Yami start their match, with Yami shuffling in the rest of Kaiba's deck into his own. However, the match must start as if it were Kaiba making his next move. This means that in addition to having the life point totals as they were before (with Noa at 7400 and Kaiba at 400), Yami cannot start with any cards in his hand and must rely on the cards he draws. He also must keep Kaiba's Deckmaster (the Kaizer Seahorse), which is useless to Yami since most of his monsters are Dark Monsters. Tristan points out that if Yami does not draw a monster card on his first turn, he is finished, as Noa's monster Shinato (with an attack of 3300) is on the field.

Yami draws, gets Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts and promptly puts it in face-up defense mode. Noa draws but doesn't get a monster that he can play, so he attacks Gazelle with Shinato. However, Shinato's effect is that if it destroys a monster in defense mode, it cuts Yami's life points in half, placing him at 200. What's more, Noa gains whatever life points Yami lost, placing Noa at 7600.

Yami draws and places his monster in face-down defense mode. Noa draws and plays Yata-Garasu (which will prevent Yami from drawing cards in his draw phase when it does damage to his life points). To clear the way for Yaga-Garasu, Noa attacks the face-down card with Shinato. However, the card is the Retrained Celtic Guardian, which cannot be destroyed by any monster with an attack power greater than 1900, so it survives. However, Noa plays the card that Pegasus gave him: Spring of Rebirth, which gives him 500 life points whenever a monster is returned to a player's hand. Since Yata-Garasu is a Spirit monsters, it returns to Noa's hand at the end of his turn and sets his life points at 8100. Noa mentions that all Spirit Monsters return to a player's hand at the end of the turn and that they cannot be Special Summoned. The Spring of Rebirth was thus designed to help players who played Spirit Monsters.

Yami draws and places another card in defense mode. Noa then takes his turn, draws and plays Asura Priest Fairy, a Spirit Monster with an attack of 1700, which can attack all of the opponent's monsters on the field. Its destroys the Guardian and destroys the face-down monster?which was the Cyber Jar, which destroys all the cards on the field. Before Noa loses Shinato, though, he "unbinds" himself from Shinato by using its final effect: Noa can recall Shinato back to the Deckmaster position if it is going to be destroyed, but he can never summon Shinato again.

Since Spirit Monsters can't be Special Summoned, Noa gets nothing from the effect of the Cyber Jar. Yami, however, gets Sangan and Gamma the Magnet Warrior onto the field. On his next turn, Yami sacrifices the two to summon the Dark Magician and gets a Big Shield Gardna into his hand through the effect of Sangan. He attacks with the mage and reduces Noa to 5600. Noa is furious, and on his next turn plays a magic card called Next Life. It allows him to Normal Summon a monster that has the same level as one of his opponent's monsters on the field. Noa plays Yamata Dragon (with an attack power of 2600) and destroys the Dark Magician. Yami lost 100 life points (setting him at 100), but the effect of Shinato still activates (even though its in his Deckmaster position), so Noa gains the life points Yami lost since his monster was in attack mode (100 life points) as well as an additional 500 life points through the Spring at the end of his turn, setting him at 6200. Noa says it looks hopeless for Yami, but Tea and co. cheer Yami on. This gives Noa the idea that Yami only has hope because of his friends, so he comes up with an idea?

Yami then plays Swords of Revealing Light, halting Noa from attacking for three turns. He plays Kuriboh and attacks Noa directly, but the damage is minimal. Noa still has 5900 life points. Noa plays a monster in defense mode. Yami draws and gets the Dark Magician Girl, but plays Big Shield Gardna in defense mode and switches Kuriboh to defense mode as well. Noa plays another monster in defense mode and plays one card face down. Yami then places one card face down. Noa begins mocking Yami, but Tea and co. cheer him on. Noa takes his turn and turns Duke to stone. He activates his trap card: Pyro Clock of Destiny, which speeds up time by one turn, destroying the Swords. He starts by switching Otohime (which was face-down) to attack mode, a princess that can switch the mode of one of Yami's monsters. Noa switches the annoying Kuriboh that bit him into attack mode and then sacrifices Otohime and the face-down monster to play the Yamata Dragon again. He attacks Kuriboh, hoping to finish Yami?


31.12.2003, 12:58
Die Fortsetzung:

118. 10000LP Vs. 100LP (5)

The attack went through, but Yami activated the trap card Nutrient Z, which gave him 4000 more life points (if the damage done to him was greater than 2000) before the attack. Now Yami now has 1800 life points. However, since Yami lost 2300 life points, Noa gains them, setting him at 8200. He then chains with a Quickplay Magic card from his hand (since it was his turn): Sebek's blessing, which lets him gain the damage done to Yami, setting his lifepoints at 10,500. BUT then the turn ends and the Yamata Dragon returns to his hand, setting off the Spring, which makes Noa's life points 11,000.

Yami plays Alpha the Magnet Warrior in attack mode and attacks directly, making Noa's life points 9600. Noa then turns Tristan (in monkey-form) to stone. He explains that one person will be turned to stone during the end of each of Yami's turns. Noa draws and plays Inaba White Rabbit (with an attack power of 700) which can attack directly, setting Yami at 1100. He ends his turn, recalls the Spirit monster, and gains 700 life points from Shinato and 500 life points from the Spring, setting him at 10,800.

Yami takes his turn, plays one card face down and sacrifices Alpha to summon the Dark Magician Girl. Her attack power goes to 2300 because of the Dark Magician in the Graveyard, and she attacks Noa directly, placing him at 8500. Noa turns Serenity to stone, takes his turn and plays Inaba White Rabbit again?BUT Yami activates the trap card Dark Renewal, sacrificing the Gardna and the Rabbit to revive the Dark Magician (although the attack of the Girl becomes 2000 again). Noa then places one card face down?

Yami plays the Dark Magic ritual and sacrifices Valkyrion from his hand to summon the Magician of Black Chaos, which means all three of his major magicians are on the field. He attacks with the Magician of Black Chaos, but Noa activates his trap card. It takes the Dark Magician Girl as a shield (making Yami destroy it, lose 800 life points (300) and lets Noa gain it, setting him at 9300) and ends the battle phase. Noa then turns Joey to stone. On his turn, he plays a monster card face down and places one card. He takes another card from his hand and shows it to Yami before he places it (because, as Noa says, "You're going to die"). The card is a trap called Land Worship, which will allow Noa to return one Spirit Monster from the graveyard into his hand. He will choose Inaba White Rabbit, which he will use to attack directly, ending the duel.

Yami draws, but Noa activates Land Worship, returning the Rabbit to his hand. Yami then plays the card he drew: Card Destruction, sending Noa's hand to the graveyard and making him draw a new one. He destroys the face-down card with the Magician of Black Chaos, but it was another Otohime. Since she was flipped, she switches the Dark Magician to defense mode. Noa then actives his other trap: Shadow Utensil, which revives the Otohime in defense mode. Noa then takes his turn, draws, and turns Tea to stone. He then plays Change of Heart to steal the Dark Magician for one turn (since it's Yami's favorite monster). He then sacrifices Otohime and the Magician for Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi (with an attack of 2800), and equips it with the "Hell Sword," giving it 200 more attack points for one turn. It punches the Magician of Black Chaos, setting Yami at 100 and Noa at 9500). But Noa also gains another 500 life points from the Sword when it goes to the Graveyard, so he's now at 10,000. He finishes his turn by playing Spiritual Energy Settle Machine, which allows the Spirit Monsters to stay on the field (as long as he discards a card from his hand at the end of his turn, which he does).

Due to the punch, Yami is on the ground and is unsure if he can win, as he has no cards in his hand. Through the Puzzle, though, Yugi shows Yami another room, which contains all the memories of his friends. Everyone that was turned to stone (even Kaiba and Mokuba) are there, and they tell him to keep fighting.

Yami gets up and draws Card of Sanctity. He plays it, allowing Noa and Yami to draw until they both have six cards from his hand. As Yami draws, he feels the six spirits of his friends giving him each one card. Afterward, Yami tells Noa, "You have no next turn." He starts by playing Monster Reborn, reviving the Blue Eyes White Dragon in the graveyard from when Kaiba ended his game. He then plays Polymerization, fusing it with the other two Blue Eyes in his hand to play the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon. After playing the Rapid Attack card (allowing the Ultimate Dragon to attack on its first turn), it attacks the Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi and reduces Noa to 8300. Then Yami chains with his Quickplay magic card De-Fusion, separating the Ultimate Dragon into the three Blue Eyes. They attack directly, doing 9000 damage to Noa, ending the game. Yami wins.

31.12.2003, 12:59
Die Fortzung:

119. Darkness of the Kaiba Family (1)

Noah's life points drop to zero, and he falls to the ground, realizing that not only did he not defeat Yugi, he didn't really defeat Seto either, as Yugi took on Seto's will when he challenged Noah. Seto lost to save Mokuba.

Everyone is restored, and Seto and Mokuba embrace each other. Tea and Duke then inform Seto of what happened; how Yugi took over and beat Noah with Seto's deck.

Noah is angry at this, and tries to take over Yami's body, but the shocking scenes in Egypt Noah sees in Yami's deep memory, and the Millennium Puzzle protecting Yami, prevents him from doing so. Yami, on the other hand, sees images of the VR pods where he and everyone else's bodies are.

Noah demands to know who Yami really is, but Yami doesn't get a chance to answer, as Gozaboro Kaiba appears at that moment. No one is too happy to see him, except Noah who is quite please...until Gozaboro tells Noah that he has failed, and that he has no use for Noah anymore.

Then he explains how he only adopted Seto to be used as a body for Noah. Seto finds this very shocking, that not only was he just adopted to be used, but it wasn't even due to his intelligance.


116. Save Mokuba! The Seventh Turn of Fate (3)

Seto is shocked to see Mokuba standing there...on someone else's side. Noa tells Seto that Mokuba thinks Noa is his real brother and that Seto is the enemy. Mokuba says that any enemy of his "brother" is an enemy of his.

Seto ends his turn, definately not willing to risk losing Mokuba for the attack. Yugi calls out for Seto to keep fighting, and that to remember when he fought Joey under similar circumstances.

Seto doesn't want to accept Yugi's help, but realizes that there is one card to prove his and Mokuba's relationship. Noa activates the next day's effect, causing the ice to vanish and the modern world to appear.

He activates Dark Hole, getting rid of all the monsters, except Cloudy Dragon, of course, who must stay.

He then plays Gradius, and equips it with Cyclone Laser and and the Modifyer, allowing every attack made by the monster to be 100 points higher than the defense of the other monster, meaning each turn, Seto will lose 100 life points. He is attacked and is brought down to 600.

He begins his turn, hoping for the card, but doesn't draw it. He instead thinks back to the promise he made Mokuba, that he would protect him no matter what, that he would be his father...

Then he thinks to how he treated him back when he had to take the test, and explains that he didn't USE Mokuba, but knew that no matter what, he would always keep Mokuba in his family, that he would never abondon him.

It was the relationship between the two of them that only they could understand that beat K. Kaiba.

Seto then ends his turn, and Noa activates the Choice card, allowing it to copy his Gradius and allowing two attacks. One attack brings Seto to 500, and another knocks him off his feet and he collapses on the ground.

Yugi shouts over to Mokuba. He asks him if he really wants to see Seto treated like this. Mokuba starts to remember a little, but doesn't do anything yet.

Seto stands up and tells Mokuba that when he was first adopted, it was a nightmare. He was about the crash, and the only thing that saved him was the card that Mokuba drew him...the blue eyes white dragon. He made a promise to become a man who would deserve that card...and then asks Mokuba if he has done that. He asks him if he is worthy of the dragon, and being his brother.

Seto then draw the Blue Eyes White Dragon, sacrifices Cloudy Dragon for it, and plays a card face down.

Mokuba remembers everything now. He remembers drawing the picture for Seto... and how he imagined riding the dragon with him...

Duke and Joey shout for Mokuba to run out of the way so Seto can attack, and he runs away from Noa. Seto attacks the Gradius and Choice is destroyed as well.

Noa begins his turn, and Seto activates the card that will decide the game...LAST BATTLE.

Both players choose one monster, and abondon everything else on the field and in their hand to the graveyard. The two monsters battle, and the one that survives the turn is declared the winner.

Noa chooses the arc, and BEWD attacks it. Seto declares himself the winner, but Noa laughs and tells Seto, "Did you forget? It is the 7th turn...and now my real cheif appears."

A large monster with wings appears and kills the Blue Eyes White Dragon.

Noa fuses himself with the winged chief card and tells Seto that he is the loser. Seto falls to the ground, and Mokuba runs toward him, apologizing for what he didn't even realize he had done...

Noa then curses both of them, and turns them into stone, sadly staring at each other with their hands inches apart...

Yugi and everyone else runs over to them and as they arrive, one tear falls out of the stone Mokuba's eye. Noa names the "work" Wonderful Brotherhood, the two brothers who will never touch.

Yami takes over and shouts at Noa for what he has done. He tells Noa Seto could have made the duel a tie, but not summoning Blue Eyes but using Cloudy Dragon, who cannot be destroyed by a monster.

But Seto chose to awaken Mokuba's heart instead. He tells Noa that the duel cannot count as a victory, and shuffles Seto's remaining cards into his own deck.

He tells Noa he will take over, 400 LP vs. 7400 LP, and if he wins Noa will release the two.

Noa laughs and all of Yugi's friends beg him not to do it, but he has made up his mind. He will defeat Noa!


31.12.2003, 13:00
Noch mal nächste...... Ich wäre wirklich ´froh, wenn's keine Begrenzung mehr gibt....

117. Change of Decks, Yugi Vs. Noa (4)

Noa (bonded to Shinato) and Yami start their match, with Yami shuffling in the rest of Kaiba's deck into his own. However, the match must start as if it were Kaiba making his next move. This means that in addition to having the life point totals as they were before (with Noa at 7400 and Kaiba at 400), Yami cannot start with any cards in his hand and must rely on the cards he draws. He also must keep Kaiba's Deckmaster (the Kaizer Seahorse), which is useless to Yami since most of his monsters are Dark Monsters. Tristan points out that if Yami does not draw a monster card on his first turn, he is finished, as Noa's monster Shinato (with an attack of 3300) is on the field.

Yami draws, gets Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts and promptly puts it in face-up defense mode. Noa draws but doesn't get a monster that he can play, so he attacks Gazelle with Shinato. However, Shinato's effect is that if it destroys a monster in defense mode, it cuts Yami's life points in half, placing him at 200. What's more, Noa gains whatever life points Yami lost, placing Noa at 7600.

Yami draws and places his monster in face-down defense mode. Noa draws and plays Yata-Garasu (which will prevent Yami from drawing cards in his draw phase when it does damage to his life points). To clear the way for Yaga-Garasu, Noa attacks the face-down card with Shinato. However, the card is the Retrained Celtic Guardian, which cannot be destroyed by any monster with an attack power greater than 1900, so it survives. However, Noa plays the card that Pegasus gave him: Spring of Rebirth, which gives him 500 life points whenever a monster is returned to a player's hand. Since Yata-Garasu is a Spirit monsters, it returns to Noa's hand at the end of his turn and sets his life points at 8100. Noa mentions that all Spirit Monsters return to a player's hand at the end of the turn and that they cannot be Special Summoned. The Spring of Rebirth was thus designed to help players who played Spirit Monsters.

Yami draws and places another card in defense mode. Noa then takes his turn, draws and plays Asura Priest Fairy, a Spirit Monster with an attack of 1700, which can attack all of the opponent's monsters on the field. Its destroys the Guardian and destroys the face-down monster?which was the Cyber Jar, which destroys all the cards on the field. Before Noa loses Shinato, though, he "unbinds" himself from Shinato by using its final effect: Noa can recall Shinato back to the Deckmaster position if it is going to be destroyed, but he can never summon Shinato again.

Since Spirit Monsters can't be Special Summoned, Noa gets nothing from the effect of the Cyber Jar. Yami, however, gets Sangan and Gamma the Magnet Warrior onto the field. On his next turn, Yami sacrifices the two to summon the Dark Magician and gets a Big Shield Gardna into his hand through the effect of Sangan. He attacks with the mage and reduces Noa to 5600. Noa is furious, and on his next turn plays a magic card called Next Life. It allows him to Normal Summon a monster that has the same level as one of his opponent's monsters on the field. Noa plays Yamata Dragon (with an attack power of 2600) and destroys the Dark Magician. Yami lost 100 life points (setting him at 100), but the effect of Shinato still activates (even though its in his Deckmaster position), so Noa gains the life points Yami lost since his monster was in attack mode (100 life points) as well as an additional 500 life points through the Spring at the end of his turn, setting him at 6200. Noa says it looks hopeless for Yami, but Tea and co. cheer Yami on. This gives Noa the idea that Yami only has hope because of his friends, so he comes up with an idea?

Yami then plays Swords of Revealing Light, halting Noa from attacking for three turns. He plays Kuriboh and attacks Noa directly, but the damage is minimal. Noa still has 5900 life points. Noa plays a monster in defense mode. Yami draws and gets the Dark Magician Girl, but plays Big Shield Gardna in defense mode and switches Kuriboh to defense mode as well. Noa plays another monster in defense mode and plays one card face down. Yami then places one card face down. Noa begins mocking Yami, but Tea and co. cheer him on. Noa takes his turn and turns Duke to stone. He activates his trap card: Pyro Clock of Destiny, which speeds up time by one turn, destroying the Swords. He starts by switching Otohime (which was face-down) to attack mode, a princess that can switch the mode of one of Yami's monsters. Noa switches the annoying Kuriboh that bit him into attack mode and then sacrifices Otohime and the face-down monster to play the Yamata Dragon again. He attacks Kuriboh, hoping to finish Yami?


118. 10000LP Vs. 100LP (5)

The attack went through, but Yami activated the trap card Nutrient Z, which gave him 4000 more life points (if the damage done to him was greater than 2000) before the attack. Now Yami now has 1800 life points. However, since Yami lost 2300 life points, Noa gains them, setting him at 8200. He then chains with a Quickplay Magic card from his hand (since it was his turn): Sebek's blessing, which lets him gain the damage done to Yami, setting his lifepoints at 10,500. BUT then the turn ends and the Yamata Dragon returns to his hand, setting off the Spring, which makes Noa's life points 11,000.

Yami plays Alpha the Magnet Warrior in attack mode and attacks directly, making Noa's life points 9600. Noa then turns Tristan (in monkey-form) to stone. He explains that one person will be turned to stone during the end of each of Yami's turns. Noa draws and plays Inaba White Rabbit (with an attack power of 700) which can attack directly, setting Yami at 1100. He ends his turn, recalls the Spirit monster, and gains 700 life points from Shinato and 500 life points from the Spring, setting him at 10,800.

Yami takes his turn, plays one card face down and sacrifices Alpha to summon the Dark Magician Girl. Her attack power goes to 2300 because of the Dark Magician in the Graveyard, and she attacks Noa directly, placing him at 8500. Noa turns Serenity to stone, takes his turn and plays Inaba White Rabbit again?BUT Yami activates the trap card Dark Renewal, sacrificing the Gardna and the Rabbit to revive the Dark Magician (although the attack of the Girl becomes 2000 again). Noa then places one card face down?

Yami plays the Dark Magic ritual and sacrifices Valkyrion from his hand to summon the Magician of Black Chaos, which means all three of his major magicians are on the field. He attacks with the Magician of Black Chaos, but Noa activates his trap card. It takes the Dark Magician Girl as a shield (making Yami destroy it, lose 800 life points (300) and lets Noa gain it, setting him at 9300) and ends the battle phase. Noa then turns Joey to stone. On his turn, he plays a monster card face down and places one card. He takes another card from his hand and shows it to Yami before he places it (because, as Noa says, "You're going to die"). The card is a trap called Land Worship, which will allow Noa to return one Spirit Monster from the graveyard into his hand. He will choose Inaba White Rabbit, which he will use to attack directly, ending the duel.

Yami draws, but Noa activates Land Worship, returning the Rabbit to his hand. Yami then plays the card he drew: Card Destruction, sending Noa's hand to the graveyard and making him draw a new one. He destroys the face-down card with the Magician of Black Chaos, but it was another Otohime. Since she was flipped, she switches the Dark Magician to defense mode. Noa then actives his other trap: Shadow Utensil, which revives the Otohime in defense mode. Noa then takes his turn, draws, and turns Tea to stone. He then plays Change of Heart to steal the Dark Magician for one turn (since it's Yami's favorite monster). He then sacrifices Otohime and the Magician for Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi (with an attack of 2800), and equips it with the "Hell Sword," giving it 200 more attack points for one turn. It punches the Magician of Black Chaos, setting Yami at 100 and Noa at 9500). But Noa also gains another 500 life points from the Sword when it goes to the Graveyard, so he's now at 10,000. He finishes his turn by playing Spiritual Energy Settle Machine, which allows the Spirit Monsters to stay on the field (as long as he discards a card from his hand at the end of his turn, which he does).

Due to the punch, Yami is on the ground and is unsure if he can win, as he has no cards in his hand. Through the Puzzle, though, Yugi shows Yami another room, which contains all the memories of his friends. Everyone that was turned to stone (even Kaiba and Mokuba) are there, and they tell him to keep fighting.

Yami gets up and draws Card of Sanctity. He plays it, allowing Noa and Yami to draw until they both have six cards from his hand. As Yami draws, he feels the six spirits of his friends giving him each one card. Afterward, Yami tells Noa, "You have no next turn." He starts by playing Monster Reborn, reviving the Blue Eyes White Dragon in the graveyard from when Kaiba ended his game. He then plays Polymerization, fusing it with the other two Blue Eyes in his hand to play the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon. After playing the Rapid Attack card (allowing the Ultimate Dragon to attack on its first turn), it attacks the Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi and reduces Noa to 8300. Then Yami chains with his Quickplay magic card De-Fusion, separating the Ultimate Dragon into the three Blue Eyes. They attack directly, doing 9000 damage to Noa, ending the game. Yami wins.

31.12.2003, 13:02
Die nächste:

119. Darkness of the Kaiba Family (1)

Noah's life points drop to zero, and he falls to the ground, realizing that not only did he not defeat Yugi, he didn't really defeat Seto either, as Yugi took on Seto's will when he challenged Noah. Seto lost to save Mokuba.

Everyone is restored, and Seto and Mokuba embrace each other. Tea and Duke then inform Seto of what happened; how Yugi took over and beat Noah with Seto's deck.

Noah is angry at this, and tries to take over Yami's body, but the shocking scenes in Egypt Noah sees in Yami's deep memory, and the Millennium Puzzle protecting Yami, prevents him from doing so. Yami, on the other hand, sees images of the VR pods where he and everyone else's bodies are.

Noah demands to know who Yami really is, but Yami doesn't get a chance to answer, as Gozaboro Kaiba appears at that moment. No one is too happy to see him, except Noah who is quite please...until Gozaboro tells Noah that he has failed, and that he has no use for Noah anymore.

Then he explains how he only adopted Seto to be used as a body for Noah. Seto finds this very shocking, that not only was he just adopted to be used, but it wasn't even due to his intelligance.


120. Miraculous Escape - Blue-Eyes Vs. Exodia Necros (2)

Yugi and co. are upset because Noa has separated them from Kaiba. Suddenly they are surrounded by Duel Monsters (such as the Skull Night and the Cosmo Queen). Yugi and Joey begin to deal with them by pulling cards out of their deck and summoning them into battle like they did in their previous trip to the Virtual World.

Noa (in Mokuba's body) prepares to blow up the area in which Kaiba, Yugi and their friends are still trapped. However, Yami Marik wanders into the power source and begins using his Millenium Rod to emit electric bolts which shut down the power source. However, an emergency source gets the system back online. Noa successfully sends his command to the satellite. In thirty minutes, the Virtual World will be destroyed. Noa heads for a helicopter to escape from the imminent explosion, but suddenly begins thinking of how Mokuba had talked to him about the possibility of Kaiba giving him a new body provided that he change his evil ways and about how he and Mokuba were brothers. Noa chuckles, saying Mokuba was an idiot and that soon he will destroy them all. But as he prepares to take off, he begins to have second thoughts?

Meanwhile, Seto Kaiba has gone to the Kaibacorp building in the Virtual World to meet his stepfather Gozaburo Kaiba, who had (apparently) placed the monsters in front of Yugi and co. via his chessboard. Seto demands that Gozaburo release all of them from the virtual world, but Gozaburo wants to play against Seto in a game. He suggests that they play Duel Monsters, since that is the game that Seto is best at. Seto accepts.

In the virtual stadium, Gozaburo takes his first turn by playing Painful Choice. He draws five cards from his deck and shows them to Seto. Seto will pick one for Gozaburo to keep and all the others will go the Graveyard. However, the five cards that Gozaburo draws and shows Kaiba are the five pieces of Exodia. Seto's in shock and is puzzled as to why Gozaburo would show him those five, since four of the pieces would go to the Graveyard and thus would be useless to him in summoning Exodia. He decides to play it out and see what his stepfather's strategy is. Seto lets Gozaburo keep the Left Arm of the Forbidden One. Gozaburo then plays one card in defense mode and ends his turn. Seto plays one card face down, summons Vorse Raider , and attacks the card in defense mode?which was the Left Arm of the Forbidden One.

Finally, Gozaburo draws and announces his trump card: a ritual Magic card called "Pact with Exodia" that could only be activated once all five pieces of Exodia were in his Graveyard. After paying 2000 life points, Gozaburo summons (via the Pact) a dark "dead" version of Exodia called Exodia Necros, but it only has an attack strength of 1800 and a defense strength of 0. Nevertheless, he attacks the Vorse Raider (which has an attack of 1900). Seto thinks that Exodia Necros should be destroyed, but it does not. Gozaburo explains that Exodia Necros is immortal and gains 1000 life points for each battle it has with a monster, True, Gozburo loses 100 life points, placing him at 1900, but the attack power of Exodia Necros becomes 2800.

Seto then tries to get around by summoning a "Spirit Dragon" (with a defense of 1000) and activates his face down card, which allows him to offer Spirit Dragon as a tribute to destroy all monsters with a defense power of 1000 or less. Since Exodia Necros has a defense of zero, it should be destroyed but it stays alive. Gozaburo then explains that in addition to gaining 1000 attack points each time it does battle with a monster, Exodia Necros cannot be destroyed by battles, magic or trap cards, thanks to its five pieces in the Graveyard. Seto immediately switches his Vorse Raider to defensive mode and plays one card face down.

Meanwhile, Noa is trying to stop the missiles from being fired, which will be launched in ten minutes. He quickly tells Yugi and co. (who are battling) and Kaiba and Gozaburo that he has Mokua's body and that the Virtual World will be destroyed soon?


121. Miraculous Escape - Blue-Eyes Vs. Exodia Necros (3)

Noa then tells everyone that they can escape from the Virtual World by using the portal in the Game Room in the Virtual World. Gozaburo can't do a thing about it, since Noa is the one that controls the system. Most of the gang escapes through the Dancing Machine, but Noa asks Yugi to rescue Seto and to bring him back. Yugi agrees.

Meanwhile, Gozaburo is infuriated after hearing what Noa has done. He changes into a hideous monster and tries to take Seto's body, but Seto makes a suggestion: they'll finish their battle and the winner will be the one allowed to go back into the real world. Gozaburo agrees. He promptly attacks Vorse Raider, but Seto activates Negate Attack, preventing Exodia Necros from destroying it and from gaining 1000 attack points. Seto has realized that although Exodia Necros cannot be destroyed by magic or trap cards, but it can still be affected by them.

He then takes his turn. First, he activates Shrink, which cuts Exodia Necros's attack in half for one turn, making its attack 1400. He then sacrifices the Vorse Raider for the Emerald Dragon (with an attack power of 2400) and attacks Exodia Necros. Although he does not destroy it, he still does damage to Gozaburo's life points, bringing his total down to 900.

However, since Exodia Necros was in a battle, after the effects of Shrink wear off, it gains 1000 attack points, making its attack 3800. On Gozaburo's turn, it attacks the Emerald Dragon and reduces Seto's life points to 2600. The attack power of Exodia Necros becomes 4800 as a result of the battle. Seto's turn comes up, and he draws Pot of Greed, which lets him draw two more cards. He plays it and then promptly places a card face down and another monster in defense mode. Gozaburo attacks with Exodia Necros and destroys the Ancient Lamp. He laughs, because Exodia Necros' attack just became 5800. Seto just says that Gozaburo is a terrible player. Seto's turn comes up and he draws the Blue Eyes White Dragon. He plays Monster Reborn, resurrecting the Ancient Lamp. The Ancient Lamp allows him to Special Summon La Jinn from his hand. He tributes them both for Blue Eyes White Dragon, and then activates his trap card. It allows him to remove an unlimited amount of cards from the graveyard out of play, but he must pay 500 life points for each card removed. He pays 2500 life points to remove the five pieces of Exodia from the Graveyard. Exodia Necros becomes "life-like" and looks like its original form, but it only has an attack power of 1800. He then attacks with Blue Eyes White Dragon and wins.

Gozaburo is upset and changes into his monster form and tries to take Seto's body. Yugi rescues him in time, and although Gozaburo traps them on a building, they jump and Noa creates an exit in the air to bring them back to the real word. When they wake up, they realize that Mokuba's body is in one of the pods. This is because Noa is giving Mokuba his body back, stating that his true place is with his father in the Virtual World. Gozaburo is upset with his son, but Noa has destroyed all the exits and does not permit his father to leave.

Tea, Joey, Duke, Tristan and Serenity are on the blimp, but it needs to take off since the missiles will be hitting soon. As they take off, Yugi, Kaiba and Mokuba run out. They get them on the blimp just as the missiles hit. Gozaburo tries to engulf the blimp in flames, but Kaiba speeds them out.

As everyone else mourns the "death" of Noa (except for Yami Malik who is laughing because of the destruction), Kaiba reminds them that they have a tournament to finish. They now head for Alcatraz and the Duel Tower there, where the finals shall take place.

31.12.2003, 13:04
Die hoffentlich letzte:

119. Darkness of the Kaiba Family (1)

Noah's life points drop to zero, and he falls to the ground, realizing that not only did he not defeat Yugi, he didn't really defeat Seto either, as Yugi took on Seto's will when he challenged Noah. Seto lost to save Mokuba.

Everyone is restored, and Seto and Mokuba embrace each other. Tea and Duke then inform Seto of what happened; how Yugi took over and beat Noah with Seto's deck.

Noah is angry at this, and tries to take over Yami's body, but the shocking scenes in Egypt Noah sees in Yami's deep memory, and the Millennium Puzzle protecting Yami, prevents him from doing so. Yami, on the other hand, sees images of the VR pods where he and everyone else's bodies are.

Noah demands to know who Yami really is, but Yami doesn't get a chance to answer, as Gozaboro Kaiba appears at that moment. No one is too happy to see him, except Noah who is quite please...until Gozaboro tells Noah that he has failed, and that he has no use for Noah anymore.

Then he explains how he only adopted Seto to be used as a body for Noah. Seto finds this very shocking, that not only was he just adopted to be used, but it wasn't even due to his intelligance.


120. Miraculous Escape - Blue-Eyes Vs. Exodia Necros (2)

Yugi and co. are upset because Noa has separated them from Kaiba. Suddenly they are surrounded by Duel Monsters (such as the Skull Night and the Cosmo Queen). Yugi and Joey begin to deal with them by pulling cards out of their deck and summoning them into battle like they did in their previous trip to the Virtual World.

Noa (in Mokuba's body) prepares to blow up the area in which Kaiba, Yugi and their friends are still trapped. However, Yami Marik wanders into the power source and begins using his Millenium Rod to emit electric bolts which shut down the power source. However, an emergency source gets the system back online. Noa successfully sends his command to the satellite. In thirty minutes, the Virtual World will be destroyed. Noa heads for a helicopter to escape from the imminent explosion, but suddenly begins thinking of how Mokuba had talked to him about the possibility of Kaiba giving him a new body provided that he change his evil ways and about how he and Mokuba were brothers. Noa chuckles, saying Mokuba was an idiot and that soon he will destroy them all. But as he prepares to take off, he begins to have second thoughts?

Meanwhile, Seto Kaiba has gone to the Kaibacorp building in the Virtual World to meet his stepfather Gozaburo Kaiba, who had (apparently) placed the monsters in front of Yugi and co. via his chessboard. Seto demands that Gozaburo release all of them from the virtual world, but Gozaburo wants to play against Seto in a game. He suggests that they play Duel Monsters, since that is the game that Seto is best at. Seto accepts.

In the virtual stadium, Gozaburo takes his first turn by playing Painful Choice. He draws five cards from his deck and shows them to Seto. Seto will pick one for Gozaburo to keep and all the others will go the Graveyard. However, the five cards that Gozaburo draws and shows Kaiba are the five pieces of Exodia. Seto's in shock and is puzzled as to why Gozaburo would show him those five, since four of the pieces would go to the Graveyard and thus would be useless to him in summoning Exodia. He decides to play it out and see what his stepfather's strategy is. Seto lets Gozaburo keep the Left Arm of the Forbidden One. Gozaburo then plays one card in defense mode and ends his turn. Seto plays one card face down, summons Vorse Raider , and attacks the card in defense mode?which was the Left Arm of the Forbidden One.

Finally, Gozaburo draws and announces his trump card: a ritual Magic card called "Pact with Exodia" that could only be activated once all five pieces of Exodia were in his Graveyard. After paying 2000 life points, Gozaburo summons (via the Pact) a dark "dead" version of Exodia called Exodia Necros, but it only has an attack strength of 1800 and a defense strength of 0. Nevertheless, he attacks the Vorse Raider (which has an attack of 1900). Seto thinks that Exodia Necros should be destroyed, but it does not. Gozaburo explains that Exodia Necros is immortal and gains 1000 life points for each battle it has with a monster, True, Gozburo loses 100 life points, placing him at 1900, but the attack power of Exodia Necros becomes 2800.

Seto then tries to get around by summoning a "Spirit Dragon" (with a defense of 1000) and activates his face down card, which allows him to offer Spirit Dragon as a tribute to destroy all monsters with a defense power of 1000 or less. Since Exodia Necros has a defense of zero, it should be destroyed but it stays alive. Gozaburo then explains that in addition to gaining 1000 attack points each time it does battle with a monster, Exodia Necros cannot be destroyed by battles, magic or trap cards, thanks to its five pieces in the Graveyard. Seto immediately switches his Vorse Raider to defensive mode and plays one card face down.

Meanwhile, Noa is trying to stop the missiles from being fired, which will be launched in ten minutes. He quickly tells Yugi and co. (who are battling) and Kaiba and Gozaburo that he has Mokua's body and that the Virtual World will be destroyed soon?


121. Miraculous Escape - Blue-Eyes Vs. Exodia Necros (3)

Noa then tells everyone that they can escape from the Virtual World by using the portal in the Game Room in the Virtual World. Gozaburo can't do a thing about it, since Noa is the one that controls the system. Most of the gang escapes through the Dancing Machine, but Noa asks Yugi to rescue Seto and to bring him back. Yugi agrees.

Meanwhile, Gozaburo is infuriated after hearing what Noa has done. He changes into a hideous monster and tries to take Seto's body, but Seto makes a suggestion: they'll finish their battle and the winner will be the one allowed to go back into the real world. Gozaburo agrees. He promptly attacks Vorse Raider, but Seto activates Negate Attack, preventing Exodia Necros from destroying it and from gaining 1000 attack points. Seto has realized that although Exodia Necros cannot be destroyed by magic or trap cards, but it can still be affected by them.

He then takes his turn. First, he activates Shrink, which cuts Exodia Necros's attack in half for one turn, making its attack 1400. He then sacrifices the Vorse Raider for the Emerald Dragon (with an attack power of 2400) and attacks Exodia Necros. Although he does not destroy it, he still does damage to Gozaburo's life points, bringing his total down to 900.

However, since Exodia Necros was in a battle, after the effects of Shrink wear off, it gains 1000 attack points, making its attack 3800. On Gozaburo's turn, it attacks the Emerald Dragon and reduces Seto's life points to 2600. The attack power of Exodia Necros becomes 4800 as a result of the battle. Seto's turn comes up, and he draws Pot of Greed, which lets him draw two more cards. He plays it and then promptly places a card face down and another monster in defense mode. Gozaburo attacks with Exodia Necros and destroys the Ancient Lamp. He laughs, because Exodia Necros' attack just became 5800. Seto just says that Gozaburo is a terrible player. Seto's turn comes up and he draws the Blue Eyes White Dragon. He plays Monster Reborn, resurrecting the Ancient Lamp. The Ancient Lamp allows him to Special Summon La Jinn from his hand. He tributes them both for Blue Eyes White Dragon, and then activates his trap card. It allows him to remove an unlimited amount of cards from the graveyard out of play, but he must pay 500 life points for each card removed. He pays 2500 life points to remove the five pieces of Exodia from the Graveyard. Exodia Necros becomes "life-like" and looks like its original form, but it only has an attack power of 1800. He then attacks with Blue Eyes White Dragon and wins.

Gozaburo is upset and changes into his monster form and tries to take Seto's body. Yugi rescues him in time, and although Gozaburo traps them on a building, they jump and Noa creates an exit in the air to bring them back to the real word. When they wake up, they realize that Mokuba's body is in one of the pods. This is because Noa is giving Mokuba his body back, stating that his true place is with his father in the Virtual World. Gozaburo is upset with his son, but Noa has destroyed all the exits and does not permit his father to leave.

Tea, Joey, Duke, Tristan and Serenity are on the blimp, but it needs to take off since the missiles will be hitting soon. As they take off, Yugi, Kaiba and Mokuba run out. They get them on the blimp just as the missiles hit. Gozaburo tries to engulf the blimp in flames, but Kaiba speeds them out.

As everyone else mourns the "death" of Noa (except for Yami Malik who is laughing because of the destruction), Kaiba reminds them that they have a tournament to finish. They now head for Alcatraz and the Duel Tower there, where the finals shall take place.

31.12.2003, 13:07
Leider doch net...........

122. Place of the Finals - Alcatraz (1)

As Battle Ship heads towards Alcatraz Duel Tower, Mokuba remembers his last converstation with Noa. He begins to cry, then reminds himself that he needs to be stronger and now knows that he cant trust everything that his brother Seto says. When Kaiba looks at him, he wonders if something is wrong, but Mokuba assures him it's nothing. The conversation turns to Alcatraz and how Kaiba will soon get Ra from Marik and Slifer from Yugi.

Meanwhile on the ship, Joey goes to check on Mai, but Serenity says she hasn't moved yet. He remembers how Yami Marik sent her mind to the Shadow Realm, and promises her that he will defeat Marik and save her.

Meanwhile, in Ishizu's room, Yami Marik walks in demanding to know where Odion is. Ishizu denies that she knows, but Marik notices that she's given her Millennium Necklace to the Pharaoh. He says that without a Millennium Item, she cannot defend herself against his Millennium Rod. He could easily control her and force her to tell her where Odion is. Marik is delighted to see the fear in her face, but decides to leave it until later as someone announces that they are arriving at Alcatraz Island.

Meanwhile, in Bakura's room, Yugi stands in disbelief that Bakura is gone. He's worried about all the sacrifices that have happened in the Battle City Tournament. As Yami tries to take the blame, saying it's his fault because Marik hates him so much, Yugi tells him it's not his fault for doing something he can't remember. He agrees, and Yugi walks out to Alcatraz. He meets Tea, Tristan, and Duke on the way, and assures them that Bakura will be fine.

As Yugi, Joey, Tea, Tristan, and Duke walk outside, Serenity stays on the ship to look after Mai. As Yugi and the others are amazed at the size of the tower, Kaiba informs them that it is the Duel Tower, the place where the finals will take place. As he tells Yugi that he will defeat him, Joey gets mad that Kaiba has forgotten about him, so Kaiba says that he will bury him in the rubble that used to be Kaiba Corp's weapons developing island. As everyone walks towards the tower, Yami Marik appears and askes Kaiba how they will decide who will duel in the semi-finals. Mokuba tells him that it will be announced inside.

When they walk into the tower, they are told to choose between 4 doors. Although the doors have nothing to do with superiority in the upcoming matches, Joey still doesn't know which one to pick, and begins a Japanese version of Eenie, Menie, Minie, Moe, while Kaiba insults him for being indecisive. When he does pick one, Yami Marik turns around and walks into it. Joey is upset that he gets the last door, while Tea and the others try to assure him that getting the last door is lucky. As Tea, Tristan, Duke, and Mokuba go into another room, Yugi notices that inside the door is a Card Battle System.

As Tea and the others get into the next room and marvel at the high ceilings, Yugi, Joey, Kaiba, and Yami Marik rise from below them and stop at a place on the wall that says 4000. Above them, there are other markers on the wall that say 3000, 2000, and 1000. The referee announces that this is a game to decide who will fight in the semi-finals. It will be a Battle Royale match, so you can attack anyone you want and defend anyone you want. The game will continue until 2 duelists lose all their life points. The two who lose will duel each other, and then the two who win will duel each other. While Tea says this duel will be easy because it only decides who will duel, Duke disagrees and says it will be an important match. He says that it's more of a psycological game, because everyone has a reason for dueling each other. Meanwhile, Kaiba thinks about how he has two opponents: Yugi and Marik. Yami Marik doesn't care who his opponent is, all he wants to do is kill Yugi. Joey thinks about the promise he made to Yugi and how he'd never make it this far if it wasn't for that. He wants to duel Yugi, but he also wants to duel Marik so he can save Mai. The referee then announces that to find the order in which the turns of this duel will be, each duelist must pull one card from their deck. The one with the highest attack points wins. But, they can not use that card in this duel. While Kaiba picks a very strong card, Yugi, Yami Marik, and Joey each pick weak cards. The order is this:

1. Seto Kaiba
2. Marik Ishtar
3. Yugi Moto
4. Joey Wheeler.

Meanwhile, Yami and Yugi talk about who they should target. Yami says he has reasons for fighting everyone. He wants to duel his real enemy Marik and save the world, he wants to duel Joey for the promise that the two of them made, and he wants to duel Kaiba to finish the destined war between them. Yugi just tells him to target whoever he wants to.

And so the duel begins. Kaiba draws, places a card face down, and summons Vorse Raider in attack mode. On Marik's turn, he draws and summons Newt Warrior in defense mode, and laughes because it has a special power. Next, Yugi draws and summons Big Shield Gardna in defense mode. He sets 2 more cards face down and ends his turn. On Joey's turn, he draws and notices that he has no monsters below level 5. So he plays one card face down and ends his turn. Now that it's Kaiba's turn, he ignores Joey's face down card and prepares to attack his life points directly. As Vorse Raider attacks, Yugi activates a permenent trap card that stops one type of monster from attacking. He chooses the type of card Vorse Raider is(Warrior I think), and chains appear and stop it from attacking. Yugi promises that he will carry out the vows that he made to Joey as a duelist.


123. Battle Royal! (2)

As the duel continues, Kaiba is outraged that Yugi helped Joey. While all Yugi can think about is getting rid of Kaiba and Marik so he can duel Joey in the finals, Kaiba thinks about his two opponents, Yugi and Marik, and how getting Ra will be a more difficult task than getting Slifer, which is why he wants to duel Yugi first so he can beat him and use Slifer and Obelisk against Marik. Meanwhile, Joey silently thanks Yugi for helping him. He does want to duel him, but if he can't beat Yami Marik, then he can't rescue Mai.

At this point, Kaiba speaks and tries to weaken Joey's trust in Yugi. He states that no matter who Joey's opponent is in the semi-finals, he will lose, and insistes that Yugi knows this and the only reason he's protecting him is so he can duel Joey in the semi-finals and have a guaranteed spot in the final. Yugi is furious at Kaiba for insulting Joey, while Joey just ignores him and insists that he will duel Yugi in the finals.

Meanwhile, back in Battle Ship, Serenity sits by Mai's side as she lays lifeless in her bed. She remembers back to when she, Mai, Tristan, and Duke were driving to Domino Pier during Yugi and Joey's death-duel, and Mai was telling her how kind and sweet her brother was and how she should be very proud of him. Back at the hospital, she tries to tell Mai that Joey is fighting for her.

Still on Battle Ship, Ishizu stands over the bed where Odion is laying, unconcious. She thinks about how this whole tragedy started when he fell unconcious. She remembers back to the day when she and Marik had gone outside and Yami Marik appeared when they came back and sent his father to the Shadow Realm. She then remembers to about the very next day, when Marik and Odion had both left, along with the Millennium Rod. She was alone, and she tried on the Millennium Necklace for the first time. She suddenly saw flashes of events that happened during Battle City: Kaiba getting Obelisk from her, Yami Bakura about to get attacked by Slifer, Odion getting struck by lighting, and Yami Marik being unleashed. After that, she wondered if those images meant that their tragedy was just beginning.

31.12.2003, 13:09
Jetzt reicht's langsam......
Shortly after that, Slifer was stolen and then Ra. She remembers back to the day when Marik and his Rare Hunters tried to steal Obelisk from a museum in Egypt. As they opened the safe, instead of finding the Obelisk card, they found Ishizu. Soon they were surrounded by guards and told to surrender. Marik simply laughed and used his Millennium Rod to render all the guards unconcious. He greeted his sister and asked how she became an official of Egyptian government. The two of them argued for a while about Marik's mission to become Pharaoh, but Marik reminded her of all the pain and suffering that Yami has caused them, and insisted that his time has come. Ishizu told him that she will never cease trying to stop Marik's plans, when the wall behind Marik exploded. When the smoke cleared, Marik and all the Rare Hunters were gone. Ishizu ran to the hole in the wall and saw Marik in the passenger seat of a motercycle with Odion driving it with some big rocket launcher thingy on his back. Marik told her that he will have Obelisk and Odion drove off with the rest of the Rare Hunters following. She wondered if the only reason Odion is following Marik is to keep his other dark self at bay.

Back at the ship, Ishizu can only wait to see if Yugi and Yami will save her brother from Yami Marik.

Back at the duel, Yami Marik has gotten impatiant at Kaiba and Yugi's argueing, and tells them to continue the duel. As he draws his card, he thinks about how he must get rid of Kaiba and Joey so he can duel the Pharaoh. He plays one card face down, and summons Lord of Poison in attack mode, while switching Newt Warrior into attack mode. He then order's his Newt Warrior(1200 ATK) to attack Kaiba's Vorse Raider(1900 ATK). Kaiba wonders why he's attacking a stronger monster, but he ignores it and orders Vorse Raider to fight back. It breaks free of Yugi's chains and destroys Marik's Newt Warrior. Marik just smiles and says when that monster goes to the graveyard it can destroy one monster. He chooses Vorse Raider, and it explodes. Marik announces that he does lose 700 LPs because Newt Warrior was destroyed, but he then plays a Magic Card, Spell of Hate, which lets him transfer his damage to another person, and he chooses Joey. As Joey's LPs decrease to 3300, the platform he's on rises closer to the mark on the wall that says 3000. As Joey worries that he is getting closer to the top, Duke and Tea try to comfort him by saying it's only 700 points, but Joey is still worried as he doesn't have a monster on his field.

On Yugi's turn he draws and sacrifices Big Shield Gardna to summon The Beast of Gilfer. He decides to directly attack Kaiba, but Kaiba activates a trap, Luring Attack Armor. With this card, he can attatch a special Armor to a monster that will attract Yugi's attack. Kaiba looks at Joey, about to activate it on him, but Joey points out that he doesn't have a monster on the field. So Kaiba attatches the armor to Yami Marik's Lord of Poison, and Yugi's attack automatically targets it. Marik isn't worried and activates Mirror Force so he can send the attack back and destroy Gilfer. Yugi activates his face down card, 7 Tools of Thieves, which lets him destroy one trap card. He chooses Marik's Mirror Force, and the attack hit's Marik's monster, lowering his Life Points to 3300. As Marik's platform is being raised to the same height as Joey's he reminds Yugi that in order to use that card, he has to give up 1000 LPs, so Yugi's Life Points decrease to 3000, meaning he now has the least amount out of all 4. As Yugi's platform is raised up to where the mark on the wall says 3000, Kaiba gets angry at Yugi because he thinks Yugi is wasting his Life Points on purpose in order to duel Joey in the semi-finals.

It's now Joey's turn. He successfully draws a Level 4 monster, Gearfried the Iron Knight. Playing it, he sees that both Yami Marik and Kaiba have neither monsters nor face down cards on their field. Ordering Gearfried to attack Kaiba, Yugi smiles because Kaiba has no way to stop Joey's attack. Kaiba gets hit, and his LPs get reduced to 2200. As he rises up higher than Yugi, Joey, and Marik, he can't believe that Joey was able to attack him. Joey calls to him, saying that he will send Kaiba all the way to the top as a loser. Meanwhile, Yugi wonders why Joey attacked Kaiba and not Marik. He wonders if it could be because of Mai. Joey sets one last card face down and ends his turn.

On Kaiba's turn, he draws and decides to spare Joey for now. He sets 3 cards face down and plays Blade Knight, and directly attacks Yami Marik, reducing his LPs to 1700. Joey wonders if he'll be able to duel Marik now. Kaiba decides that he will defeat Joey and Marik in this duel so he can duel Yugi in the semi-finals. He tells Yugi to duel him and show everyone else a battle of Gods.


124. Their Respective Opponents (3)

As the duel continues, Yami Marik begins his turn by summoning Dark Jalote, which has 1200 ATK points, and announces its special ability allows it to subtract 800 attack points from the monster it attacks. He chooses Joey's Iron Knight, and it's attack points go from 1800 to 1000. As Marik prepares to attack him, Joey activates Skull Dice. The die lands on 2, and Marik's monster's ATK points are reduced to 600. As Gearfried prepares to counterattack, everyone is shocked to see Gearfried's attack points lower to 500. Suddenly, Kaiba laughs and reveals that he has activated a magic card, Shrink, which lets him cut the attack points of one monster in half. Marik laughs and orders Dark Jalote to attack Joey's Iron Knight. It destroys it, and lowers Joey's LPs to 3200. Back on the ground, Tristan complains about Kaiba's stratigy, while Tea wonders what his other 2 face down cards could be. Mokuba just marvel's at his brother's timing and dueling skills. Back to the duel, Kaiba announces that all his enemys are valuble to him because they will help bring him to victory. This angers Joey, but Yugi tells him to relax.

Back on Battle Ship, Serenity is trying despratly to revive Mai. With Mai trapped in her hourglass-thingy, she can barely hear Serenity calling her name. Serenity tries to tell Mai to hang on, and that her brother is fighting to save her.

Now that it's Yugi's turn, he draws, and tries to decide what to do next. He sees Kaiba's 2 face down cards, and decides it's suicidal to attack him. He sees Yami Marik's monster in attack mode and no hidden cards. He then looks at Joey, with no monsters on his field but one card face down. He tries to decide who to attack. Down on the ground, Tristan says Yugi's targets will either be Kaiba or Marik since he wants to keep his promise to Joey and help him be a real duelist. Duke points out that Joey's anger is targeted towards Marik and that he may not care about Yugi anymore. Tea agrees that his target is Marik, and remembers a conversation between her and Joey back on Battle Ship sometime after Mai's duel. Joey was angry at Yami Marik for sending Mai's mind to the Shadow Realm, and told Tea to not tell Yugi about this. He said that he wants to duel Yugi and become a real duelist, but decided that if he can't save Mai, then he isn't qualified to duel Yugi. The two of them didn't know that Serenity was listening in on the conversation, though.

31.12.2003, 13:10
Ok. ich mach gleich Schluß....
Back to the duel, Yugi decides to attack Yami Marik, and as he announces his attack, Joey tells him to stop the attack. Yugi wonders what he's doing. Joey then asks Yugi what the definition of a real duelist is. Everyone wonders what he is doing, while Joey tells Yugi that he's been searching for the answer througout Battle City, and he's reached the finals and still doesn't know the answer. Kaiba laughs at Joey and wonders why he wants to know this. Joey tells Yugi that he has taught him to fight bravely in all his duels. He tells Tristan that he has taught him too, which confuses Tristan. Joey thinks back to all his duels in Battle City, against Espa Roba, Weevil, Mako, and Odion, and says that because of them he has also found his weak point. He then thinks back to the moment before Mai's duel against Yami Marik, when she told them to not bother coming to watch her duel. He says he's learned a lot from her too. He then tells Yugi that in Battle City, there is only one person you can trust, and in a Battle Royale, everyone else is an enemy. Kaiba smirks, while Marik is growing impatiant and tells Yugi to continue the duel. Joey tells Yugi that if he is a real duelist, then he'll attack him and stop covering him just because of their promise. Everyone wonders what he's doing, and Mokuba points out that although he has the most Life Points, a direct attack from Yugi's Gilfer will rise him higher than everyone else. Joey says that he is the weakest duelist as he has no monsters on the field, and a real duelist would attack the weakest duelist first so they can duel the strongest one later. He tells Yugi that even if he's knocked out of this duel, he promises that he'll see him in the finals, and tells Yugi to attack him. Yugi agrees and tells Gilfer to give Joey a direct attack and reduce his Life Points to 1000. As the smoke clears from Yugi's attack, Joey just smiles as he rises up to the 1000 marker, higher than everyone else. Joey tells Marik to come with him to the top so they can duel. Marik just laughs.

Now that it's Joey's turn, he draws, and thinks back to the Duelsit Kingdom finals when Mai gave him her Glory of the King's Hand card. He silently tells her that he will repay her for everything she's done for him. He plays Axe Raider and surprises everyone when he announces that he will attack Kaiba. As Axe Raider prepares to attack Kaiba's Blade Knight, Kaiba laughs at Joey's stupidity, and reveals his trap card, Ring of Destruction, which attatches to Axe Raider. Kaiba also activates Defense Wheel to block the damage Joey recieves from hurting him. As Ring of Destruction explodes and destroys Axe Raider, everyone is shocked to see Yami Marik's LPs decrease to 0. Marik wonders what happened. Joey explains that he activated the card he played face down at the beginning of the duel, Grave Robber. He used it to steal Marik's Spell of Hate card from his graveyard and use it's effects to transfer the damage that he suffered to Marik, lowering his Life Points to 0. As Marik rises to the top of the tower, the tells Joey that he will regret this. While Joey is happy that his stratigy worked, Mokuba points out that Joey cannot play any more Monsters this turn, and he'll lose when Seto attacks him. Joey knows this, but says that's the way he planned for it to be.

Now that it's Kaiba's turn, Kaiba tells Joey that he's stupid for knowingly making himself lose. He orders Blade Knight to attack Joey's Life Points. As it attacks, Joey smiles because now his plan to duel Yami Marik in the finals is complete. Joey's LPs go down to 0, and his platform rises up to where Marik is waiting. Marik informs him that his duel will be in the Shadow Realm, but Joey doesnt care. He promises Marik that he will defeat him and his Egyptian God Card. Marik just laughs. The referee announces that the duel is over. The first duel will be Marik Ishtar Vs. Joey Wheeler and the second will be Yugi Moto Vs. Seto Kaiba. All 4 duelists are shot up to the top of the tower.


125. Joey Vs. Marik (1)

Joey enters bravely in his match against Marik.

Malik informs Joey that this is a dark game now, but Joey says he's willing to go through with it, and that he will make Malik pay for what he did to him and Yugi (taking control of Joey)and the pain he's caused Mai. Marik toys with him by playing a card that will take a card from Joey's hand every turn and discard it. Does Joey have a chance of beating Malik before he runs out of cards, or has his best cards discarded?



126. Joey Vs. Marik (2)

Malik's card continues to steal cards from Joey's hand, if he dosen't do something soon, he'll run out of cards!

However, things look brighter for Joey as he summons his Jinzo, and delivers damage to Malik, and destroys Malik's card(the one that kept discarding cards from his hand)

But Malik is worried little, for he has Ra in his hand, and all he needs to do is find a way to summon it.

Can Joey stop Malik from summoning Ra? If Malik does manage to summon Ra, will Joey be able to stop it?


127. Turning the Tide! Warrior of Thunder (3)

Malik has Ra in his hand, but now must find a way to summon it.

Malik keeps up his defenses well, even when Joey get's 2 other monsters onto the field.

But Malik can't seem to be able to keep 3 monsters on the field to sacrafice as Joey keeps destroying them.

Could Joey actually defeat Malik?


128. Joey's Death (4) <---- Was für ein Titel!

Things are looking up for Joey now. Everyone is cheering Joey on. Kaiba seems shcoked that Joey has the upper hand against Malik.

Things look even better as Joey somehow get's Ra into his hand! However, he remembers what happened with Mai, so won't play it.But the tides turn as Ra's power strikes Joey down!

With his heart in the cards, Joey draws the Iron warrior, which would win him tyhe match, but he has suffered FAR too much damage, and thus Malik wins by default.

Yugi loses his fighting spirit as Joey lays in the hospital bed, but he uses Ichizu's necklace to see in the future, and sees Joey telling him to win the tournament and take out Malik, so Yami takes over, and heads. It's Yugi Vs Kaiba!

Note:In this dark game Joey didn't die!

31.12.2003, 13:12
Also da ist jetzt wirklich scluß...

129. Air Battle Colosseum - Yugi vs. Kaiba (1)

The face-off between two legendary duelists begins as Yugi and Kaiba shuffle each other's decks, and draw their opening hands. Tea, Duke Devlin, Tristan, and Marik gather on the sidelines to watch the duel.

Yugi takes the first move by summoning a Queen's Knight (1500/1600) in Defense Mode, then setting a card facedown and ending his turn.

Kaiba draws and summons an X Cannon Head (1800/1500) in Attack Mode, then placing a card facedown to end. Yugi draws, then sets another card facedown and plays Alpha The Magnet Warrior (1400/1700) in Defense Mode. He then passes his turn to Kaiba, who summons a Y Dragon Head (1600/1400) in Attack Mode. He then combines it with the X Cannon Head to create the XY Dragon Cannon (2200/2400). He then plays Soul Exchange, sacrificing Yugi's Queen's Knight. He also plays the Enemy Controller Magic Card, letting him pay 1000 Life Points to either destroy or sacrifice one of Yugi's Monsters. He pays 1000 Life Points (Kaiba's Life Points: 3000) and chooses to sacrifice the Queen's Knight by using the videogame joystick. He then says he'll use his XY and the Queen's Knight, a total of three sacrifices, to summon Obelisk The Tormenter! Can Yugi stop him?


130. God-Summoning Tri-Knights (2)

Kaiba is preparing to summon Obelisk The Tormenter, but Yugi activates his facedown Trap Card, Lightforce Sword. It will randomly attack and lock out one card from Kaiba's hand for three turns. He's going to target Obelisk, but he knows he can't control which card the Lightforce Sword hits.

He commands the Lightforce Sword to attack, and it hits a card... which was nothing other than Obelisk. Yugi is satisfied that he'll have three turns to deal with Obelisk, but he knows his next moves will have to count.

Since the summon was negated, Yugi regains control of the Queen's Knight. Kaiba has the XY Dragon Cannon destroy Alpha and he ends his turn.

Yugi draws, sets another card facedown, summons Big Shield Gardna (100/2600) in Defense Mode, and passes his turn to Kaiba. Kaiba draws, then plays the Z Metal Caterpillar (1500/1300) in Attack Mode, and combines it with the XY to create the XYZ Dragon Cannon (2800/2600). He has it destroy Yugi's Big Shield Gardna, but Yugi was waiting for that. He then activates his Line Of The Soul Trap Card, allowing him to pay 1000 Life Points to summon out a Level 4 or less Monster from his deck when another Monster of his is destroyed.

He pays 1000 Life Points (Yugi's Life Points: 3000) and summons the King's Knight (1600/1400), and since it's on the field at the same time as the Queen's Knight, he can automatically summon a Jack's Knight (1900/1400) from his deck. Kaiba then plays a Magic Card called Heavenly Edict. It allows him to pay 1000 Life Points to name a Level 8 or higher Monster, and if Yugi has it in his deck, he gives it to Kaiba. Kaiba pays the cost (Kaiba's Life Points: 2000) and chooses Slifer The Sky Dragon. Yugi pulls Slifer from his deck and gives it to Kaiba, but then activates Exchange, letting each player take one card from their opponent's hand.

The two approach each other and Yugi takes Slifer back, while Kaiba takes a Trap Card called Shortened Life. Kaiba then sets one card facedown and ends his turn.

Yugi draws, then sacrifices his Knights to summon Slifer The Sky Dragon (5000/5000). He knows that Kaiba's going to play Shortened Life sooner or later. When it's activated, Yugi will have to discard cards from his hand equal to the number of turns it was facedown. He attacks the XYZ with Slifer, but Kaiba activates Emergency Teleporter, teleporting the XYZ away from the attack for one turn.

On Kaiba's turn, the Lightforce Sword expires, sending Obelisk back into Kaiba's hand. He then sacrifices the XYZ to summon Obelisk The Tormenter (4000/4000)!

Now that both players have their God Cards on the field, whose will win?


131. Intense Conflict! Slifer vs. Obelisk (3)

As Yami and Kaiba's God cards clash, everybody tries to wake Joey so he can see this.

The monsters clash, making all kinds of explosions.

While everyone is in aw, Malik is unsuprised, as he knows of their true power.

But during the clash, Yami and Kaiba are taken back in time, and see themselves dueling in ancient egypt.

After the flashback, they return to the dueling arena.

Kaiba draws, and tells Yami the beggining of the end has come for him.

What does Kaiba have planned? Can Yami stop it?

31.12.2003, 17:40
Ich kann kein englisch.... ;(

Woher hast du denn das? ?(

Statt soviel zu schreiben hättest du es doch lieber auf deutsch und kurz schreiben können ;)

128. Joey's Death (4) <---- Was für ein Titel!

Zu diesem Text: Ich verstehe sie nicht!-->Hab unendlich mal im Wörterbuch rumgeschlagen! Ich verstehe gar nichts mehr! :O

01.01.2004, 13:39
Ich kann auch kein Englisch, aber im großen un dganzen versteh ich es....

01.01.2004, 19:23
Gut! :D
Ähem, dann bitte, sagt mir einer, wer gewinnt? Joey oder Marik?
Und wieso heisst der Titel Joeys Death??? Was passiert denn da???

01.01.2004, 21:43
So leute! Wann fangen die neuen Folgen in rtl2 an? :evil: *sehrgereizt*

Aaaa...Und hier noch etwas. Mein armer Joey! ;( ;( ;( ;(

Buäääähhh!!!! (http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=de&sl=en&u=http://kb.grey-roses.net/yugi/episodes.php&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dscreenshots%2Bjoey%2Bvs%2Bmarik%26hl% 3Dde%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26oe%3DUTF-8%26sa%3DG)

Geht auf Episodenzusammenfassung! Da ist die Folge, wo Joey gegen Marik kämpft! ;(

02.01.2004, 17:22
Och Leutzz! Wo seid ihr alle???

Hier mal ne Seite, wo coole Screenshots zu sehen sind, auch von den neuen Folgen!

Hier! (http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/hotc/screenshots.htm)

Mein armer Joey ;( ;( ;(

02.01.2004, 17:29
Bei welcher Folge sind wir den jetzt grad? Hab das nicht mehr verfolgt :D

02.01.2004, 20:51
Noch immer bei Pegasus! Och ich will endlich die neuen Folgen sehen! :O
Die sind soooo hammer! Vor allem die Folge, wo Joey gegen Marik verliert!

Der Titel ist ja (wie oben genannt) Joeys Tod! :dead:
Ich habe ein Bild, wo er von Ra angegriffen wird. Alter, das ist schrecklich! ;( ;( ;(Ich bekomme immernoch ein ekelhaftes Gefühl im Magen! X(

Gotenks SSJ3
02.01.2004, 23:33
Das kann noch zeimlcih lange dauern, sie haben es ja vor ca. 1 Monat ganz von vorne wiederholt...mitlerweile kämpfen glaub schon Yugi gegen Pegasus ^^

03.01.2004, 00:20
jetzt kommt ja noch nicht mal mehr yugioh das ist scheiße nur noch one piece,monster rancher und dektetiv conan kommen

03.01.2004, 13:33
Original von Esma
So leute! Wann fangen die neuen Folgen in rtl2 an? :evil: *sehrgereizt*

Aaaa...Und hier noch etwas. Mein armer Joey! ;( ;( ;( ;(

Buäääähhh!!!! (http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=de&sl=en&u=http://kb.grey-roses.net/yugi/episodes.php&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dscreenshots%2Bjoey%2Bvs%2Bmarik%26hl% 3Dde%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26oe%3DUTF-8%26sa%3DG)

Geht auf Episodenzusammenfassung! Da ist die Folge, wo Joey gegen Marik kämpft! ;(

Die neuen Folgen kommen laut Animania am 17. Febraur!
Ach, Ich glaub ich hab irgendwo noch welche Pics, willst du welchen von der Folge? *meine4000Bilderdurchkramt*
Ach und wie kommst, das ihr kein Englisch könnt????? Es gibt ja wohl kaum eine Schule, die das nicht unterrichtet! Naja... Ich kuck mal, ob ich's mal übersetz.................. Aber dann wird strk gekürtzt.......

03.01.2004, 14:35
Ha ha ha *beste freundin du bist XD* Na dann her mit den Bildern :D *reibt sich die Hände*

Mich interessieren vor allem bilder zu der Folge mit Joey und Marik! Und was danach passiert --> ;( ;(

Das ist sooo schrecklich! Ich leide immernoch darunter! Bin ich jetzt krank???

Das ich kein Englisch kann ist so: Erm... Ein bisschen schon, aber ich verstehe nur 10 % von dem, was da oben steht!

03.01.2004, 15:50
Original von *Luna*
Ach und wie kommst, das ihr kein Englisch könnt????? Es gibt ja wohl kaum eine Schule, die das nicht unterrichtet! Naja... Ich kuck mal, ob ich's mal übersetz.................. Aber dann wird strk gekürtzt.......

Mh... ich versteh Englisch, aber ich komm manmal was durcheinander und bei un shaben wir nur 2 Stunden E. die Woche, aber das tut jetzt nichts zur Sache... .

Klar würd ich die Bilder mal sehen :D

03.01.2004, 16:49
Ich könnte die Folge übersetzen, wo Joey gegen Marik verliert! --> Hab nur die auf Deutsch! Alles ganz genau beschrieben, was alles passiert.

Wer wills lesen???

03.01.2004, 18:17
Ich würds mir gerne mal ansehen...

03.01.2004, 18:18
hmmm kannst ruhig machen wenn du willst.

wollt mal sagen das ich die erste staffel besser fand das mit den götterkarten find ich dumm aber wenn kaiba endlich einsieht das er der wahre besitzer des stabes is wird es bestimmt wieder cool

03.01.2004, 19:49
Ok, ich füge demnächst mal ne Zsammen fassung zu den nächsten 40 (?) Folgen. Und die Sache mit den Bildern............. Ich frag mich bloss, wie ich die Hochladen soll.........
@ MjPj: das dauert sicher noch!

03.01.2004, 21:21
joey stirbt??
ode rist jedenfalls kurz davor??

also yu-gi-oh wird ja imemr besser!
ich find dne anime echt kalsse,net nur die gecshichte um die karten und die gegnstände,auch so wird spannung aufgebaut und dann noch diese schein beziehungen z.b. mai und joey und für shonen ai fans gibts ja noch yami und yugi!

ich liebe dden anime richtig!

03.01.2004, 21:27
Wie viele Folgen gibt es von Yu-Gi-Oh als Anime schon in Japan? ?( ?(

Kann mir das einer sagen!!
Danke schon mal im Vorraus!!!

03.01.2004, 22:51
Also, ich werde das aufschreiben, was ich bisher weiss. Also: Einige KLEINIGKEITEN könnten nicht stimmen!

Nein, zum Glück stirbt Joey nicht, aber er ist echt kurz davor --> Als Yu Gi vor Frust die Wand einschlägt steht Joeys SEELE neber ihm! *schrecklich* :(

@Jerome Amadeo (was für ein Name...)
Ääääich glaube 185 (ohne die aller ersten Folgen) oder???

Leute ich will Bilder veröffentlichen, wie geht das? Ich habe eineige auf meinem PC (auch welche wo (glaube ich) Mai Joey küsst :roll: )
WIE geht das???

04.01.2004, 03:30
Original von Esma
Noch immer bei Pegasus! Och ich will endlich die neuen Folgen sehen! :O
Die sind soooo hammer! Vor allem die Folge, wo Joey gegen Marik verliert!

Der Titel ist ja (wie oben genannt) Joeys Tod! :dead:
Ich habe ein Bild, wo er von Ra angegriffen wird. Alter, das ist schrecklich! ;( ;( ;(Ich bekomme immernoch ein ekelhaftes Gefühl im Magen! X(

Wie lahm sind die den? Noch so lang warten auf die neuen Folgen tse :roll:

04.01.2004, 10:13
hmmm die folgen kenn ich schon alle irgendwie... kamen die nicht schonmal??? naja was solls :D

@esma: bilder veröffentlichen is nicht schwer einfach auf ne hp laden dann entweder den link hier einfügen oder die bilder ebend

04.01.2004, 16:12
Ich habe keine HP! :(
Ich will Bilder aus meinem Computer zeigen und unter den Bildern was dazu schreiben.
Ich wollte die Epsiode mit Joey auf diese erklären. Kommt dramatischer rüber, weisst du! :D

04.01.2004, 16:16
Ja, aber bitte in einen Spoiler....

04.01.2004, 16:26
Das weiss ich auch! :evil:
Mich interessiert mehr, wie ich ein Bild hochladen kann--> von meinem Computer!

Ich verstehe es nicht!!! :O

04.01.2004, 19:04
Kann mir jemand sagen, wie viele neue Folgen RTL II ausstrahlen wird?? ?( ?(


04.01.2004, 19:35
Werden am 17. Februar neue Folgen zeigen. 70 Folgen, d. h. also, soviel ich weiss, alle die ich bisher gesehen habe!

05.01.2004, 10:20
Original von Esma
Das weiss ich auch! :evil:
Mich interessiert mehr, wie ich ein Bild hochladen kann--> von meinem Computer!

Ich verstehe es nicht!!! :O

Du kannst nur Bilder nehmen die auf einer Homepage sind, wenn du keine hast, kannst du ja einen Fragen der eine hat.

05.01.2004, 13:33
Eee..hast du eine??? :clown:

Erst am 17. Februar..-->träum..so lange!

05.01.2004, 13:49
1. Ne, leider nicht, aber da wo du die BBilder her hast kannst du mal gucken, nimm die Addy davon.

2. Ja, das dauert eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~wig

05.01.2004, 13:52
wie richtig neue folgen oder kennt man die schon???

05.01.2004, 13:56
Ha ha ha ha *lachtsichtot*
Hab ..ha ha ha..keine Ahnug....ha ha ha..wo ich die her hab!:lol:

Original von McJP
wie richtig neue folgen oder kennt man die schon???

richtig neue Folgen ;)!

05.01.2004, 14:00
Zum Glück, wurde ja schon tausendmal wiederholt.... :sure:

05.01.2004, 16:11
Original von Esma
richtig neue Folgen ;)!

cool weiß man schon was so passiert? steht vielleicht irgendwo was???

05.01.2004, 16:37
Ist doch klar was passiert, Yugi wird die Welt retten, dass ist doch klar und Kaiba wird wieder untergehen -.-"

05.01.2004, 16:53
Original von Cloud Strife
Ist doch klar was passiert, Yugi wird die Welt retten, dass ist doch klar und Kaiba wird wieder untergehen -.-"

*loool* das hätte ich net gedacht! :D

ich hoffe kaiba macht yugi schön fertig!

05.01.2004, 18:11
Sowas wird leider nie passieren...... . Ist doch klar das Yugi immer Gewinnt (aber einmal verliert er glaub ich in den neuen Folgen :wiry: )

05.01.2004, 18:15
Echt blöd, das Herz der Karten blablablabla. Ohne Glück würde YuGi eh nie gewinnen!

05.01.2004, 18:18
Original von Kuria.12
Sowas wird leider nie passieren...... . Ist doch klar das Yugi immer Gewinnt (aber einmal verliert er glaub ich in den neuen Folgen :wiry: )

jo? coool yugi muss abkacken! und kaiba soll dann der neue alte champ werden!

05.01.2004, 18:51
Ne, der kämpft gegen nen anderen Typen, aber Kaiba als Champ wär cool :D

Nami Uchiha
05.01.2004, 21:04
Das wäre was neues und besseres(kaiba ist einer meiner lieblingscharas:D)
Denn ich finde man weiß haöt immer dass yugi gewinnt,egal wie spannend es ist,das ist irgendwie...ähm auf dauer langweilig....
yugi gewinnt
nuer gegner
yugi gewinnt ,es war zwar schwer aber er gewinnt....(immer)
Da fänd ich mal ne abwechslung ziemlcih passend..und da kaiba eh zu meinen favoriten charas gehört....:D

05.01.2004, 22:05
Das mit dem Herz der Karten mag ich auch net so, aber die sind mir lieber als Kaibas ständiges gelaberer von seinen GKarten und seinen weisen Drachen bla blaa blaaa.. :dead:

Ich kann es kaum abwarten bis Yugi Kaiba eins auswischt, weil er es verdient hat! :bigt: :bigt:

05.01.2004, 22:12
Yugi kämpft ja am Schluß gegen Marik oder?

05.01.2004, 22:34
Ja, er gewinnt gegen Kaiba..he he he.. und dann kämpft er gegen Marik! iiii, Marik verliert da sein Auge. bäää!

05.01.2004, 22:35
Der arme Marik :no: Der sollte gewinnen, ich habs schon satt das immer das Gute siegen muss ^^

05.01.2004, 22:39
Nee, das Gute soll siegen immer! Was der meinem Joey angetan hat, verzeih ich ihm nichT!

05.01.2004, 22:46
Oh gott, dieser 2.- klassige Duellant soll bloß verrecken. Wär Marik nicht so blöd gewesen, hätte Odion (o. wie der heißt) ihn vernichtet.

06.01.2004, 07:32

06.01.2004, 09:33
Original von Cloud Strife
Oh gott, dieser 2.- klassige Duellant soll bloß verrecken. Wär Marik nicht so blöd gewesen, hätte Odion (o. wie der heißt) ihn vernichtet.

Ja, mein ich ich auch...

06.01.2004, 10:18
Zweitklassiger Duellant??? Wenn ih wüsstet wie Joey gegen Marik kämpft!
Er hat sich seeeeehhr verbessert!
Ausserdem, was spielt das für eine Rolle?? Ist doch egal, ob er jetzt schlechter ist als Yugi oder als Kaiba! Kaiba gewinnt doch nur, weil er ne GKarte hat! :P

06.01.2004, 14:37
So! Ich hab eine meiner alten Linlisten wiedergefunden! Wer hat interresse daran?
und die Beschreibungen sind in Arbeit.
und @ Esma: Versuchs mal bei www.meine-website.net

06.01.2004, 14:39
Es klappt nicht!!!!!!! :O :O :O :O :O

06.01.2004, 14:57
Original von Esma
Zweitklassiger Duellant??? Wenn ih wüsstet wie Joey gegen Marik kämpft!
Er hat sich seeeeehhr verbessert!
Ausserdem, was spielt das für eine Rolle?? Ist doch egal, ob er jetzt schlechter ist als Yugi oder als Kaiba! Kaiba gewinnt doch nur, weil er ne GKarte hat! :P

Ja, weil sie ein wenig mehr Spannung rein bringen wollen und Marik den coolen spielt :roll: Marik hat ein 10x so gutes Deck wie Joey und außerdem ist er auch so besser :bigt:

06.01.2004, 14:59
@ Esma: ja ich habs falsch geschrieben......... habs grad editiert.........

06.01.2004, 15:01
Cool!Ich werde es mal probieren! :D Danke!

06.01.2004, 15:13
Ach ja, ich hab jetzt 5 neue Kaps vom Joey vs. Malick-Duell! Wer hat interesse?

06.01.2004, 15:20
*meld meld meld* *hoppelt am Stuhl rum und kann nicht mehr ruhig sitzen*
Ichichichichichich!!!!! :O :O :O

...stille.... Luna???

06.01.2004, 15:48
Ok. Aber wie soll ich's dir schicken????????????????????
Sag mal hast du Win ZiP? Und weißt du wie man's einpackt???????????

06.01.2004, 16:53
Kaiba ist ein unendlichmal besserer Duellant als diese Flasche von einem Joey! Joey soll krepieren! Selbst wenn Joey 100 Götterkarten hätte könnte Seto ihn schlagen! Mein Seto ist nähmlich der beste! Joey ist nix!

06.01.2004, 17:22
Ich find Seto auch besser, Joey geht mir soziehmlich auf die nerven :sure:

06.01.2004, 17:28
mal ne frage!

konnte yugioh nie zu ende sehen wegen schule und wollt fragen ob marik schon besiegt ist und alles weitere!

die letzte die ich sehen konnte war das kaiba gegen die eine wahrsagerin gespielt hat und anstatt seine götterkarte den blue eyes gespielt hat!

kann mir einer sagen was noch so passierte???

06.01.2004, 17:33
Naja, manchmal ist Joey auch lustig, wie das mit dem Affen und dem Vanillepudding ^^

Aber gegen Kaiba, Yugi, Marik und gegen Odion hatte er keine Chance ...

06.01.2004, 17:33
Ich glaub das war auch die letzte die gezeigt wurde... :wiry:

06.01.2004, 17:33
Original von Cloud Strife
Naja, manchmal ist Joey auch lustig, wie das mit dem Affen und dem Vanillepudding ^^

Aber gegen Kaiba, Yugi, Marik und gegen Odion hatte er keine Chance ...

hat er net odion besiegt? wenn ich mich nich total irre

06.01.2004, 17:35
Nicht wirklich, weil da ja das mit den Blitzen passiert ist, anders hät er es seeeeeeeeeehr schwer gehabt...

06.01.2004, 18:31
Ich kann nicht verstehen wie man jemanden hassen kann nur weil er kein super guter duellant ist! ds ist doch gar nicht wichtig!
in Yu gi Oh ist es wichtiger, wer für wen da ist! Sogar tristan und Duke sind tausendmal besser als Kaiba!

@Luna: Per ICQ! Per ICQ!!!! Du musst sie mir geben!!!!! :O :O :O :O :D

06.01.2004, 22:10
Original von Kuria.12
Nicht wirklich, weil da ja das mit den Blitzen passiert ist, anders hät er es seeeeeeeeeehr schwer gehabt...

Nicht mal deswegen, hätte Marik nicht schiss bekommen das Raus kommt das nicht Odion er ist, hätte ihn Odion leicht besiegt.

07.01.2004, 10:31
Also gut! Mal Klar stellen :evil: :D
So: Joey hätte fast gegen Marik verloren, weil er (wie immer wenn er wütend ist) sich nicht konzentriert hat! Aber danach hat er sich seehr gut geschalgen! (immerhin hatte er nur noch 200 Lebenspunkte und konnte odion mal so richtig einheizen!)

Und im übrigen ist Joey keiner, wie Yu Gi und Seto die von Anfang an gespielt haben! Er hat es erst später begonnen und das NUR um seiner Schwester zu helfen (ist das etwa dann ein Versager? ).
Und ich muss sagen mir gefällt es, dass Joey kein super Duellant ist (was sich später ja ändern wird).
Es muss auch mal Duellanten geben, die nicht PERFECT sind!

07.01.2004, 16:10
jo joey is ganz okay, gefällt mir net so mega aber geht!

ich finde kaiba gut der spielt einfach cool anders als so nen pippideck wie yugi hat, einfach mal billigkarten reinmachtn, und die dann eine MEGA KRASSE spezial blabla haben! so ein dreck

07.01.2004, 16:57
Original von Esma
Ich kann nicht verstehen wie man jemanden hassen kann nur weil er kein super guter duellant ist! ds ist doch gar nicht wichtig!
in Yu gi Oh ist es wichtiger, wer für wen da ist! Sogar tristan und Duke sind tausendmal besser als Kaiba!

Ich find ihn asl Duelant nicht gut, und ich mag ihn auch vom Charakter her nicht!

07.01.2004, 17:01
Das ist doch egal, welche Karten die im Deck haben!! Wenn Yugi 30 schlechte Karten im Deck hat, und 15 gute Karten, dann zieht er doch wieder nur die guten!! Dann kommt wieder sein Spruch: "Ich vertraue dem Herz der Karten"

07.01.2004, 17:53
Ja, mir geht dieses Gefäsel von Freundschaft, Herz der Karten ect. langsam auf den Geist ich meine sie könnens ja sagen wenn es ihnen Spaß macht, aber nicht so oft :dead:

07.01.2004, 18:36
Original von Esma
Also gut! Mal Klar stellen :evil: :D
So: Joey hätte fast gegen Marik verloren, weil er (wie immer wenn er wütend ist) sich nicht konzentriert hat! Aber danach hat er sich seehr gut geschalgen! (immerhin hatte er nur noch 200 Lebenspunkte und konnte odion mal so richtig einheizen!)

Und im übrigen ist Joey keiner, wie Yu Gi und Seto die von Anfang an gespielt haben! Er hat es erst später begonnen und das NUR um seiner Schwester zu helfen (ist das etwa dann ein Versager? ).
Und ich muss sagen mir gefällt es, dass Joey kein super Duellant ist (was sich später ja ändern wird).
Es muss auch mal Duellanten geben, die nicht PERFECT sind!

Was Zählt das schon bitte? Sieg ist Sieg und Odion war einfach der bessere Duellant, aber leider musste Joey gewinnen :roll:

07.01.2004, 19:03
jo dieses herz der karten das ist so ein müll! ziehen immer die karte die sie genau wollen das ist doch sooo dumm!

oh ich habe hier nen kartenstapel mit 2000 karten und ich glaube ans herz der karten und will blablabla ziehen die ich nur einmal habe!


juhu ich wusste es


ach man das nervt einfach!
aber stimmt es das die schwester von joey jetzt auch angeblich ne duellantin wird???

07.01.2004, 19:05
Hoffentlich nicht, die ist so verdammt naiv, das Glaubt man kaum! :clown:

07.01.2004, 19:12
also ich weiß garnichts über die nur das die die ganze zeit blind war! und das die denkt joey is ja der beste und sooo cool!

aber den opa von yugi finde ich lustig! :D

07.01.2004, 19:16
OH Gott, Yugis Opa nervt aber sowas von! *würg*

07.01.2004, 19:40
du scherzt? Joey, diese Flasche, Tristan, dieser Ottonormalidiot, und Otogi, der zwar süß ist aber an Seto nicht herankommt, sollen bessersein als mein Seto? That´s not possible! Seto is the belt!

oh Gott, lasst uns Frieden schließen, ich verstoße hir gegen meine eigenen Vorsätze! Jedem das seine, O.K.? Du magst Joey, ich Seto, über geschmäcke lässt sich bekanntlich streiten. Ich gebe zu dass Seto sich manchmal blöd benimmt aber Joey tut das auch. Das musst du zugeben.


07.01.2004, 20:15
Seto ist der beste Duellant überhaupt! Der braucht kein Herz der Karten um zu gewinnen!

07.01.2004, 22:51
Mein Liebling ist und bleibt Joey! er hat den besten Charakter!

Hallo??? :D :D

08.01.2004, 15:14
@ Esma: Hallo was? Ach, du weißt doch das dein Ava von der 6. Staffel ist, oder???

08.01.2004, 15:22
Hee hee hee (ich hasse dieses lachen :wiry: )
Jaaa, ich weisss! :mua:
Aber ich will DEINE Bilder! :mua: :mua: :mua:
ICQ!!! ICQ!!!! :mua:

:D :D :rolleyes2:

08.01.2004, 16:05
Ich kann mir net laden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! *verzweifelt*
Naja............... Ich kuck mal, ob ich's dir Mail....................... Und ob ich's mit'm zippen krieg........

08.01.2004, 19:40
Ja, ich warte auf e-mails XD
Aber wieso kannst du es nicht runterladen???

08.01.2004, 19:49
juhu konnte heute wieder nen bissl gucken!

wann kommen denn die neuen folgen nochmal???

@esma: dein ava wann hatte die ( fällt name grade net ein blackout ) so nen zeichen von marik??? habe ich nie gesehen, was is da passiert habe nur gesehen die lag dann im bett oder so!

08.01.2004, 19:52
steht doch schon paar mal im Thread, am 17.02.2004 kommt die 3. Staffel "Enter the Shadow Realm", 50 neue Folgen laut "Be"-Newsletter vom 2.1.2004

08.01.2004, 19:54
Original von Masterfly
steht doch schon paar mal im Thread, am 17.02.2004 kommt die 3. Staffel "Enter the Shadow Realm", 50 neue Folgen laut "Be"-Newsletter vom 2.1.2004

okay aber wollte grade net immer die seiten umblättern da es irgendwie im mom bei mir voll lahm geht! naja wird wohl an anderen sachen liegen, am laden oder so was weiß ich!

wie is eigentlich der manga??? kumpel meint is net so gut, aber habe noch nie gelesen!

08.01.2004, 20:10
Original von McJP
juhu konnte heute wieder nen bissl gucken!

wann kommen denn die neuen folgen nochmal???

@esma: dein ava wann hatte die ( fällt name grade net ein blackout ) so nen zeichen von marik??? habe ich nie gesehen, was is da passiert habe nur gesehen die lag dann im bett oder so!

Mein Ava ist von der néuen Staffel - Nach Marik!

09.01.2004, 06:29
wirklich? cool woher haste denn die bilder???

09.01.2004, 15:52
Hey, du hast ne PN!

09.01.2004, 17:47
Kommt dieses Komische Zeichen auf der Stirn nicht auch bei den Käpfen (manchmal)

09.01.2004, 17:57
Ich frage mich nur warum Mai immer mitspielen muss, die ist doch voll scheiße.

09.01.2004, 18:35
Ich find die Mai von den weiblichen Charakteren am besten!
Und warum sie immer mitspielt? na in jeder Staffel komen sich Joey und Mai näher. Deswegen :D

In den GANZ neuen Folgen gibt es jemand, der in Kaiba verliebt ist (nachdem ich gesehen habe, wie sie (oder er? ) Kaiba am Pc hat und immer überall rosen etc. geh ich mal davon aus! AAAber: Das ist meiner Meinung nach ein Mann! UInd wenn das eine Frau sein soll, dann ist die sehr erm... maskulin :sure:

09.01.2004, 18:53
Hast du Bilder??? (Hört sich cool an, der/die geht Kaiba bestimmt tierisch auf die nerven :D )

09.01.2004, 19:03
Klar! Hier auf dieser Seite findest du alles! Oben steht irgentwo MEDIEN. Da ist ein Bild (lila Haare)
Oder geh auf Episodenguide und dann auf die Folgen die du sehen willst!

Da! XD (http://www.janime.biz/)

09.01.2004, 19:10
*lol* hat wirklich etwas mänliches, was macht der/die (undefinierbar deswegen nen ich sie/ihn jetzt es XD'') mit Kaiba (ich lach mich ja schon bei den FF's tot)?

09.01.2004, 19:29
Hm.. ICh weiss nur das er/sie? auch sehr reich ist! Mehr nicht!

09.01.2004, 19:34
Vielleicht hat es ja diese andere Dueldisk oder auch irgendetwas anderes erfunden, aber wiso kennt es Kaiba???? Na ja, er ist sehr bekannt, aber...sagen wir mal so Woher kennt Kaiba es?

09.01.2004, 19:40
Gehts in der neuen Staffel um antlantis (steht auf der Seite)? Und dan kommt der richtige Kaiba? (der sieht irgendwie finster aus...)

09.01.2004, 19:41
Ich glaub nicht das Kaiba ihn/sie kennt!
Die/er ist n bisschen :tock:
Zunmindest macht es so ein eindruck (steht nackt vor seinen Dienern :sure: )

09.01.2004, 19:44
WAS? (der ist wie Rosiel (AS)) Welche Folge ist das, ich habs eben schon gefragt aber gehts in der neuen Staffel um Atlantis? Und Kaiba Neo kommt (ich weis nicht aber irgendiwe find ich den witzig, hab zwar nur ein Bild gesehen, aber auch egal)...

09.01.2004, 19:50
Er/sie? ist wie wer?
Meinst du die Sache mit Neo? Ich weiss gar nicht mal worum es da geht! :wiry:

09.01.2004, 21:38
Hm die heutigen Folgen kannte ich ja noch gar nicht. Kann es sein das die neue sind ?

10.01.2004, 08:56
Weis nicht, ich hab sie nicht gesehen, was kam den dadrin vor?

10.01.2004, 11:37
nein die sind noch net neu! war doch die mit der prinzessin und so oder??? wo die in so kostümen sind! das gehörte noch zur alten staffel also ganz am anfang da kommt dann der 5 köpfige drache oder so

10.01.2004, 13:30
jep in der virtuellen Welt, naja dann hab ich die noch nicht gesehen gehabt.

10.01.2004, 13:33
Original von Masterfly
steht doch schon paar mal im Thread, am 17.02.2004 kommt die 3. Staffel "Enter the Shadow Realm", 50 neue Folgen laut "Be"-Newsletter vom 2.1.2004

Ich hab irgendwo gelesen das die Folgen erst am 10.3 kommen, na ja, Be wirds wohl wissen :D

10.01.2004, 14:30
Am 17.2!!!!!!!!!!!
Ach und meint ihr Amelda?

10.01.2004, 14:36
Original von *Luna*
Am 17.2!!!!!!!!!!!
Ach und meint ihr Amelda?

Meinst du dei Rothaarige? Ich hab inzwischen beschlossen das sie eine Frau ist, sie hat den Körper von einer, außerdem hat man die Stimme ja noch nicht gehört.... :roll:

Nami Uchiha
10.01.2004, 16:06
Kann mir mal jemand sagen welche epi man nehmen muss um die/der in größeren anblick zu bekommen?`
Hey cool,ich freu mcih schon richtig auf die neuen folgen(eigentlich war ich am anfang von der yugioh ausstrahlung gar nciht davon begeistert...)aber jetzt:D

10.01.2004, 16:43
Warts ab! Es wird noch besser! :D

Die lila haarige ist also ein Mäschen! Hm.. Ich finde, die haben zu maskulin gemacht! Zu Kaiba passt doch eher eine etwas schwächliche Person --> Ihr wisst schon: Beschützer und so :wiry:

Neeeeinnnn! Vergesst was ich gerade gesagt habe! Der Typ ist ein Mann!
Ich hasb gesehen! (oben ohne!)

Nami Uchiha
10.01.2004, 17:17
Neiiiiiin*umkipp*ist das dein ernst?zeigeeeen!das will ich sehen,ich muss mich davon selbst überzeugen ...armer kaiba....*umfall* :dead:

10.01.2004, 17:26
Hier (http://www.janime.biz/)

Oben sthe Media. da ist ein Bild von ihm (mit einer Rose- was sonst?)
Dann geh auf Episoden guide und auf Folge 185 oder 186 (oder 187) einer von denen. Das siehst du ein Bild von ihm! :D

Nami Uchiha
10.01.2004, 17:48
Jo :bigeek: ich glaubs nciht :bigeek:......Der arme Kaiba....echt....was isn euer lieblingsmonster?


10.01.2004, 20:45
Das ist so etwas wo du chatten kannst! Aber nur mit jemandem der auch ICQ hat! Du bekommst dann so ne nummer und kannst mit der Person chatten die su willst! Erm.. sowas wie ein Privatchat würde ich mal sagen!

PS: Nun ja! Wir sollten nicht so schnell über diesen Mann urteilen. Vielleicht is er ganz net! :wiry:

11.01.2004, 09:34
ich freu mich scon auf die dritte staffel von ygo!
die wirt bestimmt cool!

11.01.2004, 09:41
Oja, ich habs gerade auch gesehen (der Typ ist wie Rosiel aus AS, der zieht sich an wie ein Frau sieht aus wie ne Frau ist ein Mann und total durchgeknallt XD''', nunja, ich mag Rosiel, also kann es auch sein das ich den Typen Mag :D ), es steht ja noch nicht fest ob, der Typ in Kaiba verknallt ist, oder? Das mit den Rosen ist ja nocht kein richtiger Beweis :wiry:

Nami Uchiha
11.01.2004, 11:00
Original von Esma
Das ist so etwas wo du chatten kannst! Aber nur mit jemandem der auch ICQ hat! Du bekommst dann so ne nummer und kannst mit der Person chatten die su willst! Erm.. sowas wie ein Privatchat würde ich mal sagen!

PS: Nun ja! Wir sollten nicht so schnell über diesen Mann urteilen. Vielleicht is er ganz net! :wiry:

Das ist zwar lieb gemeint die info,aber so meinte ich das nciht...falsch ausgedrückt(ich schick dir ne pn sonst bekommen wir noch ne verwarnung:D)

Also Back to topic....Ich finde es aber wirklich schlimm,wenn der kerl kaibas verehrer wäre...:dead:
Na,wir werden ja sehen^^

11.01.2004, 11:30
Ich fänd witzig :D (ich habs ja oben mal mit Rosiel geklärt) ich find, der ist ihm wirkllich ähnlich und ein bissel Shounen-Ai (wen auch nur einseitig) wäre mal ne abwechslung und auch witzig :D

11.01.2004, 17:54
hy leuts
wie gehts???
yugioh ist voll langweilich

11.01.2004, 19:35
Original von Kuria.12
Ich fänd witzig :D (ich habs ja oben mal mit Rosiel geklärt) ich find, der ist ihm wirkllich ähnlich und ein bissel Shounen-Ai (wen auch nur einseitig) wäre mal ne abwechslung und auch witzig :D

Hm... wenn ich mir das so vorstelle, dann ist es schon irgentwie sehr witzig! :D :D

12.01.2004, 12:52
Original von darkkai
hy leuts
wie gehts???
yugioh ist voll langweilich

Warum hat du den Tread dann eröffnet?

Original von Esma
Hm... wenn ich mir das so vorstelle, dann ist es schon irgentwie sehr witzig! :D :D

Ich fänds witzig wenn der so durchgeknallt wäre, aber man weis ja noch nicht was er für einen Charakter hat :roll:.

12.01.2004, 14:49
Ich denke mal, er ist so ein "ich werde es Kaiba schon zeigen" Typ und ist gleichzeitig in ihn verknallt! obwooohhhlll.... Wer sagt, dass unsere "tollen Synchrosprecher" ihm nicht vielleicht eine weibliche stimme verpassen...für die jüngeren Leute :wiry:
Wenn die schon nicht zeigen, wie eine tür weggetreten wird...:sure:

Nami Uchiha
12.01.2004, 16:07
Wenn sie schon nicht zeigen,wie eine tür eingetreten wird???
Hä,hab ich was verpasst?? ?(
Jo,das ist bestimmt so ein typ,aber ich hoffe doch nicht das der ne weiberstimme bekommt..

12.01.2004, 18:37
Vielleicht kriegt er eine Stimme die beides sein kann :D

13.01.2004, 13:16
Juppi! Die neue 7. Staffel fängt an! Aber leider nicht das mit den Memorien........

Hab schon die ersten Bilder entdeckt: Einer sieht ein Bissele aus wie Hikaru aus Hikaru noc Go, aber naja.......
@ Esma: Ich schick dir nächste Woche ne Mail mit Links ok?

13.01.2004, 16:29
Ich hab auch schon Bilder gesehen. Ich will endlich das mit dem komischen Typen sehen (der mit den Rosen) :O

13.01.2004, 19:33
Original von *Luna*
Juppi! Die neue 7. Staffel fängt an! Aber leider nicht das mit den Memorien........

Hab schon die ersten Bilder entdeckt: Einer sieht ein Bissele aus wie Hikaru aus Hikaru noc Go, aber naja.......
@ Esma: Ich schick dir nächste Woche ne Mail mit Links ok?

Ok XD! Ich hab auch so ein tollen Link entdeckt! Da kann man alle Folgen sehen! Leider kann man sich die Bilder nicht speichern :wiry:

Ps: Was meinst du mit Memorien? Worum geht es da? Wir könne ruhig spoilern :D

14.01.2004, 15:18
Ach ja Esma: Könntest du mir mal deine E-Mail geben? Im Profil steht sie net......... sonst gibt's keine Links!

Was den Spoile angeht: Ich kann dir (irgendwann) mal nen Link mit zusammenfassungen des Mangas nis 32 geben.......

14.01.2004, 15:23
man wir sind jetz wieder da vo yugi gegen badit kämpft XD

14.01.2004, 15:40
Jaaa....soooo lange noch....:frown:

14.01.2004, 15:44
kommen da überhaupt noch neue folgen ma ?

14.01.2004, 15:46
Wisst ihr was? Ich hab grad Kaiba in nem 'normalem' Büro/Dokroranzug gesehen!!!!! Zum totlachen!

14.01.2004, 16:12
Original von Lord-Dödel
kommen da überhaupt noch neue folgen ma ?

Ja, bald (am 17.2 :wiry: ) aber so wie RTL2 sie zur Zeit ausstrahlt, bezweifle ich das die es schaffen... :O

@Luna: Ja, sieht zum schießen aus :lol:

14.01.2004, 16:43
Ich finde es eher zum schießen, dass Kaiba am Anfang so hässlisch grüne Haare hat :sure:

14.01.2004, 17:14
Man gewöhnt sich dran ^-^

14.01.2004, 18:57
Mmm..ich kann mich nicht daran gewöhnen. Mit braunen Haaren sieht er viel besser aus. Ein Glück, dass sie das geändert haben.
Serenity hatte ja auch lila Haare und Bakura hatte babyblau :sure:

15.01.2004, 10:05
Die zweite Staffel von Yu-Gi-Oh! war echt heftig genial!! aber am 24. nächsten Monats startet ja dann endlich die 3. Staffel!! >>Auf das Duell freu ich mich jetzt schon!! :D :D
Ich bin scho gespannt wie das nächste Opening so is, Song, Screenshots usw. erwarte ich!! Bakura is der coolste!! er soll Yugi fertig machen!! :]



15.01.2004, 14:26
Also: Es kommt nicht am 24; Es kommt die 4. Staffel; es gibt kein bneues Intro; es gibt auch kein neues Song. So!

Zu denn Pics, 1. Staffel: Ich hab ein paar, aba die Seite von der ich sie hab ist irgenwie grad futsch...............
Hat trotzdem jemand noch interresse? schaut mal:
Das gibt'n krsses Bild von Yami!

15.01.2004, 15:38
Yeeaaahh! Lunaa voorrr!
Ich glaube auch nicht das es am 24. kommt, weil
1. Würde ich mich tierisch aufregen :D
2. für den 17 februar muss ich nicht so lange warten :sure:
3. Ich höre überall immer 17. februar und das denke ich stimmt schon.

Also freut euch :D

15.01.2004, 19:39
Original von Esma
Mmm..ich kann mich nicht daran gewöhnen. Mit braunen Haaren sieht er viel besser aus. Ein Glück, dass sie das geändert haben.
Serenity hatte ja auch lila Haare und Bakura hatte babyblau :sure:

Ja, weis ich, ich hab das OP und ein paar ausschnitte von den Folgen gesehen, ich fand die Haare so dämlich :D

15.01.2004, 19:56
Achmal Themawechsel: Glaubz ihr, das RTL2 das mit den 50 hinkriegt????? ich meine dann hätten se die 4. 5. und anfang 6. Staffel! Wäre zwar toll, aba irgendwie......

15.01.2004, 19:58
Nee, würde mich nicht wundern wenn sie mit Folge 128 aufhören (Joey's Tod) nur um die Fans zu ärgern. Ich habe sooo viel unglück, was solche sachen betrifft :sure:

20.01.2004, 13:59
Ich mein wenn sie 50 sagen... na ja RTL2 sagt viel und hält es nicht.... aber ich glaub schon das sie es noch hinkriegen,... wenn die bei Joey's Tod aufhören würden... das wär echt fies >.< :dead:

20.01.2004, 15:47
Aaaaa! Mein Ava geht nicht! egal....

So! Jetzt zu rtl2!!!! :evil:
Kann es sein, dass sie gestern Eine riiiieeessiiiige Szene geschnitten haben? Oder wo hat Tristan bitteschön Joey gefunden? Wo war er?
Ich habe mal hier so Bilder gefunden, weiss aber nichtm, ob es die sind die Gestern gefehlt haben. Vielleicht kann mir einer helfen!

Also, das sieht doch so aus, als ob Tristan Joey am Strand gefunden hat!




Ich denke, Tristan schreit Joey an, warum er nicht bei seiner Schwester ist!
Ich weiss nicht, ob diese Bilder zu der Folge gehören, aber ich habe alle anderen Folgen gesehen und nicht in der gleichen entdeckt!

[Anmerk.Masterfly: Mann muss auch dir richtigen Bilderlinks benutzen und nicht dir url der Seite ;)]

20.01.2004, 18:08
Ich kann die Bilder net sehen...

20.01.2004, 21:20
Ich auch nicht :sure:

na, dann hier der Link!

Link (http://www.geocities.com/greenwaterpurpledirt/frames/bottom.html)

Ihr geht auf "Yugioh Links Page With Images, Etc"
Dann auf Group-ETC und dann auf die Bilder





Das sind die Bilder die ich meine!

21.01.2004, 12:22
@ Esma: Irgendwie gehts net....
Ach hast die Links gekriegt? Bei mir hieß es, etwas sei schief gelaufen.....

Zu RTL2: wäre eher sinnvoll, das sie beim yugi-Kaiba Duel stoppen
Zu Schnitte: Tristan Joey gefunden?????????????????????????????????
Ich weiß nur, das ne Pistole, und ne Ohrfeige geschnitten wurde (Ok noch etwas mehr...)

21.01.2004, 14:17
Nee, ich hab den Link von dir nicht bekommen (den ersten schon - Danke nochma ;))
Den Link hab ich selbst IRGENTWIE gefunden :sure:
Ich habe null Ahnung wie!


*ein licht geht auf*
HALT!!!! Kann es sein, dass sie auch eine Stelle geschnitten haben, wo Mai Joey eine Ohrfeige verpasst? Es gibt nur diese eine Stelle, aber ich habe diese Szene noch nieeee gesehen!

Oooorrrggggggggggrrrrrrr!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

rtlzweiiii*beisst zähne zusammen* :dark:

21.01.2004, 15:53
Aha, Joey scheint irgendetwas angestellt zu haben...

Eine OHRFEIGE???? :bigeek: OMG, die haben Probleme, und wenn sich einer in den Finger schneidet ist das 18 aufwärts oder wie?

21.01.2004, 20:09
Was sagst du denn da?
das ist doch gefährlich, wenn sie so etwas zeigen! Überleg doch mal!
Dann machen es doch die kleinen nach! Die gehen dann zu einem noch kleineren und klauen ihm die Karte!
Immerhin sind die kinder von Heute ja so doof, dass sie sich von jedem Scheiss beeinflussen lassen und das als Beispiel nehmen!

Ich rede jetzt aus der Sicht von rtl2!
--> Dumm lehrt den kleineren dummen was dummheit ist!

Rtl2 bekommt noch den Friedensnobelperis und von den Eltern eine Packung Pralinen! :tock:

22.01.2004, 12:18
@ Esma: Ich habs dir als Anhang geschickt (in der 2. Mail) aba das kam irgendwie zurück....
Zur Ohrfeige: Habe Screenshots (ziemlich genau) davon! (von der Pistolen Scene auch)

Zu RTL2: ICH glaube, das RTL2 eher unter Druck steht und es nicht zeigen darf Naja, man betrachte denn 11. 9. 2001 und das was bei uns in der Schule abging...................

22.01.2004, 16:00
Genau! das hast du vollkommen recht! und deshalb müssen sie es wegglassen! Sonst schnappt sich noch ein dummes Kind ein Flugzeug und steuert es in Richtung Schule! :tock:

Also, Nein wirklich! ich vertreter den Standpunkt nicht mit den gewalttätigen Jugendlcihen! Zumindest nicht, dass sie das alles vom vielein Fernsehgucken haben! Ich hasse es, wenn ALLE Jugendliche behandelt werden, als ob sie eine entzündbare Bombe ist, die jeden moment in die Luft gehen kann!

22.01.2004, 16:36
Original von *Luna*
@ Esma: Ich habs dir als Anhang geschickt (in der 2. Mail) aba das kam irgendwie zurück....
Zur Ohrfeige: Habe Screenshots (ziemlich genau) davon! (von der Pistolen Scene auch)

Zu RTL2: ICH glaube, das RTL2 eher unter Druck steht und es nicht zeigen darf Naja, man betrachte denn 11. 9. 2001 und das was bei uns in der Schule abging...................

Kannst du mri die Screenshots mal zeigen?

Kann auch sein, bei DBZ wollten sie auch alle Folgen zeigen, mussten aber zwei auslassen...

22.01.2004, 19:25
Ich würde sie auch gerne sehen (obwohl ich genau weiss, dass ich mich wie immer tierisch aufregen werde!)

Ps: Schuligung, wenn ich die Wörter falsch eintippe :sure:
Ich schreibe viiieeeell zu schnell :sure:

25.01.2004, 12:23
Mi tdem Tippen istr bei mir auch so ich schreib schnell, achte aber nie auf Rechtschreibfehler :D . Aber das hat jetzt nichts mit dem Thema zu tun :swg:

25.01.2004, 15:23
Bei mir ist das aber extrem... :rolleyes2:

Na ja! Bald kommt ja die Folgen mit Joey und Yugi (kämpfen ja dann gegeneinander).
Was mich wundert: ich sehe Bilder, die zeigen, was nach dem geschehen passiert, also nach der Rettung von tea und Joey und ich kann mich nicht erinnern diese Szenen jeee gesehen zu haben! Woran liegt das?

25.01.2004, 16:30
Vielleicht haben sie es geschnitten?

25.01.2004, 20:57
Würde mich überhaupt nicht wundern! :evil:
Ooorrggggg *beisst Zähne zusammen* nnggggrtlzweiiiiiiiigrrrrrrr...

26.01.2004, 14:14
Sie schneiden immer gute Szenen, ich meine die Kinder werden wohl nicht sterben wenn sie eine Ohrfeige sehen!

28.01.2004, 10:25
Nun, nach den Ansichten der "Erwachsenen" sind wir und die kleinen dumm, d.h. also leicht beeinflussbar und gefährlich! :sure:
Also im ernst jetzt! Ich hab mit sieben oder so Horrorfilme gesehen. Und? Bin ich jetzt gefährlich? :wiry:

28.01.2004, 15:58
Also zur Ohrfeige: Wie sollen in Hp-AG eine Eigene HP basteln, ich versuchs sie mal hochzuladen (nix verspricht)

Zu den Neuen Folgen:
Für alle die nicht warten köönen: Da taucht ein Ty namens Noa auf, der ist Kaibas Stiefbruder und holt sich die in so ne Virtuele Welt, wo z. B. Tea gegen eine Pinguin kämpfen muss *zu Totlachen*

28.01.2004, 16:07
Ich warte...

Soll ich noch mehr spoilern???
Soll ich das ganze ende verraten??? :mua: :mua: :mua: :mua: :mua:

29.01.2004, 11:59
Jaaaa...... Das Ende ist ja total einfach: Kaiba macht Noa platt, Noa ist dann nicht mehr und so..........

Ähm geht deine Mailbox eigentlich wieder? Dann schick ich dir am Fr nochmal die Links...

30.01.2004, 18:17
Tea gegen einen Pinguin? :noway:

30.01.2004, 19:35
EWigentlich ist das ja einer der Manger... aber eben als Pinguin......... Jedenfalls find ich des zum totlachen....

01.02.2004, 10:37
:lol: Ich muss das auch mal sehen

01.02.2004, 15:11
Ich habe mir Bilder dazu angesehen. Ich wette ich bin einer von denen, die da sitzen und denken: Oh mein Gott! Gegen ein Pinguin...:tock: